A report by David Sorenson summarizes how the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) are advocating for a common 2030 sexual agenda that aims to sexualize children as early as preschool. The purpose is to normalize politically correct gender identity philosophy, early sexual debut, and ”soft” pornography for a ”healthy” sexual development. The report refers to official documents, educational videos, popular trends, school brochures, and literature.

David Sorenson produced the report, and he founded the site Stoworldcontrol.com.

”Young children are sexual beings who must have sexual partners and start having sex as soon as possible. Therefore, preschools and primary schools must teach children to develop desire and sexual lust, build same-sex relationships, use online pornography, and learn various sexual techniques such as masturbation and oral sex.”

The above is David Sorenson’s summary based on official guidelines issued by WHO and the UN to education authorities worldwide in their joint 2030 sexual agenda. He points out that various other organizations are simultaneously advocating for statements that sexual relations between young children and adults should be legalized, while media and political parties demand that pedophilia be accepted as a ”normal sexual orientation.”

An example in Sweden of a political organization with these types of ideas was when the Liberal Youth of Sweden in 2016 advocated for legalizing incest and necrophilia:

”The Liberal Youth of Sweden in Stockholm wants to make incest legal. The proposal, which was presented at the youth organization’s annual meeting today, says that siblings over 15 years of age should be allowed to have sex with each other” – Aftonbladet

”You should be allowed to decide what happens to your body after you’ve died, and if it happens that you want to donate your body to a museum or research, or if you want to donate it for someone to have sex with, then it should be okay,” said Cecilia Johnsson, LUF’s chairwoman in Stockholm, to Aftonbladet.

WHO 2030-Sex Agenda: Children Should Be Prepared for Early Sexual Partnerships

Sorenson continues in his report by stating that the UN has issued the document ”International Technical Guidance on Sexual Education” [1]. It is the official guideline for primary schools worldwide. The goal of this document is described below on page 16. It shows that children should be prepared to develop sexual relationships at an early age.

On page 17 below, the UN explains that the guide is intended to help children build ”healthy relationships”:

”These skills can help children and young people to create respectful and healthy relationships with family members, peers, friends, and romantic or sexual partners.”

Even young children should have sex early

On page 71, educators are encouraged to teach young children from the age of five about kisses, hugs, touching, and sexual behaviors. For example, nine-year-old children should at least acquire knowledge about masturbation, sexual attraction, and other sexual stimulation.

Sorenson writes:

”The UN has determined that primary schools must teach even young children about masturbation, sexual behaviors, sexual attraction, and sexual stimulation.”

The World Health Organization is developing its 2030 sex agenda to ensure that young children have sexual contacts. Their document ”Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” [2] contains the following instructions for preschools and primary schools:

  • Children between 0 and 4 years old should learn about masturbation and develop an interest in their own and others’ bodies.
  • Children between 4 and 6 years old should learn about masturbation and be encouraged to express their sexual needs and desires.
  • Children between 6 and 9 years old should learn about sexual intercourse, online pornography, secret love, and self-stimulation.
  • Children between 9 and 12 years old should have their first sexual experience and learn to use online pornography.

A school video instructs children to begin masturbating – The sexualization of children is part of the UN’s Agenda 2030

WHO encourages teachers worldwide to educate 9-year-old children about having their first sexual experience, how they can experience sex using the internet and mobile phones, and how children can learn various sexual techniques.

The video below is part of a European school program that collaborates with WHO and the UN to implement their agenda in schools across the country. It is an example of how these guidelines are implemented in reality, in this case in the Netherlands, as explained by David Sorenson.

The video shows how children are encouraged by teachers to start masturbating. It was distributed to several thousand schools as part of WHO’s program for ”comprehensive sexuality education,” with the goal of getting children to start having sex as early as possible, as Sorenson explains.

The publisher of the video, the Rutgers Foundation, which operates in 27 countries, is a close partner of WHO and the UN. Rutgers is funded by Bill Gates and Planned Parenthood [6].

The language spoken in the video is Dutch, and it is an example of the implementation of the joint international agenda of WHO and the UN.


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