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U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product
#1 ... health&spon=&pagewanted=1

80 talet var inte länge sen. Dom är nog en stor förebid till dom som pushar fluoride och giftiga vaccine idag.

Bayer tillhör I. G Farben (som var partners med rockafellers US Standard Oil) företaget som tillvärka gasen som döda judarna i koncentrationslägerna.

Bayer predecessor financed torture in concentration camps

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Re: U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product

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Ursäkta men... finns det verkligen ett "AIDS-virus"??

Jag trodde att den officiella myten var att "HIV är viruset som orsakar AIDS".

Posted on: 2008/11/1 15:12
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Re: U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product

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hehe, ja, grabbarna i klippet är inte lite förvirrade.
Det finns inget AIDS-virus... det finns ett HIV-virus och sedan finns ett antagande att HIV leder till AIDS.

Skillnaden mellan HIV och AIDS är att medans HIV består av atomer och existerar i den fysiska världen, så är AIDS ett begrepp i vår intellektuella värld, som ges till de med dåligt imunförsvar.

Och som miksjo skriver så är antagandet inte mer än ett antagande, icke bevisat, tvärtom, det finns en (ej uthämtad) belöning till den som kan påvisa sambandet.

Därför finns föga framsteg i kampen mot aids, trots att det har lagts mer pengar på AIDS-forskning är det gick åt att "ta oss till månen".
Men så jobbar de oxå på antagandet att HIV är orsaken till AIDS. Så om de kan stoppa HIV så skall det lösa sig.
Efter alla dessa år av forskning så kan de det mesta om virus, hur de funkar och inte funkar. Men eftersom det inte är HIV-viruset som är orsaken till det dåliga imunförsvaret, så kommer heller inget resultat att visa sig.

90 % av dem som dör i AIDS i amerika är män.
50 % av dem som dör i AIDS i afrika är män.

är det verkligen samma AIDS?

(källa, dokumentären "10 reasons aids is a hoax")
kolla även

Posted on: 2008/11/1 21:26
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Re: U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product

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Posted on: 2008/11/1 21:52
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Re: U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product

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coolt,.. Alex är helt ute och cyklar.. (iaf från mitt perspektiv)

Han klarar inte det minsta att hålla isär HIV och AIDS, har kollat 5 min och har svårt att titta vidare. Han vet uppenbarligen inte alls vad han pratar om.
Det roliga är att han har mage att kalla det "The TRUTH about..".

Posted on: 2008/11/1 23:48
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Re: U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product
Vad det än var i deras "medicin" så tog det livet av folk och barn.

har kollat 5 min och har svårt att titta vidare

Synd, man lär sig alltid något av att lyssna på någon som kan mycket mer än en själv. Han har med en gäst som vet hur mycket som helst om HIV?.

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Re: U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product

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Kolla den här istället:

HIV = AIDS, Fact or Fraud?

Posted on: 2008/11/2 21:27
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Re: U.S. Government FDA Guilty, Aids In Bayer Product
Trilaterals have a fondness for declaring "war" on world problems.
We have a "war on cancer," a "war on crime," a "war on
drugs," a "war on AIDS" and so on.
What we find within these "wars" are policies designed to
advance Trilateral world objectives. Peace and individual
freedom are certainly not the objectives, nor in many cases do
we identify any contribution to human welfare.
In this chapter we consider (a) the "war on AIDS" and
(b) the "war on drugs." In each case we unearth a story very
different from the establishment media official line intended
for public consumption.

According to Dr. Robert Gallo and other establishment AIDS
researchers, this deadly disease with the capability to wipe
out the world originated with a little green monkey in Africa
who bit a native with disastrous results. Believe it or not,
establishment scientists either push this absurd, unproven
argument or dismiss origins as irrelevant.
There is another argument, backed by hard evidence and
reflected in five books by respected medical doctors. Briefly,
this argument is that AIDS is a man-made disease developed
by the U.S. Army as part of a biological warfare program,

funded by Congress and released by elitist fanatics to eliminate
specific segments of the world's population.
Horrific as genocide by global fanatics may appear, there is
more evidence for this interpretation than for the little green
monkey theory.
Even more horrendous, this argument takes us right to Trilateralist
Robert S. McNamara, former Secretary of State and
Chairman of the World Bank. It was McNamara who approved
funding for development of an artificial AIDS virus
later funded by Congress.
Here's the story based on the research of these five doctors
which we supplemented with our own research for documentary
We previously published our assessment in THE PHOENIX
LETTER edited by this author in November 1992 and December
1993.1 We reprint the following from the December 1993
issue. Further documentation may be found in the November
1992 issue.
Fort Detrich Biological Programs In The '60s
Fort Detrich in Maryland is the U.S. biological warfare
base. Originally called U.S. Army Biological Laboratories
it is now labeled U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
The Army maintains a Special Operations Division
(SOD) on the Fort Detrich base with a formal operating
agreement with CIA (memorandum signed in May 1952).
Both CIA and Army have covered their tracks well but
some original documents survive to outline a horrific
In the early '60s U.S. Army SOD personnel used specially
designed suitcases to spray unsuspecting American
civilians with bacillus subtilis at the Greyhound Bus
Terminals in Washington, Chicago and San Francisco.

Similar operations were conducted at airports in Washington
D.C., New York, Boston and Los Angeles. The
number of one way tickets sold at time of release was
used to estimate distribution of the bacterial agents.
(Bacillus subtilis can be bought at biological supply
houses. It is not listed as a pathogen, but can cause respiratory
infections, blood poisoning and food poisoning.)
According to declassified Army documents the Greyhound
terminals in San Francisco and Chicago were the
location for "six operatives to launch covert attacks"
spread over 7 days. Specially designed suitcases sprayed
bacteria into crowded terminals for maximum exposure.
Photographs were taken and other Army personnel
"covertly collected air samples in close proximity to the
passengers" to determine if the civilians had been
infected (See photographs.)
Later tests were repeated with smallpox agents, grown
in large quantities and converted to a lethal powder for
spraying. Senate investigation in 1975 revealed close
cooperation between SOD and CIA:
"CIA associaiton with Fort Detrich involved the Special
Operations Division (SOD) of that facility. This
division was responsible for developing special applications
for biological warfare agents and toxins. Its principal
customer was the U.S. Army. Its concern was with
the development of both suitable agents and delivery
mechanisms for use in paramilitary situations. Both
standard biological warfare agents and biologically
derived toxins were investigated by the division."
The Senate Committee found the CIA had covered its
tracks to conceal this unconstitutional activity from the
American public. The Senate Committee stated, "Although
some CIA originated documents have been
found in the project files it is clear that only a very
limited documentation of activities took place."
An extract from a U.S. Army report details why smallpox
was selected as the "agent of choice." Its
"attractive" features are listed as:

1. Smallpox is highly infectious with close contact It
spreads readily from an infected person to susceptible
2. A long incubation period of relatively constant duration
permits the operatives responsible to leave the
country before the first case is diagnosed
3. The duration of illness for those who recover is
relatively long.
Although the Federal Government claims that the
1972 treaty banning biological weapons stopped further
use of Fort Detrich we know that the U.S. Army applied
for $1.4 million appropriation to EXPAND germ warfare
testing ability in the early 1980s. Senator James Sasser
objected and it is unlikely that the appropriation went
through. It could have been handled on the "black
The Originator of AIDS
In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Director of the U.S. Army
Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appeared
before Congress (the Appropriations Committee of the
House) and stated: "within a period of 5-10 years it would
be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an
agent that does not naturally exist and for which no
natural immunity could have been acquired.
This synthetic agent is AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency syndrome virus or HIV-1). ARPA requested
$10 million to develop AIDS, 10 years before the virus
was identified in the field
Dr. MacArthur added, "It is a highly controversial
issue and there are many who believe such research
should not be undertaken lest it lead to another method
of massive killing of large populations."
From 1961 to 1968 while this artificial biological agent
was under discussion in the Pentagon, Trilateral Robert
McNamara was Secretary of Defense. Clark Clifford (of
BCCI notoriety) took over as Secretary in 1969.

On October 2, 1970, just 15 months after Dr.
MacArthur requested an appropriation for AIDS development,
Robert McNamara, now World Bank President,
made a speech to international bankers in which he
identified population growth as "the gravest issue that
the world faces over the years ahead."
In his speech to the bankers, McNamara argued that
population growth was leading to instability, that a 10
billion world population would not be "controllable."
Said McNamara, "It is not a world that any of us
would want to live in. Is such a world inevitable? It is not
sure but there are two possible ways by which a world of
10 billion people can be averted Either the current birth
rates must come down more quickly or the current death
rates must go up. There is no other way."
In brief, Robert McNamara was in the final decisionmaking
role for development of AIDS at the very time he
was contemplating the idea that "world death rates must
go up." This is more than coincidence.
Our conclusion is that Trilateralist Robert McNamara
knowingly encouraged development of AIDS as a means
to reduce the world's population. It is difficult to arrive
at any other conclusion,
Soviet Union Charges Pentagon
With AIDS Development
This information became known to the Soviets and in
October 1985 the Soviet Union mounted a worldwide
propaganda campaign, AIDS had been manufactured at
Fort Detrich, Maryland by the Pentagon, The initial
information was planted in a Soviet-backed newspaper in
India and then surfaced in more than 30 media sources
worldwide. The report was backed by an East German
report by Professor Jacob Segal of Humbolt University,
East Berlin. Segal argued that the AIDS virus is "the
product of an abortive experiment carried out at a
laboratory to develop biological warfare means."
This Soviet propaganda campaign was discounted in
the West (this editor included). It was beyond the realm
of rationality that the U.S. would develop a killer agent
such as AIDS. Professor Segal appears to hold the view
that it was "accidental," i.e. an "abortive experiment."
This position we also held for a while, until the
McNamara speech of October 1970 surfaced.
In any event, in the late 80's the U.S. State Department
ran a rebuttal campaign to the Soviet charges.
However, State was unaware that the Congress had
published Dr. MacArthur's requests and statements so
the rebuttal fell flat on its face. The State Department, for
example, claims the U.S. Army had never used Fort
Detrich as a biological warfare base. This is just not true.
Further, State apparently had no knowledge of the
McNamara contemplation of raising death rates by
1. CIA-U.S. Army undertook field tests with bacillus
subtilis and smallpox against American civilians.
2. There is no question that the Army received funds
from Congress for AIDS development and this was probably
undertaken at Fort Detrich.
The AIDS release could have been accidental but we
discount this for several reasons. Initial cases came from
Africa and Haiti, not the United States. Second, Robert
McNamara had simultaneously called for increase in
world death rates. This suggests a deliberate policy of
controlled release of the AIDS virus.
3. The Soviets obtained the information and used it for
a propaganda campaign. The State Department rebuttal
was ineffective because State had no idea how much
information had already been made public.

Extract from House of Representatives Department of
Defense Appropriations for 1970 Hearings Part 5, 1969
129 - Tuesday, July 1,1969
There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention.
One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a
field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that
within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic
biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no
natural immunity could have been acquired.
MR. SIKES. Are we doing any work in that field?
DR. MACARTHUR. We are not.
MR. SIKES. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?
DR. MACARTHUR. Certainly not lack of interest.
MR. SIKES. Would you provide for our records information on what
would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the
time and the cost involved?
DR. MACARTHUR. We will be very happy to.
(The information follows:)
The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to
investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group
of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations:
1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives of naturally
occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are
easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive
2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new
infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any
known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be
refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend
to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.
3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately
6 years at a total cost of $10 million.
4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a
relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientists in the field.
Almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported
from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate
an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences - National
Research Council (NAS-NRC).
The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made to
initiate the program. However, decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB
program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial
endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years.
It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research
should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of
large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that
such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done, there
is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it
there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological
inferiority in which there is no adequate research program.
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