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Alla politiskt korrekta ta en titt på denna mycket bra artikel av David Icke.

Han verkar också vara trött på allt gnällande angående rasism och hur nästan bara vita blir anklagade för att vara rassar.
Klimatet han nämner angående rasism kunde lika gärna vara hämtat från Sverige där man precis som i Storbritanien blir anklagad för att vara rasist bara för att man inte alltid sympatiserar eller har samma åsikter med allt en person med annan hudfärg eller med utländskt påbrå har inte pga han eller hon har en annan hudfärg utan för att man helt enkelt inte tycker tycker om personligheten eller dems åsikter det gör inte en till att vara rasist. Men detta används tydligen flitigt runt om i världen mot vita . Man skyller också alla sina motgångar på rasism vilket så klart är barnsligt och patetiskt används som bekant flitigt här i Sverige.

Hello all ...
A few months ago I was approached by the makers of the British television 'reality'
show, Big Brother, to appear on their 'celebrity' version currently running on Channel
4. I said 'no' and it has turned out to be a good decision.
For those around the world who haven't seen the show, it puts 'celebrities' into a
'house' together for three weeks or so with no outside contact and films them 24 hours
a day.

The viewers then have the chance to phone in to swell the programme's profits
and vote out the people they least like. In the end there is one 'celebrity' left and they
are the 'winner'.

Among the celebrities this time out are Jermaine Jackson, formerly with the Jackson
Five; Danielle Lloyd, a model and former Miss Great Britain who lost the title when it
was revealed she was dating one of the judges; Jo O'Meara, former singer with the
group, S Club 7; Leo Sayer, another singer, who walked out because he said the show
wouldn't give him clean underpants; Ken Russell, the film director, who walked out
because he was pissed off; and Shilpa Shetty, an Indian actress in the film industry
known as 'Bollywood'.

Shilpa Shetty
It is invariably painful to watch because either it is a mega bore or because the often
fragile personalities and egos crumble before your eyes as the pressure of isolation,
and their own boredom, cracks the outer 'celebrity' façade. It is interesting to see what
lies behind the face they put to the world, but rarely pleasant.
People who seek the public eye for fame's sake tend to be deeply insecure. Instead of
finding their security from within they need others to shower them with the
recognition they cannot give themselves.

Wherever you find fame-seekers you will
find seriously insecure people. The temper tantrums, the 'super bitch' and 'egomaniac'
personalities come from this insecurity. It's often a front, a mask to hide self-doubt
and fear. This need for external acknowledgement means that the media and
entertainment industries are awash with the famously insecure.
This, of course, does not apply to everyone in the public eye. Many become well
known as a by-product of their work or talent and do not seek it out. I am talking here
about the 'celebrities' for whom fame itself is the drug and the goal.

Anyone who says
their ambition is 'to be famous' is a fragile ego desperate for external recognition and
for these people the Big Brother show can be a devastating experience, not least with
the constant fear of public 'rejection'.
Being voted out means 'they don't love me' when the real problem is that the celebs
don't love themselves.

If they did, they would have no need for exposure on a show
like this that opens them to such public judgement. Unless they just want the money,
that is.

Det intressanta börjar här nedan.

Big Brother has become famous itself for the clashes of celebrity egos that it
engineers by inviting personalities who's interaction is likely to make the sparks fly.
But this year it has reached new heights of controversy because of the 'R' word -

You would have thought that Adolf Hitler was in the 'house' from the hysteria that has
erupted around the world over remarks by one 'housemate' about Bollywood actress
Shilpa Shetty.

Gordon Brown, probably the next Prime Minister should Blair step
down before the next election, condemned the show during his timely visit to India
and more than 50,000 calls of complaint have been received from an indignant public.

There have been demands to take the show off air, the sponsor suspended its
advertising deal, and there have even been calls to close down Channel 4. The whole
thing has been blown into a major diplomatic 'incident'.
Over the top? Ooooh, just a little bit.
The villain in this drama has been Jade Goody, who was introduced to the 'house'
some days after the series began.

She made her name, and lots of money it would
seem, from her appearance on the non-celebrity Big Brother show in 2002. Now the
same programme has made her the 'celebrity' that the public, egged on mercilessly by
the hypocrites in the media, currently love to hate.

Her lesser-villains in crime are said
to be model Danielle Lloyd and S Club 7 singer, Jo O'Meara, and together they are
being accused of racism towards the Shilpa Shetty.
From what I have seen, I would not like to spend five minutes with any of the 'Big
Brother Three', and their treatment of Shetty has not been pleasant. But having a go at
her and calling her names behind her back is a long way from the now catch-all label
of 'racism'.

The black British comedian, Lenny Henry, has a character in his act who is always
claiming that decisions made against him are just because he's black. The character
will turn up to audition for the part of a white woman and when he is told he is not
right for the role he will say: 'It's because I'm black isn't it?' Henry has picked up on a
now global trait in which 'racism' is screamed to explain every opinion and action that
a person or group doesn't like.

It would have been obvious to the programme makers that Jade Goody and Shilpa
Shetty would almost certainly not get on whatever colour they may have been. Shetty
can have a rather superior and snooty air about her and to a woman with Goody's
street background buttons were bound to be pressed. That's not racism, it is
personalities that cannot sync and harmonise, not at first anyway.

Goody, whose grandfather was West Indian, comes from a hellish, deprived and
uneducated background and calls herself 'pig ignorant'. There are few who would
disagree and indeed it is that very image that has been milked to great financial effect.

She has a large mouth and engaging its brain is rarely her first move. Some of her
remarks have become legendary, including the belief that Saddam Hussein was a

Her irritation with the cultured Shetty led Goody to call her 'Shilpa Poppadom'. Other
comments on the charge sheet included 'I've seen how she goes in and out of people's
arseholes' and 'she makes my skin crawl'. She also inquired how Indian people could
eat food with their hands when they knew where they had been, something I have
heard parents say to their own children.
My God, how racist is that? Give her a good flogging, I say.

Shetty's mother was quoted in a newspaper as saying: 'How would British people like
being referred to as 'Fish and Chips'. Well, actually, this one would not give a shit, as
it happens, because I'm an adult with a brain I am prepared to make active from time
to time. Give me bloody strength. I am so sick of this cry of 'racism' at every turn - a
label guaranteed to attract hatred and condemnation from everyone who wants to
posture their self-purity and show they are 'not racist'. I am not a violent man, but if
they had a rocket up their backside I could well be tempted to ask for a match.

Even Shetty has since said that she doesn't believe Goody was being racist: 'You
know, people say things in a fit of anger and I stand corrected. I don't feel that there
was any racial discrimination happening from Jade's end. I think there are a lot of
insecurities from her end but it's definitely not racial.' It was a perceptive and sensible
response from an intelligent woman.

When people have rows or hurl abuse they tend to pick up on some trait of the target
and bring it into their diatribe. So people call others 'you bald bastard', 'you little
bastard', 'you fat bastard', and 'you smelly bastard'.

In inter-race arguments this can
become 'you black bastard', 'you white bastard', 'you Paki bastard' or ... 'Shilpa
Poppadom'. That doesn't mean it has to be racist, although don't you dare call me 'Fish
and Chips'.

A British football manager and media personality called Ron Atkinson had his career
destroyed a few years ago when he was caught on a live microphone that should have
been silent condemning a player in apparently racist terms because he was so mad at
the way the team had played.

Atkinson was ferociously attacked and lost his job, yet I
know Ron Atkinson from my own football days and he is certainly not racist. He was
the first manager to give black footballers a real chance in the top fight in England and
what he said just poured out in his frustration at the result. We jump to conclusions far
too quickly and forgiveness seems to be an historical concept.

It is claimed that some 'housemates' mimicking Shetty's Indian accent was racism, but
Goody's 'g-less', 'h-less' accent is constantly mimicked with her thanks coming out as
'fanks' and her thinks appearing as 'finks'. Is it racist to mimic Goody? No, it is
picking up on something, or somefink, that is distinct about her. It might not be nice,
but racism it is not.

To do the same with someone who speaks English with a foreign
accent does not have to be racist, either.
Goody is mercilessly ridiculed for her looks, size and accent. If an
Asian person produced this, would it be considered racist? No
If two white people or black people have an argument and hurl abuse at each other it's
just an argument.

They don't like each other, end of story. But if it's white and black,
white and Asian or Asian and black, the same disagreement and dislike is
miraculously transformed into racism. What's more, the racist is invariably the white
person because it appears to be an unwritten law that black and Asian people are
never racist - unless they are arguing with each other. There seems to a hierarchy even
for racism.

Of course there are racists - in all colours and creeds - and they are ignorant, stupid
and pathetic. But today almost every disagreement between people of different races
is labelled 'racism' and it is all part of the Orwellian political correctness and
'Newspeak' designed to suppress all diverse opinion and rights to free expression.

When a 'racist' is identified the lynch mob grabs the rope. He or she must be
destroyed, must lay prostrate on the ground begging for forgiveness for they have
sinned against the God of Political Correctness even if they weren't being racist at all.

It never seems to occur to the mob that in condemning the alleged 'racist bully' in the
terms that they do they are engaging in the mass bullying of their target. But they are
too full of their own self-purity, too far up their own anal passages, to see their own
hypocrisy and contradiction.

We now have the horrible spectacle of Jade Goody doing the rounds of talk shows
saying how she hates herself, that what she did was terrible and how she is so, sorry,
sorry, sorry. It is staged-managed by her advisors in a desperate attempt to salvage her
celebrity and business career in the face of the baying mob and a media that loves to
build people up, as it did with her, and then orgasmically glory in orchestrating their
destruction. The advice to her has clearly been: 'Get on your knees and don the
sackcloth or you're finished'.

Her range of perfume has been taken off many shelves and the factory making it,
ironically in India, has suspended production. Her home has been attacked and she is
hiding away in a hotel for her safety, we are told. Rent-a-quotes from all shades of
colour, but all with nose-in-the-air genetics, line up to condemn her like the
Inquisitors of old. 'She has sinned - seize her, destroy her! - and send her to India to
kneel in shame forever.'

So who is the real bully here? A less than intelligent woman with a big mouth and
short temper or those in society who now want her public execution?
Oh yes, and what of India? Indeed, what of all these others who cry racism like a
frozen CD? Yes there are white racists, loads of them, but my goodness they have
competition in every race and culture.

I have met black racists, Asian racists, Jewish
racists, Muslim racists. They exist everywhere, but often they are the first ones to
condemn others for it.

While protests were being staged in India against Jade Goody and the Big Brother
Show at least some Indian newspapers were adding a little balance to the debate by
highlighting the appalling racism in Indian society. The Hindustan Times said in an
editorial, headed the 'Colour of prejudice', that while racism appeared to be 'alive and
well' in Britain, it also thrived in India.

'Discrimination on the basis of colour is
ingrained in the psyche of most Indians', the newspaper said.
Many of India's one billion people still live within a genetic hierarchy imposed by the
Hindu caste system which prevents 'low' castes entering some important temples
decades after such discrimination was outlawed.

The word 'caste' comes from 'casta'
meaning race or lineage. Muslims face widespread prejudice and have often been seen
as the enemy within since Islamic Pakistan emerged out of India when the British
Empire withdrew (at least officially). The Indian Express said:
'Indian responses should also factor in our own record of prejudice ... If racism is a
fact in many interactions in British society, prejudice is a quotidian reality of Indian
social life.'

India can hardly give anyone lectures on racism given its history of
the caste system
But in the face of India's own history of racism the Indian Minister for External
Affairs, Anand Sharma, said of Big Brother: 'It has caused indignation, it is most
unfortunate, and any kind of racism - or racist slur - is unacceptable in any civilised

It makes me fit to puke. If you have a glass house, best keep the stones under lock and
Look through the beliefs of so many races and religions and you'll see that time after
time they consider themselves to be the 'chosen ones' or the 'chosen people', above
everyone else. But that's not racist, that label only kicks when anything happens that
doesn't suit them.
Jade Goody may or may not be the most pleasant person on the planet, although, as
the Native Americans said: 'Don't judge a man [or woman] until you have walked a
mile in their moccasins'. But the public and media reaction to her this week says far
more about our pathetic global society than it says about her.

Edited by A73 on 2007/2/17 20:56:36
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David Icke, Alex Jones, Alan Watt , Juri Lina mm

Några kallar sig nationalister alla är emot den politiska korrektheten och kriteserar massinvandring men när några på vaken gör det då är man rasist

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vadå bitter.

Posted on: 2007/2/17 20:36
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Jag gillar David Icke

Men detta måste va det sämsta newslettern han har postat. Jag menar dom som subscribar till hans newsletter måste ju va folk som har vaknat från all bullshit och skippar att se såna här program som Big Brother och Reality serier, men enligt vad man få allt i detalj vad som hänt i stort sätt i detta program och allt runt omkring. Jag menar han säger själv att ge fan u dumburken, varför kolla då ett sånt idiotiskt program som Big Brother där man vett att rasistiska ord fells tit som tät när folk börjar argumentera och inte kommer överens. Jag tror också att alla som subscribar till hans newsletter bland annat är medvetna hur celebriteter blir knullade för vad dom säger, men det är ju inte så konstigt i och me det finns folk där utte som ser up till dessa Celebritetr därför blir det alltid sånt stort tjohej ner det fälls såna ord vem fan har inte förståt det som inte är vaken. Men visst det finns dom som kanske bara subscribat utan att ha en anning kanske, men det har jag svårt att tänka mig när det gäller David Icke.

Trots detta skit brevet villket blev bra på slutet typ sista 3 spalterna så betyder det inte att jag slutar gilla det han gör för att väcka folk. Men just detta brevet måste va ett av det sämsta jag läst, subscribar inte till hans newsletter men skulle inte heller görra det om det handlar om sånt här skit ärligt tallat, jag hoppas han postar vettigare grejer än detta, villket jag tror han gör. Visst han kanske följde detta programet för att se vad som händer i och me han blev ärbjuden att vara med full förståligt men ser inget viktigt med det. Oftast så rinner sånt skit ut i sand tar litte längre tid för Celebriteter i och me den stora upmärksamheten i Dumburken.

Skulle rekommendera David Icke om han nu kollar på sånt skit att skaffa sig en PS2 eller nåt så han kan slippa se sånt skit och spella litte games medans han tar en paus från all tänkande. :)

Tack för Newslettern föresten skit nice att du posta den posta gärna fler.


Posted on: 2007/2/18 0:43
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Man kanske måsta kolla på "vanliga program" för att se vad som försegår och hur de vanliga programen är ganska svårt att prata om "medias hjärntvätt" annars

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Jo sant men som sagt jag tror dessa mäniskor som subscribar till hans Newsletter är ju ändå dom ända som får reda på det, och jag tror dom är ganska medvetna om hur "vanliga program" funkar. Men visst det är som sagt bra för dom som inte vett och är me i hans newsletter. :)

Visserligen nu kommer jag dissa mig själv här så är det bra om folk vissar detta för folk som inte vett. :)

Visst förstår din poäng absolut sant.


Posted on: 2007/2/18 0:54
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Jag hittade hans nyhetsbrev på conspiracycentrals bit torent tracker har ingen erfarenhet av hans tidigare nyhetsbrev då jag aldrig läst några av dem. Jag har bara tittat på många av hans dokumentärer och läst info på hans sida. Jag postade det inte för att jag var imponerad av hans analys av BB äve om jag tycker att man skall kunna se på tv med ett kritiskt tänkande vilket jag gör då jag ser på TV propagandan påverkar inte mig.

Det jag tyckte var bra med detta nyhetsbrev var att han tog upp ett ämne som nästan är förbjudit att skriva om även på en sida som består av sk vakna personer jag talar så klart om rasism och det politiskt korrekta dravlet. Han precis som jag är trött på att nästan bara vita blir anklagade för att vara rasister helt utan grund.Och hur personers liv kan förstöras bara för att man när man är arg fäller en olämplig ´kommentar som egentligen inte var menad som rasistisk men blir katasrofal i vissa sammanhang då det förstoras upp som fan.

Och hur det verkar finnas en oskriven lag angående rasism att bara vita är rasister . Men det orwelska politiska korrekta systemet är så genomsyrat runt om i världen så att många som kallar sig vakna inte har en aning att dem stödjer den politisk korrekta NWO agendan. Genom tex att stödja mångkultur oansvarig invandring och sen anklaga folk för att var rasister bara för att man vill minska invandringen eller om man är i mot mångkulturen eller inte altid håller med vad en invandrare tycker eller står för i alla läge och att det är lika med att vara nazist, rasist eller främlingsfientlig om man är nationalist eller patriot.

Nedan har jag sammlat allt jag tyckte var viktigt i hans nyhetsbrev den som inte tycker det är viktigt är antingen politiskt korrekt eller bara almänt naiv och blundar för verkligheten som jag skrev innan allt han nämner kunde lika gärna vara hämtat från ngn vaken etnisk svensk syn eller erfarenhet angående rasism och politiskt korrekthet.

Men när Alex Jones Alan Watt Juri Lina och i detta fall David Icke tar up sådana här problem så väljer många att blunda
för problemet det ända många vill och tar till sig är när det gäller info angående 911 ,7/7 ,hemliga sällskap,store brors samhälle m.m då plötligt kan man höja bla dessa ovan nämda personer till skyerna men inte om dem tar obehagliga ämnen som rasism eller mångkultur för då spricker alla humansister,globalsisters eller flums drömsamhälle där man tror att alla kan leva ifred utan konflikter iett mångkultureltt drömsamhälle det har aldrig fungerat tidigare och kommer nog heller aldrig att göra det i framtiden heller .

Läs följande nogrant.

The black British comedian, Lenny Henry, has a character in his act who is always
claiming that decisions made against him are just because he's black. The character
will turn up to audition for the part of a white woman and when he is told he is not
right for the role he will say: 'It's because I'm black isn't it?' Henry has picked up on a
now global trait in which 'racism' is screamed to explain every opinion and action that
a person or group doesn't like.

My God, how racist is that? Give her a good flogging, I say.
Shetty's mother was quoted in a newspaper as saying: 'How would British people like
being referred to as 'Fish and Chips'. Well, actually, this one would not give a shit, as
it happens, because I'm an adult with a brain I am prepared to make active from time
to time. Give me bloody strength. I am so sick of this cry of 'racism' at every turn - a
label guaranteed to attract hatred and condemnation from everyone who wants to
posture their self-purity and show they are 'not racist'. I am not a violent man, but if
they had a rocket up their backside I could well be tempted to ask for a match.
When people have rows or hurl abuse they tend to pick up on some trait of the target
and bring it into their diatribe. So people call others 'you bald bastard', 'you little
bastard', 'you fat bastard', and 'you smelly bastard'. In inter-race arguments this can
become 'you black bastard', 'you white bastard', 'you Paki bastard' or ... 'Shilpa
Poppadom'. That doesn't mean it has to be racist, although don't you dare call me 'Fish
and Chips'.

A British football manager and media personality called Ron Atkinson had his career
destroyed a few years ago when he was caught on a live microphone that should have
been silent condemning a player in apparently racist terms because he was so mad at
the way the team had played. Atkinson was ferociously attacked and lost his job, yet I
know Ron Atkinson from my own football days and he is certainly not racist. He was
the first manager to give black footballers a real chance in the top fight in England and
what he said just poured out in his frustration at the result. We jump to conclusions far
too quickly and forgiveness seems to be an historical concept.

If two white people or black people have an argument and hurl abuse at each other it's
just an argument. They don't like each other, end of story. But if it's white and black,
white and Asian or Asian and black, the same disagreement and dislike is
miraculously transformed into racism. What's more, the racist is invariably the white
person because it appears to be an unwritten law that black and Asian people are
never racist - unless they are arguing with each other. There seems to a hierarchy even
for racism.
Of course there are racists - in all colours and creeds - and they are ignorant, stupid
and pathetic. But today almost every disagreement between people of different races
is labelled 'racism' and it is all part of the Orwellian political correctness and
'Newspeak' designed to suppress all diverse opinion and rights to free expression.
When a 'racist' is identified the lynch mob grabs the rope. He or she must be
destroyed, must lay prostrate on the ground begging for forgiveness for they have
sinned against the God of Political Correctness even if they weren't being racist at all.
It never seems to occur to the mob that in condemning the alleged 'racist bully' in the
terms that they do they are engaging in the mass bullying of their target. But they are too full of their own self-purity, too far up their own anal passages, to see their own
hypocrisy and contradiction

Oh yes, and what of India? Indeed, what of all these others who cry racism like a
frozen CD? Yes there are white racists, loads of them, but my goodness they have
competition in every race and culture. I have met black racists, Asian racists, Jewish
racists, Muslim racists. They exist everywhere, but often they are the first ones to
condemn others for it.

Many of India's one billion people still live within a genetic hierarchy imposed by the
Hindu caste system which prevents 'low' castes entering some important temples
decades after such discrimination was outlawed. The word 'caste' comes from 'casta'
meaning race or lineage. Muslims face widespread prejudice and have often been seen
as the enemy within since Islamic Pakistan emerged out of India when the British
Empire withdrew (at least officially). The Indian Express said:
'Indian responses should also factor in our own record of prejudice ... If racism is a
fact in many interactions in British society, prejudice is a quotidian reality of Indian
social life.'
India can hardly give anyone lectures on racism given its history of
the caste system
But in the face of India's own history of racism the Indian Minister for External
Affairs, Anand Sharma, said of Big Brother: 'It has caused indignation, it is most
unfortunate, and any kind of racism - or racist slur - is unacceptable in any civilised
It makes me fit to puke. If you have a glass house, best keep the stones under lock and
Look through the beliefs of so many races and religions and you'll see that time after
time they consider themselves to be the 'chosen ones' or the 'chosen people', above
everyone else. But that's not racist, that label only kicks when anything happens that
doesn't suit them.
Jade Goody may or may not be the most pleasant person on the planet, although, as
the Native Americans said: 'Don't judge a man [or woman] until you have walked a
mile in their moccasins'. But the public and media reaction to her this week says far
more about our pathetic global society than it says about her.

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maggot wrote:
David Icke, Alex Jones, Alan Watt , Juri Lina mm

Några kallar sig nationalister alla är emot den politiska korrektheten och kriteserar massinvandring men när några på vaken gör det då är man rasist

Om det är någon som ropar rassist på vaken så är det ni "patrioter".

Vad någon än säger till er så tolkar ni det som om ni blir anklagade för att vara rassister.

Även om ingen påpekar det överhuvudtaget så kommer det upp i liknande sorgliga tillbakablickar.

Man bli ju tårögd av att höra hur ni patrioter blir behandlade här på vaken.

Så det finns ytterligare en aspekt av att ropa rassism.

Posted on: 2007/2/19 13:49
Administratör och grundare av
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Micro vill du att jag letar fram sidor på när jag blir kallad rasist.
det finns väl ett tiotal som kallat mig det.
du lär inte ha följt diskutionerna i dessa ämnen

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