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Apropå förstörelse av folken, länder och SD etc (övriga trådar är just nu temporärt låsta)

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Lite spridda klipp från Alan Watt:


Getting the people behind them is important, so they always come out and say I and WE speak for YOU. We care about you. They say everything that’s self-evident to everyone. We love that because we’re so used to lies and evasion from politicians that we jump into these things and before you know it, they’ve got a massive following. They’ll keep that up for a little while and you’ll be even more stuck to them thinking ‘They really are speaking for us; I BELONG to them; they are ours.’

All the while, they are actually putting a part of a plan in, just one part of a plan. Each foundation has its fronts. Each one has its AREA in the great big plan, the Great Work. Part of it tied in directly with a world society, a world government. That’s why THEY were given the job and set up to get the workers on board for world government.
Hi folks. I am Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix, just as always giving a little background to something before I just read it off. If you don’t understand the background, the whys of things, you won’t really understand what’s happening today. I was going through some of the Fabian Society, The Royal Institute of International Affairs that are really powerful organizations that set up specialized branches to make the preparatory stages for 3 world conglomerates you might
say, of BLOCS of countries. They spent 100 years at that. 100 YEARS to set it up. Literally, they were into geo-politics with their members IN power in every generation, getting the wars going, getting things going so that they could eventually amalgamate everything together at the end.

They discussed how they’d bring in excessive multiculturalism. When immigrants come into a country they generally drift in, in bits and pieces and they amalgamate into the culture of the country. That was also the big lie they put out about the European Union. These guys were behind that; they drafted it up in fact, the same organization. They said that you’ll keep your culture and your way of life and your sovereignty too. And they lied and lied and lied for about 30-40 years about that. Now we see this monster up at the top and its run in secrecy at the top and really it would be as well as getting run from Mars it’s so remote from all the countries that it lords over, this tower of Babel.

They had international socialism, which is a nice term for international communism. The leaders of today’s Fabian Society still belong to the Internationalists Socialists Party AS they are members of the Fabian Society LIKE Tony Blair, the ex-Prime Minister of Britain and Mr. Brown, the present Prime Minister of Britain.

They discussed in the 1800s the problems that they would face because they had to bring in a multicultural society to destroy the existing nations. That was imperative.

Their big boss, the Royal Institute of International Affairs that was set up really as the final stage of the creation of 2 other previous organizations: The Rhodes Foundation – that should be Rhodes and Rothschild Foundation because Rothschild funded it; that’s in their own records, co-founder – and they merged it with the Lord
Milner Society, another branch they’d set up to deal with another part. The Milner Group also was made up of all the big banking families and international banking families based in London primarily, although they had other ones abroad. Then they set up for NON British Commonwealth countries what they call the Council on Foreign Relations, which was the same as the Royal Institute of International Affairs. They meet together annually and sometimes more than once a year to bring in this wonderful multicultural society. They also KNEW that problems towards the end, depending on how fast they had to bring in the immigrants, they’d have terrible outcomes of massive influxes of vastly different peoples, different cultures. They’d have to HAMMER society through laws and the threats.

When no one has anything in common with anyone else and the culture is already ¾ destroyed... you can’t even put a Christmas decoration up or anything to do with religion and Christianity in lots of the big cities across the UK anymore; it’s forbidden, forbidden by law. But it’s okay to have everyone else’s cultures up there and everyone else’s religions up there just to get the tension rising a bit more. That’s what they do at the top… and then they deal with the fallout.

As it happens across the world, remember, remember… the world being HAMMERED on an anvil by those who decided they should rule it. And remember too, remember the old dictum that Mazzini, another world socialist said, ‘We have to destroy their cultures in order to rule them.’ He said that in the 1800s. It’s amazing but people never really get it. They are always looking for some incredible alien to come in and admit that ‘Yes, we did it; we from Zeta Reticuli where we crawled out of a swamp all scaly’ or whatever.

We see the people. We see the liars every day. We have access to the organizations to which they belong. You can see what they are sworn TO, what they have SWORN to. But you are looking for hidden conspiracies and you still want to believe politicians and you will the next time they put some puppet in front of you. Amazing.

Their disbelief, DISBELIEF that this is actually happening, helps this to steamroll ahead. They can’t BELIEVE it. It’s that easy.



Friday July 9, 2010 / / By Sarah O'Grady, Property Correspondent

(A: They are talking about per capita over square mileage. This was a part of the plan. I’ve gone over the Tony Blair exposés where his chief aide was told to keep it quiet that Tony had said that he wouldn’t leave office until literally he destroyed the cultural base and system of Britain forever by mass immigration. It would never go back to having any semblance of what it was before.)


The New World Order financial beast is emerging. As anti-British Fabian MPs destroy Britain from within,...

(A: Which was the plan. They said they'd infiltrate everything from within. They call it lawful takeover of government, because they did it through wiling themselves in and having masses of money to push their candidates in, through various guises, through different parties, and names and so on, just to get into power. It's been achieved worldwide. Worldwide. So when I talk about Britain, it's coming everywhere else very quickly, because Britain is the prototype everyone else must copy. It says here that:)

(A: Members of parliament) MPs think they can do as they please - lie, cheat, steal, engage in corruption, snatch our children, deny justice, bail out fraudulent bankers, buy pornographic films with public money, (A: That's Jacqui Smith of course, head of Homeland Security) and even have sex with their ‘molls’ in Parliament.

(A: In Parliament.) Now they want a £40,000 per year pay rise, and are asking British ‘squaddies’ (A: Squaddies are the troops, the private soldiers. Are asking British troops) if they will shoot at British people in British streets.

Accident? Certainly not. This is a common purpose elite now working to destroy Britain and replace it with the ‘Post Democratic Society’


(A: Well, you're spot on because that is the agenda. That is the agenda. Everything that was considered normal has to be destroyed under the Fabian charter.

Everything that was, to bring in the new, the new world, everything that was must be destroyed. The first thing was a massive attack on family units.


Now they're going a step further, now that they've successfully pretty well destroyed the family for most people and even the bonding between generations. That also had to go. That's been very successful because grandma and grandpa are dumped off in the old folks home where they exit the world rather quickly once they're inside and we find that the youngsters are brought up by the State. The State gives them their scientifically designed indoctrinations so that any parent that's there will have less input to the child. It will run off the child's back like water off a duck. That's what Bertrand Russell referred to when he says the scientific indoctrination from kindergarten onwards will make it impossible to contaminate the child by the parents with their old-fashioned ideas. That's been successful.

Everyone's been divided and conquered you see, and as we all think we're free in the little group that we belong to that we're in, we're being managed by Big Brother at the top who's now become the new husband even. He’s the big powerful husband of the women for instance when Bush shouts out that he's going to protect everyone.

Take away your rights but protect them. Give them free daycare and all this kind of stuff. You just compare what he is saying to what the Communist Planks were, the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto and it's all been done because now the State is Big Brother. He's Big Father too and no one else can stand against him because there's no group left in the natural fashion to stand up to them and so they've been very successful with that. They said they'd have to eradicate the family. The men themselves are busy watching sports and swigging their chemical beers to really much notice what's happening around them. Either that or they're very depressed because they have no function anymore.


Remember these two guys descended from Sir Thomas Huxley who was a big professor and champion of Darwinism. He was the best friend of Darwin. They discussed the fact that they must destroy all the existing religions which had served their purpose in times gone by for the elite to maintain control. However, now it became a problem because you had ‘rights’ under religion to your god and you might disobey your ruler and obey your god instead. Therefore they decided to bring in humanism and they talked about many ways to get us to actually dehumanize ourselves; and the prime thing was to destroy the sacredness of life itself. Make us believe we're just another animal; and once we believe that, we'll truly believe that we should be depopulated if we're overcrowded. It was all to convince us that we were the problem.


... and truth is something – you see, truth tends towards morality or human behavior as being moral; and I'm talking about innate morality, not conditioned morality.

In the culture that we live in today, you'll find it doesn't matter what culture you live in, these are all modernly created cultures and they could reverse all the values tomorrow and those would then become the norm. Therefore, to them in the high occult, truth is a dirty word, there's only the effects and especially the planned and guided effects.

Truth is a nasty word because it connotates that somewhere within humanity there's innate good behavior and they don't want to believe that. They want to believe we're just animals. So I'm not surprised somebody would spike truth.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 14:12
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Re: Apropå förstörelse av folken, länder och SD etc (övriga trådar är just nu temporärt låsta)

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Dina bokstäver är latinska. Dina siffror arabiska. Din pizza är
italiensk. Din kebab är turkisk. Du älskar att åka till Thailand. Din
favoritrappare har afrikanskt påbrå och han den där roliga på TVn från taiwan är kurd. Din landslagskapten är bosnisk. Din bil är japansk.Visst vore livet tråkigt utan

Posted on: 2010/9/21 14:19
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Re: Apropå förstörelse av folken, länder och SD etc (övriga trådar är just nu temporärt låsta)

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Shen skrev:

Dina bokstäver är latinska. Dina siffror arabiska. Din pizza är
italiensk. Din kebab är turkisk. Du älskar att åka till Thailand. Din
favoritrappare har afrikanskt påbrå och han den där roliga på TVn från taiwan är kurd. Din landslagskapten är bosnisk. Din bil är japansk.Visst vore livet tråkigt utan

Du är just det som ger ett bra exempel på hur ett mix-trasat sinne är, tack.

För övrigt kan du ha rapp och dylikt för dig, slående att du har sjunkit till den rena aliennivån Jag har heller inte tv, och äter inte pizza. Kebab har jag aldrig ätit. Ät du. Är det något skumt med att semestra i Thailand då, menar du? Jag har aldig varit där.
Zov vidare.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 14:25
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Re: Apropå förstörelse av folken, länder och SD etc (övriga trådar är just nu temporärt låsta)

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Lol klippet var från green sprarrow.

Du är ett riktigt offer .
Taskig anpassning.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 14:27
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Re: Apropå förstörelse av folken, länder och SD etc (övriga trådar är just nu temporärt låsta)

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Du postade det i denna tråd kring Alan Watt och SD (mm).
Vad ville du säga med det? Var ärr felen i det Watt säger. Kan du ta upp det med honom, ta en debatt med honom om det - eller kan du vakna?

Posted on: 2010/9/21 14:32
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Re: Apropå förstörelse av folken, länder och SD etc (övriga trådar är just nu temporärt låsta)

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Tyckte bara synd om dig.

Att inte resa och se världen,, ajajaj villken no no

Posted on: 2010/9/21 14:40
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Re: Apropå förstörelse av folken, länder och SD etc (övriga trådar är just nu temporärt låsta)

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Sundheten ökar plötsligt tiofalt i riksdagen (hmmm, ser nu att vissa inte alls står för bra saker, utan har anammat företeelser i ateismkommunismens spår, kring abort mm, men så är nu livet...)

Fantastiskt att se Mattias Karlssons info om sig, i ett avseende, han är en av de 20 som tar plats för SD:

Han har Roger Scruton som politisk (filosofisk) förebild.

Tror inte jag märkte hurrarop förr när jag postat länkar kring hans film, utan mer komatyzzztnad.
Här är hans "Philosopher Roger Scruton (1/6)
Why Beauty Matters

Rivningar är ett vapen ihop med massinvandringen, det är olika uddar på samma månghövdade vapen. Så kan man göra det själlöst - det är vitsen av alienagendan, för de är inte av human. och är bakom topeliten - man ser vilka som är i deras händer, det är inte för sent att vända om, innan det är för sent.


Syftet med rivningen (också) var att ta bort folkets sammanhang, alltså det hon är inom, rötter/kultur/tradition. Så inte konstigt man ser hur de där beter sig efter valet, de är zzzkadade in i märgen. Syns på denna sajt också, där någon ämnar höja skatten för att köpa in mark runt Sthlm och dela ut till de som kommer utifrån, för att bli bönder - vilket skämt. Hur ska de hinna med. Har ni redan glömt att de har svårt att hinna med sina odlingar och annat, redan som det är nu?
När det var "problem" i Libanon, så fick Sverige rycka ut och evakuera 50000 "svenskar" --- alltså... de har kommit hit, flykting/anhörig... men är därnere ---- hallå, skriver ingen reaktioner/funderingar kring tex det, trots att det är postats på vaken? USA evakuerade sina medborgare, de var 500, inte 50000, trots landets enormt mycket större storlek.

Ser förresten även:
Philosopher Roger Scruton - On Islam and the West (1/4)
med svensk undertext, från Axesstv.
Om skönhetens betydelse hittar jag inte nu med svenska textremsor, men den har ju visats i axesstv - och är en riktig pärla.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 23:18

Edited by adekvat on 2010/9/21 23:43:09
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