Avsättningen av den tyske presidenten Christian Wulff måste ses i ljuset av den desperata striden om bankstödspolitiken. Bankerna kräver nu tusentals miljarder euro från EU-länderna för att hålla sig flytande. 130-miljarders stödet till Grekland ingår i detta, eftersom det bara skall vända och gå till skuldbetalningar till banker. Rader av politiker har avsatts i Europa för de inte velat eller kunnat genomdriva bankstödspolitiken, inklusive Håkan Juholt för sitt motstånd till Europakten.
Den tyske presidenten har en oerhört viktig maktposition genom att han kan vägra skriva på lagar som krävs för EU:s illegala bankstöd. Han kan utöva denna makt med stöd av den tyska författningsdomstolens båda domslut mot bankstödspolitiken. Tillsammans med författningsdomstolen ingår presidentämbetet i den tyska konstitutionens bålverk, som efter Hitlertyskland gjorts starkt för att försvara den tyska demokratin mot nya angrepp.
Sedan Christian Wulff avslöjade sin tydligt kritiska hållning mot bankstödspolitiken på ett seminarium arrangerat på Lindau i höstas för en samling Nobelpristagare, har den internationella finanspressen haft ögonen på honom. Både tyska finanscentret Frankfurts ledande tidning FAZ och Financial Times Deutschland var mycket upprörda efteråt. Sedan följde mediakampanjen, som nu tvingat fram Wulffs beslut idag att avgå.
För den som vill förstå orsaken till president Chrisian Wulffs avgång, följer här utdrag ur det tal han upprörde bankirerna med vid ”4th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Economic Sciences” den 24 augusti 2011:
”When the crisis broke out, consensus was quickly reached at global level. Stimulus packages on an unprecedented scale were adopted. There was a rush to aid the financial sector and banks — with taxpayers’ money, state guarantees and massive monetary transfusions by the central banks. In 2008 the aim was to do everything possible to prevent a collapse and to stabilize the global economy. I would like to point out that all of this was done with the aim of treating the patient, the world economy, as quickly as possible. Today, however, the banking sector is still fragile, public debts in the major economies are at record levels, and in many cases the fundamental problems hindering growth and competitiveness are as present as ever. More time was gained than was actually used to treat the patient.”
”At the German Banking Congress I warned the financial sector that we’ve neither dealt with the causes of the crisis nor can we say today that we’ve recognized the risks and done everything to eliminate them. In fact, we’re faced with a development which resembles a game of dominoes. First individual banks rescued other banks and then states rescued their banks, and now the international community is rescuing individual states. But the question that should be asked is: Who will ultimately rescue the rescuers? When will the accumulated deficits be distributed among them, and who will shoulder them?”
Wulff then criticized the fact that ”countries were consuming and speculating on a grand scale instead of investing in good education and vocational training, in future-oriented research and innovations, that is to say, in the very things which make an economy productive and competitive. Now there are gaping holes in public finances, and valuable seed has been consumed rather than used to plant fertile soil. And here in Lindau, I’d like to say this: The politics of brinksmanship has reached its limits. What seemed to always go well — running up new debts — will not go well forever. This injustice towards young people must end. Instead we need an alliance with the young generation.”
”I can understand why many don’t want to accept that some bank managers earn exorbitant sums, while billions are being spent on propping up banks. And freeloaders in the financial world continue to believe that politicians, and thus ultimately taxpayers, will continue to provide a safety net because they are, for instance, too big and too important for the overall economy.”
And Wulff had a straight message to the ECB, too: ”The guardians of the currency, too, must quickly find their way back to the agreed principles. I say this circumspectly: I regard the huge buy-up of government bonds of individual states by the European Central Bank as politically and legally questionable.”
Källa: larouche.se