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Ok, hur går detta ihop? Ta t.ex. USA med en massiv illegal invandringen av mexikaner som har sänkt lägsta lönerna i USA, numera måste amerikanarna ha flera jobb för att upprätthålla sin levnadsstandard samt kunna betala villa/bilar/lån osv..
Och arbetslösheten i USA bara stiger..

Borde inte alla vilja sträva efter att få mer i plånboken?

Timbro: Sänkta lägstalöner ger jobb ... oner-ger-jobb_6206463.svd

"Regeringen borde verka för att sänka lägstalönerna för att fler svenskar födda utomlands ska få jobb, anser Timbro."

Erik Ullenhag tycker att regeringen ”borde fundera en vända om man kan ställa tydligare krav” på den som får socialbidrag.

- I dag finns det ingen morot för att jobba för den som har försörjningsstöd. Det är ju kommunernas ansvar och många kommuner jobbar med att ställa vissa krav på motprestationer. Jag tror att vi måste öppna den diskussionen, säger han."

Vad syftar han på? Vad vill han ha sagt med detta? Sänka försörjningsstödet oxo? Fas4 på gång?

Posted on: 2011/5/30 23:48
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

/Benjamin Franklin
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Re: : Timbro: Sänkta lägstalöner ger jobb

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Varför inte ta inspiration från naxitysklands utbyggnad av infrastrukturen istället? Det gav jobb och välfärd.

Posted on: 2011/5/31 1:49
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Re: : Timbro: Sänkta lägstalöner ger jobb

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Till vem ger det välfärd? Till slavarna?

Posted on: 2011/5/31 2:04
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Re: : Timbro: Sänkta lägstalöner ger jobb

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"We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced ... we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank."

- Adolf Hitler, quoted in "Hitler's Monetary System",, citing C. C. Veith, Citadels of Chaos (Meador, 1949)

Guernsey wasn't the only government to solve its infrastructure problems by issuing its own money. (See E. Brown, "Waking Up on a Minnesota Bridge,", August 4, 2007.) A more notorious model is found in post-World War I Germany.

When Hitler came to power, the country was completely, hopelessly broke. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed crushing reparations payments on the German people, who were expected to reimburse the costs of the war for all participants - costs totaling three times the value of all the property in the country. Speculation in the German mark had caused it to plummet, precipitating one of the worst runaway inflations in modern times. At its peak, a wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national treasury was empty, and huge numbers of homes and farms had been lost to the banks and speculators. People were living in hovels and starving. Nothing quite like it had ever happened before - the total destruction of the national currency, wiping out people's savings, their businesses, and the economy generally. Making matters worse, at the end of the decade global depression hit. Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery to international lenders.

Or so it seemed. Hitler and the National Socialists, who came to power in 1933, thwarted the international banking cartel by issuing their own money. In this they took their cue from Abraham Lincoln, who funded the American Civil War with government-issued paper money called "Greenbacks." Hitler began his national credit program by devising a plan of public works. Projects earmarked for funding included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new buildings, roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. The projected cost of the various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. One billion non-inflationary bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates, were then issued against this cost. Millions of people were put to work on these projects, and the workers were paid with the Treasury Certificates. This government-issued money wasn't backed by gold, but it was backed by something of real value. It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, "for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced." The workers then spent the Certificates on other goods and services, creating more jobs for more people.

Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved and the country was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries were still out of work and living on welfare. Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, although it was denied foreign credit and was faced with an economic boycott abroad. It did this by using a barter system: equipment and commodities were exchanged directly with other countries, circumventing the international banks. This system of direct exchange occurred without debt and without trade deficits. Germany's economic experiment, like Lincoln's, was short-lived; but it left some lasting monuments to its success, including the famous Autobahn, the world's first extensive superhighway. (1)

Hjalmar Schacht, who was then head of the German central bank, is quoted in a bit of wit that sums up the German version of the "Greenback" miracle. An American banker had commented, "Dr. Schacht, you should come to America. We've lots of money and that's real banking." Schacht replied, "You should come to Berlin. We don't have money. That's real banking." (2)

Although Hitler has rightfully gone down in infamy in the history books, he was quite popular with the German people, at least for a time. Stephen Zarlenga suggests in The Lost Science of Money that this was because he temporarily rescued Germany from English economic theory - the theory that money must be borrowed against the gold reserves of a private banking cartel rather than issued outright by the government. (3)

According to Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow, this may have been a chief reason Hitler had to be stopped: he had sidestepped the international bankers and created his own money. Makow quotes from the 1938 interrogation of C. G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolsevism and a Trotsky intimate, who was tried in show trials in the USSR under Stalin. According to Rakovsky, Hitler had actually been funded by the international bankers, through their agent Hjalmar Schacht, in order to control Stalin, who had usurped power from their agent Trotsky. But Hitler had become an even bigger threat than Stalin when he had taken the bold step of printing his own money.

Rakovsky said: [Hitler] took over for himself the privilege of manufacturing money and not only physical moneys, but also financial ones; he took over the untouched machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the state .... Are you capable of imagining what would have come ... if it had infected a number of other states .... If you can, then imagine its counterrevolutionary functions. (4)

Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany's remarkable transformation:

The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, at a time when its economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Yet through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began. (5)

In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:

Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today. ... 1011_bankrupt_Germany.php

Posted on: 2011/5/31 2:15
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Re: : Timbro: Sänkta lägstalöner ger jobb

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Hitler kom till makten 33, 37 var tyskland ett av världens mäktigaste länder tack vare inspiration från Abraham lincons räntefria Greenback. Det var 38 som judarna på allvar började sättas i koncentrationsläger och bli slavar.

Första lägren kom till samma år som hitler kom till makten men fram tills 38 var det politiska motståndare som sattes där.

Posted on: 2011/5/31 2:27
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