USA varnar för Syrisk massaker
”Våldet i Syrien blir bara värre och nu kommer nya oroande rapporter om läget för civilbefolkningen. USA varnar för att den syriska regimen kan vara på väg att utföra ytterligare en massaker.”
Men för några dagar sedan kom det ut en rapport om att den Syriska oppositionen/rebellerna hade kommit över kemiska vapen som är tänkta att användas mot Syriska medborgare och att attacken sedan skall skyllas på Assad-regeringen eller regeringstrogna grupperingar.
USA varnar för ny massaker av regimen i Syrien
”Våldet i Syrien blir bara värre och nu kommer nya oroande rapporter om läget för civilbefolkningen. USA varnar för att den syriska regimen kan vara på väg att utföra ytterligare en massaker.”
Men för några dagar sedan kom det ut en rapport om att den Syriska oppositionen/rebellerna hade kommit över kemiska vapen som är tänkta att användas mot Syriska medborgare och att attacken sedan kommer beskyllas på Assad-regeringen.
Report: Terrorist Groups in Syria Armed with Chemical Weapons
”TEHRAN (FNA)- Terrorist groups in Syria are now armed with chemical weapons, media reports disclosed on Saturday, adding that these groups receive the needed trainings on how to use such lethal weapons in Turkey.”
Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report
”The armed Syrian opposition has got their hands on chemical weapons, which they acquired from Libya, a media report claims. They allegedly plan to use it against civilians and pin the atrocity on the Bashar al-Assad regime.”
”The report by DamPress claims the opposition group in possession of the weapons is being trained in its use inside Turkey. No further detail on the alleged conspiracy is given.”
Om man tittar tillbaka några år på liknande händelser så verkar upplägget snarlika, anklaga sittande regering för horribla saker som sedan rättfärdigar en invadering/attack på landet. Ett exempel på detta är Irak/Saddam Hussein:
Saddam ordered chemical attack, inspector to claim
”The former UN inspector hired by the Bush administration to find evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction will claim in a report next month that Iraqi forces were ordered to fire chemical shells at invading coalition troops, according to US reports.”
”According to US officials, all the Iraqi scientists now in custody have insisted that Saddam’s arsenal of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons was destroyed years before the Iraqi invasion.”
”Prewar claims by the Blair government that Iraqi forces were ready to fire chemical weapons at 45 minutes’ notice, and US reports in March that chemical artillery shells had been sent to Republican Guard units ringing Baghdad, were ridiculed when no such ordnance was fired or found.”
”At the time he was hired by the CIA to direct the hunt for weapons, Mr Kay was working for a hi-tech engineering firm and appearing regularly on television to argue that the Iraqi dictator had a significant arsenal.”
”After the war he suggested that the weapons had been dumped in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers but no evidence of this was found to back up the allegation.”
”But the Washington Post on Sunday published a three-page investigation on how the administration exaggerated available intelligence on the Iraqi nuclear programme.
”On occasion, administration advocates withheld evidence that did not conform to their views,” the investigation found.
”The White House seldom corrected misstatements or acknowledged loss of confidence in information upon which it had previously relied.”
USA varnar för Syrisk massaker