Ett nytt polioutbrott har inträffat i den syriska staden Raqqa, som är terrorgruppen Islamiska statens de facto huvudstad. Nu ska Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) vaccinera fler barn i staden, trots att det var WHO:s egna vaccinationer som orsakade utbrottet.
Världshälsoorganisationens poliovaccinationer med det billiga drickbara poliovaccinet har varit kontroversiella. Det drickbara poliovaccinet har vid flera tillfällen spridit vidare polioviruset från barn till barn.
Läs mer på
Stämmer inte. WHO ska inte vacciner några i Raqqa p.g.a. striderna i staden.
Utbrottet i Syrien skriver dom att det är från ett typ2-vaccinvirus. Det är levande virus, försvagade som det handlar om. Den kan förändra sig när den smittar andra och bli mer potent.
Hur vet du detta . Har du eller den som kommer med dessa uppgifter varit och undersökt folket i Raqqa Ta och visa det med obestridliga uppgifter.
Vem snackar om att de har vaccinerat i Raqqa? Det handlar om att WHOs vaccineringar har orsakat en spridning av polio i Syrien. Även Raqqa har blivit drabbad. Det handlar ju om att de använder levande virus som kan sprida sig vidare.
Vaccineringar kan inte sprida polio så vad är de för ovetenskapliga påståenden du kommer med. Jag är vaccinerad mot polio och inte har jag det så jag är ett levade bevis på hur fel du har.
I det här fallet handlar det om ett vaccin med levande poliovirus. Kanske inte den variant du fick. Men om ett vaccin innehåller levande virus finns alltid möjligheten att den förändrar sig, muterar och kan bli mer potent när det gäller att föra smittan vidare. Jag säger ingenting om hur vanligt det är och hur stora risker det är. I ett land i krig med dåliga sanitära förhållanden kan risken kanske vara större att sånt händer.
Är inte läkemedelsverket ett propagandaställe enligt alla kriterier? Deras enda uppgift är att promota vacciner, inget annat.
Jämnt när det gäller ovanliga påståenden gäller att man måste ha ordentligt underlag och i detta fall innebär det dels att man INTE ska komma med en Youtube film utan dokument och dels att även några andras forskare skulle ha kunnat bekräfta resultaten.
Jag skulle bli väldig betänksam om de forskare jag litar på skulle primärt använda Youtube för att övertyga mig.
Läkaren i fråga har ju ett ganska gediget underlag för det han undersöker. Han har erfarenhet av mer än 100 ovaccinerade personer och det kan ju ge en viss erfarenhet om hur det påverkar hälsan. När det gäller personliga val i livet angående vaccinering kan nog erfarenheten att hälsan hos de flesta ovaccinerade är bättre än de som är fullt vaccinerade spela en viss roll. Jag tog inte vaccin mot svininfluensa eftersom jag läste vad de skrev i tidningarna och ansåg att det var onödigt att utsätta sig för ett vaccin med okända risker gentemot risken att drabbas av en influensa som bevisligen inte var så farligt som propagandan utmålade. Vill inte utsätta min kropp för gifter i onödan som kan försvaga mitt immunförsvar och som kan skada nervsystement och öka risken för alzheimer, immunsjukdomar och kanske cancer.
Nedan hittar du en intressant intervju med Brian Hooker som lyckades gräva fram info som visade på bedrägeri från CDCs sida. Här lägger jag fram från en intervju som är transkriberad på engelska. Håll till godo. 🙂
Interview with
Dr. Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D
The TRUTH About VACCINES — Expert Interviews Chapter 21
What I’m fascinated about, Brian, is your experience initially before all of these CDC whistle
blower stuff.
What did you do before? And then I want to talk about the William Thompson story.
That sounds great. I actually started investigating the CDC in 2001. My own son, Steven,
was injured by the vaccines that he received at 15 months. He received 3 separate vaccinations
all while having an active ear infection and that really sent him over the edge. He
was fully vaccinated right on schedule.
I grew up in a public health family. My mother was a public health nurse for a large county
in Southern, California and she was in charge of their vaccination project the whole
vaccinations that were distributed throughout the entire counties. So I was bred into this,
“Vaccines are safe and effective mantra,” and I was excited to get—I remember going to
my son’s well-baby appointments thinking, “Oh, this is really cool. He’s not going to get
these infectious diseases. Everything’s going to be fine.”
But in hindsight, I think that he had some damage prior to his 15-month vaccines because
he was exposed to so much mercury. He was vaccinated in 1998 and 1999 and he got—
whenever the vaccine could contain Thimerosal, it did—so he got really the full wallop by
the time he was 15 months of age and then he really started to regress quite severely. He
received an Autism diagnosis, early for then, at 18 months of age. We had suspected that
there was something going on with the vaccines, especially the 15-month vaccines with
the active ear infection which is contraindicated. That was really the last straw and we
knew that there was an issue with vaccinations with him.
So I was following very closely what the CDC was doing in terms of research. They were in
the midst of publishing what was called the Verstraeten study. I originally though, they’ve
had two years to do the study they really started the preliminary work in 1999, it’ll be published
in 2001 and then we can get some clear answers. But anybody who’s followed the
story knows that the Verstraeten study actually had five different iterations and in each time
they were watering down the associations between vaccines and autism, vaccines and
speech delay, vaccines and language delay. All of these things that originally they found
statistically significant associations then they started limiting the number of children in the
cohort, limiting the age of the children of the cohort, taking out specific clinics where they
saw specific effects.
When I saw all these dubious practices then I started to contact the CDC as a scientist.
My background is science. I have a PhD in Biochemical Engineering and I’ve done a lot of
statistics in my life and so I knew that the things that were coming out of CDC just did not
make sense. So, from 2001 until about 2004, I was actually in touch with CDC scientists
asking them questions, giving them my opinion on their studies and one of the scientists
that I talked with on a regular basis was William Thompson.
We’d known each other even back then starting in 2001. But over time, my questions
became much more pointed. I knew that the CDC was committing fraud and I was vocal
with CDC scientists that, really, you’re not fooling anybody. It’s very, very clear to see that
the CDC does not want to find an association and they were exclusively looking at Thimerosal
in vaccines and it was really clear that they were going to do whatever they could to
absolve Thimerosal from the autism epidemic.
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
The TRUTH About VACCINES — Expert Interviews Chapter 21
I continued into till 2004 but the CDC worked in the background to try to cut off my contact
with them. They were sick of the phone calls, they were sick of the emails that they were
getting from me. And I was very dogged and persistent but in 2004 I got a cease and desist
email from a CDC attorney who said, “Oh, your son is participating in the National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program or vaccine court and in a sense you’re suing the CDC so
we cannot talk to you any longer. Your only recourse is the Freedom of Information Act.”
Of course, I showed it to my attorney. He laughed. He said, “Look, you have a legal right of
contacting anybody in the federal government you want to contact.” CDC then came back
and said, “Yeah, that’s true but we’re just not answer any of your calls or your emails.” So,
at that point I started submitting FOIA requests and since 2004 I’ve submitted over, now,
probably 120 different separate FOIA requests.
For the CDC to release documents?
For the CDC to release documents. On average, it takes the CDC once you submit a
request like that, on average it takes 3 to 5 years to get information. It used to be a shorter
timeline when I first started but now I think they just intentionally draw things out because
they do not want to release this information. Of course, the information that poured out
showed a commitment to absolve vaccines at all costs, showed clearly that they were in
the process of these analyses and re-analyses in using these methods that were scientific
malfeasance. There’s no way to characterize them except that they were out-and-out fraud
in order to cheat, to err on the side that vaccines were always safe and effective.
Well, you mentioned the Verstraeten Study.
That’s correct.
Now, was that an independent study outside the CDC or was that funded by the CDC?
That was funded by the CDC. It was done within the CDC. Dr. Verstraeten was a CDC
scientist and interestingly, he left the CDC in 2001 before the study was completed and he
spent two years at GlaxoSmithKline, actually, as co-author and collaborator on the study.
GlaxoSmithKline was making Thimerosal-containing vaccines. I believe they still have a
Thimerosal-containing flu shot.
So there was a distinct conflict of interest. He should not have been lead author of that
particular paper because Glaxo had a vested interest in that study being a negative study
and showing that there was no harm from Thimerosal.
Wow. You mentioned statistics. I’m familiar with statistics being a CPA and the term that
we’re all familiar with is “cooking the books.” Sounds like that they were cooking the books
to make the studies show what they wanted them to. The same way that an accountant
can cook the books and make the bottom line what the company wants it to.
Absolutely. They were cooking the books and when they saw a particular effect that they
didn’t want, then they would get a bunch of scientist in the room and they would look at
how they could exclude cases of autism, how they could exclude cases of other disorders
that they were studying until they could actually dilute down that affect to the point where
it was no longer statistically significant.
One of the big cheats that the CDC does and did back then was limit the size of the overall
statistical sampling, what they call the cohort. As the cohort gets smaller, then of course
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
The TRUTH About VACCINES — Expert Interviews Chapter 21
you lose to statistical power so you can’t prove any association. You can’t prove anything.
It always goes back to what we call the “null hypothesis,” meaning no harm done by
Thimerosal-containing vaccines. For me this is very personal. There are documents that
showed that Merck, who has ties into the CDC, knew as early as 1991 that there was a
problem with the expanding vaccination schedule.
Vaccination schedule started to expand in early 1990s and the amount of Thimerosal that
these kids were getting. Merck knew about that. They could have done something about
that and they could have studied it aggressively and truthfully back in 1991 way before my
son was ever exposed to any of those vaccines. So it really does hit home.
Oh, it sounds like it, as a parent.
How does that make you feel about what Merck did in light of the fact that your son suffered
because of their withholding knowledge potentially?
I don’t know why, I look at this movement and I don’t know why we haven’t taken to the
streets with torches. This is this is manslaughter. The carnage that has been laid on our
society as a whole not just because of Thimerosal, not just because of the MMR vaccine but
because we’re all part of this grand medical experiment that’s called the vaccination schedule
that is understudied, that is only studied by the CDC in order to quell the masses. CDC is not
there to tell the truth. They are a risk management organization and they are there to basically
produce studies that will sway the opinion towards what CDC wants the public to do and
that is to uptake all of the vaccines that they were recommending on schedule.
They’re going about this completely backwards. They have a pre-determined conclusion.
They want the result that they want and then they basically fabricate the study. They selected,
they cherry pick to get that answer as opposed to the scientific method would be,
“Let’s test this. Have a proper sample size and it is what it is.” But the CDC seems to be
going backwards with that.
That is correct.
They don’t want the true results, they want their results. So in light of that fact, this is just a
personal opinion, why are they doing this with vaccines? Because they could at least—even
if you’re in favor of vaccines, you could at least produce vaccines that weren’t so toxic.
There is no inertia and there is no impetus for the CDC or the vaccine manufacturers to
make safe vaccines. They know that vaccines are block-buster business. Many employees
at the CDC end up in industry. Case in point Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was the director of
the CDC from 2001 until 2008, took a very lucrative position as the head of the vaccine
division in Merck in 2009. She was given stock options in the millions for that particular
position so she overnight became a millionaire. There have been other employees that
have gone on to lucrative positions. There’s actually a revolving door between the CDC
and the vaccine industry.
Dr. Thompson himself came from Merck. He worked at Merck before he worked at the
CDC. Dr. Frank DiStefano who is the current head of the immunization safety office at
the CDC actually left the CDC, went into industry and then came back to the CDC. So
you have this incestuous relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC.
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
The TRUTH About VACCINES — Expert Interviews Chapter 21
Really, the driver is money. It’s just like everything else. The driver is the almighty dollar.
When you get a vaccination on the schedule, when an individual which could be a CDC
employee gets a vaccination on the schedule, that opens up a market for that particular
vaccine that’s in the billions of dollars.
So the fox is guarding the henhouse.
The fox is guarding the henhouse. There is no independence. There is no drive for looking
specifically at vaccine safety. Scientists that have come forward like Dr. Thompson and
said, “This is wrong,” then are handled. When Dr. Thompson basically said that the CDC
should not be doing vaccine safety, when he said that to his superiors he was put on administrative
leave of absence and he had a letter of discipline put in his file.
What did he say? Again, what was …?
He basically said that the CDC was a conflicted agency. That the CDC spends $4B worth
of vaccines a year and then distributes those vaccines to the states primarily for children’s
health programs and in order for them to get reimbursed, then vaccine uptake has to get high.
I got you. So Dr. Thompson said that CDC has a conflict of interests. You shouldn’t be
involved with determining whether something is safe and light of fact that you’re making
all the money on it.
That is correct. And the one example that he gave in the government of an independent
board that’s looking at safety was the National Transportation Safety Board. That is wholly
independent from the Federal Aviation Administration. It’s a completely separate entity. They
are two separate arms. They’re not tied within the executive branch of the government.
There is no reason why the CDC couldn’t do the same thing, take vaccine safety completely
out of Centers of Disease Control, take vaccine safety completely out of the Department
of Health and Human Services. Have it be an independent body that was not tied in any
way to increasing vaccine uptake in the United States.
But they can’t do that because it’s too costly, right? Because the vaccine institute would
lose revenues if an independent study were actually conducted.
That is absolutely correct. They will lose money if a study is produced that actually shows
what the true safety and efficacy of vaccines are. Because the truth is that they are not as
safe as CDC purports and they’re not nearly as safe as the CDC purports and they’re not
as efficacious. We’re seeing disease outbreaks in vaccinated communities.
The mumps portion of the MMR vaccine is woefully ineffective so we have the Harvard
mumps outbreak which is exclusively in vaccinated individuals. So if people know this
then they’ll say, “Why do I need to take a vaccine? Why do I need to take the risk with my
wonderful child or with myself or with my aging parents who the nursing home is recommending
a flu shot when they’re not effective? And they put the individual at risk of all these
adverse events.”
Is it safe to say that it’s possible that the vaccine like the MMR is actually creating mumps?
It is safe to say that what it’s doing is it’s creating a scenario where mumps outbreaks
are going to occur in older populations where mumps is going to have more of a negative
effect. These childhood diseases, when you look at chicken pox, when you look at mumps,
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
The TRUTH About VACCINES — Expert Interviews Chapter 21
when you look at rubella, when you look at rubeola, these are diseases that are relatively
benign in childhood. They aren’t associated with all of these adverse effects and now we
treat mumps like it’s the boogeyman.
I had them. I didn’t have rubella but I got chicken pox, mumps, measles.
I had chicken pox and rubella. I had rubella when I was nine months old. These diseases,
unfortunately, when you take a vaccine that has waning effectiveness, then you might have
immunity towards that particular disease for a limited period of time, maybe three or four
years, but then once that vaccine wears off then you have a population that is older, that is
now susceptible to getting that disease. These childhood diseases when you get them as
an adult or when you get them as an adolescent, they’re much rougher. They’re much more
difficult. Mumps can cause sterility in males when it’s contracted in older individuals. So what
we’re doing as a society is we’re not preventing infectious disease. Nature makes a way.
Anybody that takes basic biology courses knows that if you provide some type of natural
selection or some type of selection pressure then the viruses, the bacteria, the other
pathogens that we’re trying to protect against using vaccines, those are all going to mutate.
They’re going to mutate a way to the place where the vaccine is essentially ineffective.
You mentioned Julie Gerberding. She was head of CDC for several years and in 2004. Can
you talk about what happened or what the CDC began to learn at that time under her watch
and it evolved into the story with Dr. Thompson?
In 2001, the CDC embarked upon what’s called the DiStefano study. That was a study
that they were going to use to absolve the MMR vaccine from the autism epidemic. They
basically took a small study sample in metropolitan Atlanta. It had a higher proportion of African-American
individuals because that’s the demographic in metropolitan Atlanta. What
they found when they originally ran the study was that African-Americans that got the MMR
on time were about 2.5 times more likely to get an autism diagnosis versus African-Americans
that receive the MMR after three years of age, so they delayed the MMR. They tried
to bury this effect using statistics. They could not make it go away so the only recourse that
they had was then in 2002 they brought in large trash cans and they just threw out all the
information that showed that there was any type of association between MMR and autism
especially in African-American populations.
They had a very vulnerable population, an underserved minority population and the CDC
basically turn their back. Thompson was one of the co-authors on this study and he secretly
kept all of his documents. When he was ordered to throw them all away by his superiors,
he kept electronic records on his computer and said … Yes?
Sorry to cut you off. With just that statement, they were ordered by their superiors at the
CDC to throw away, to get rid of records that showed a result that they didn’t want. They
had documents that prove that the African-American male babies were at risk and they
got rid of them.
They got rid of that evidence. That’s data fraud.
That’s a crime.
In the first degree. It’s a crime at many levels. Not only looking at the issue of the Federal
Records Act in the federal government, it was enacted in 1950 and it has been amended
but anything that looks, smells, taste like a federal record which undoubtedly these docTy:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
The TRUTH About VACCINES — Expert Interviews Chapter 21
uments were, should have been retained on file and then ultimately should end up in the
National Archives. They weren’t. They were handled completely incorrectly. On top of that,
the results themselves were so alarming and the CDC knew about this effect as early as
2001. November 7th, 2001 was when Thompson originally presented those results to the
rest of the research team.
Wow. I thought it’s 2004. It’s 2001. It’s even worse. Three more years that they knew about it.
They knew about. They massaged the data. They threw everything out but Thompson in
2004 was conscience-stricken. He was also set to do a presentation at The Institute of
Medicine. Institute of Medicine is the “independent body” that periodically reviews vaccine
safety for the CDC. He was set to present these results at The Institute of Medicine and he
was conscience-stricken. He wanted to tell the truth at that Institute of Medicine meeting
that there was a tie, a definite tie between the MMR vaccine and autism specifically in
African-American males.
He tried to warn, he went and stepped over several levels of management and he tried to
warn Julie Gerberding directly. He sent her a long email saying that there were problematic
results that needed to be discussed, that would not bear favorably on the CDC and on the
current vaccination schedule.
What was her response?
Her response, she never reached out to Thompson directly but he was very soon after
that put on administrative leave of absence. He received a letter of discipline in his file for
insubordination because he didn’t go to his direct supervisor who was the one that ordered
him to throw away those documents. Then he was replaced. He was not able to speak at
The Institute of Medicine meeting and instead his direct supervisor, Frank DiStefano, who
was responsible for the data destruction, presented something that was totally fraudulent.
So he presented the fraudulently results and the rest is history. The Institute of Medicine
had their meeting in February of 2004. Thompson went on administrative leave of absence
in February of 2004. Then when the Institute of Medicine report came out later in that May,
it said that there was no relationship between the MMR vaccine and the autism epidemic
and there was no relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and the autism
epidemic in the United States.
His data alone could have made a huge difference. It could have turned the tide and by
my estimates, if you look at the number of African American males that have been born
in the United States since 2001, since they’ve known, there have been over 100,000 African-American
males in the United States that have been diagnosed with autism since that
point in time. You have to wonder if they would have changed the vaccine schedule how
many individuals would have been spared that lifetime of having that diagnosis, of having
those issues, of having the communication issues of needing 24-hour care? How many
families were destroyed because the CDC made the decision to bury that information?
That is heartbreaking on one hand but on the other it enrages made to hear that. We raised
our kids to tell the truth. So, “Hey, did you eat that cookie?” “No, Mommy, I didn’t.”
If they ate it, they’re going to get disciplined because they just lied. But it didn’t really hurt
anybody. CDC is lying about stuff that is resulting in either autism, and sometimes even
death, from vaccines to hundreds of thousands of people – children, babies, helpless babies.
They’re lying about it, they know they are lying. Where is the conscience of these people?
Dr. Hooker:
Dr. Hooker:
The TRUTH About VACCINES — Expert Interviews Chapter 21
I have absolutely no idea. I look at what type of, I’m not an attorney, but I look at what type
of legal actions can be taken specifically against the CDC because when you’re a parent
and you’re raising a child who was vaccine-injured and you know that that could have
been prevented, that’s like voluntary manslaughter. That’s like somebody coming up and
basically beating the crap out of your kid and then leaving them for dead and then saying,
“Okay, now you raise him. Okay. We’ve done our job here.”
And then to add insult to injury, if you dare to tell them that your kid’s having some physical
issues because they got the crap beat out of them, they’ll tell you that having the crap beat
out of them didn’t have anything to do with their injuries.
Right, exactly. But when you look at these kids, even my son’s medical history, the run-up
that we’ve done on him, he’s had exhaustive testing done from a standpoint of his amino
metabolic state, of his genetic state, it’s like Hiroshima. It’s like a nuclear explosion
Jag har ju gett dig en hel mängd bevis för kopplingen mellan (vetesnskapliga bevis) vacciner och autism. Det var 13 rapporter som visade på kopplingen mellan vacciner och autism. Men jag ska inte lägga fram något jag redan lagt fram tidigare. Det är som bekant att det är omöjligt att bevisa att någonting inte finn. Om du säger att inga utomjordingar har besökt jorden, kan jag säga _Bevisa det!! Och du kan inte bevisa din tes att utomjordlingar har besökt jorden. Men det är lätt att bevisa att utomjordingar har besökt jorden. Det är bara att visa fram en livslevande utomjording så har man sitt bevis.
Och det är lätt att bevisa kopplingen mellan vacciner och autism. Det behövs bara ett uppenbart fall så har man bevisat kopplingen.
Här har du ett bevis som en domstol inte kunde neka till. Ett uppenbart samband mellan vaccinering och autism.
”De första autistiska symptomen uppkom samma dag som barnet vaccinerats mot mässling, påssjuka och röda hund (mpr). Barnet fick diarré och blev ängsligt. Detta åtföljdes snabbt av fysiska och psykiska försämringar. Efter några år hade barnet uppnått en 100-procentig invaliditet. Flera specialister har bekräftat sambandet med mpr-vaccinet.”
Sedan har det ju jämförts ett stort antal vaccinerade barn som fått MMR-vaccinet med ett llka stort antal som fått vaccinet senarelagt efter tre års ålder. Vad är då skillnaden mellan dom som fått MMR-sprutan i tid enligt schemat och dom som fått det efter tre års ålder.?
Skillnade är att om man senarelägger MMR-sprutan så minskar risken att drabbas av autism till en bråkdel. Japan är ett land som tagit till sig av denna kunskap och vaccinerar barn mot mäsling, röda hund och påssjuka efter tre års ålder.
Letar efter de 13 rapporterna men hittar bara så var är de 13 rapporterna. är en site för vaccinmotståndare och är därför ingen neutral sida i frågan.
Ser att de har en protokoll från en italiensk domstol med det har NOLL bevis för autism då domstolar går efter juridik och inte efter medicin.
För att ta det tydligare. Skulle du om du blev sjuk vilja bli behandlad av en jurist.
Då tar jag det igen för du förstår inte vad jag menar. Du ska ha 22 OLIKA länkar så jag vet att de finns 22 OBEROENDE undersökningar.
Sedan är det stora problemen att de undersökningar du kommer med inte har fått något genomslag utan majoriteten har via undersökningar kommit fram att vaccin INTE orsakar autism.
De är alltså de som anser att vaccin inte orsakar autism som ska övertygas men de har de undersökningar du hänvisar till totalt misslyckats med och de vanliga är när kolla upp dem att de är för dåligt gjorda och då kan man ju inte övertyga någon annan de än de redan troende.
Tack för länkarna. Fast läkemedelsverket räknar jag som en propagandasite som aldrig skulle kunna skriva något negativt om vacciner. Såg i som du länkade att läkemedelsboken påtalar att vacciner inte är direkt vetanskapligt förankrade. Jajamensan tycker inte jag heller.
”Enligt principerna för evidensbaserad medicin räknas i allmänhet endast väl genomförda, randomiserade, kontrollerade prövningar ha högt evidensvärde, och sådana saknas för dessa vacciner.
Att det finns övertygande dokumentation av sjukdomsförekomst före och efter införandet av allmän vaccination hjälper inte eftersom sådana analyser räknas som kohortstudier med historiska kontroller, vilket är en studietyp som har lågt evidensvärde.
En systematisk litteraturutvärdering av t ex poliovaccin skulle alltså ge låg evidensgrad för vaccinets skyddseffekt, samtidigt
som det vore oetiskt att kräva nya moderna studier.
Att idag genomföra en randomiserad, kontrollerad prövning av poliovaccin skulle t ex innebära att man först undanhåller stora barngrupper från vaccination och sedan utsätter dem för poliosmitta, för att kunna jämföra vaccinerade och ovaccinerade.”
/ Sida 199 i Läkemedelsboken 2014”