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Vaga Nyheter

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"Tre svenska medborgare misstänkta för terrorism"

Kan det bli mycket vagare än så?

Terrorism i största allmänhet? Terrorism mot vem? Terrorism för vem? Terrorism var? När? Och framförallt varför?

Vi vänjer oss sakta men säkert vid allt vagare nyheter...

Vi borde lika gärna kunna läsa "tre svenska medborgare misstänkta för brott"... Brott i största allmänhet.

Ungefär som den otroligt vaga frasen hela världen har vant sig vid och accepterat: "Believed to be linked to Al-Qaida"... Eller som svenska medier säger "Tros ha kopplingar till terrornätverket Al-Qaida"

Minst fyra relevanta punkter kan ifrågasättas efter det påståendet:

1. Någon tror att det finns kopplingar, alltså är det inget faktum!
2. Vem påstår att de ha kopplingar? Källan är inte namngiven!
3. Kopplingar betyder inte att det är Al-Qaida, låter mer som ett dunkelt sätt att få oss att associera till något vedertaget skrämmande.
4. Vem bland gemene man vet egentligen vad Al-Qaida är?


Posted on: 2008/2/29 11:46
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Re: Vaga Nyheter

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Håller med om att det är ytterst vaga belägg dom kommer med men det svenska folket måste ju indoktrineras att tro att terrorism är utbrett även i lilla Sverige, annars kan man inte motivera alla övervaknings och avlyssningslagar som kommer att användas mot oss..

Posted on: 2008/2/29 11:53
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

/Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Vaga Nyheter

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Det luktar lite "vi kan vi också" över det hela.....

Posted on: 2008/2/29 12:11
Ju flera kockar ju mindre till gästerna..
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Re: Vaga Nyheter

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Dom intervjuade "terroristens" brors i tv igår. Enligt honnom hade dom redan tidigare i höst aresterat broden, men släppt honnom för att det hade visat sig att han inte ´var terrorist..

Dom raporterade att det hade fått folk att bli mer "rasistiska" "vaksamma" osv..

Divide and concour någon?
Rule by fear?
NWO at work?...



Posted on: 2008/2/29 12:54
There is no government like NO government!
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Re: Vaga Nyheter

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Man kan ju börja undra över vad begreppet terrorist innefattar i det där det är säkert den andan dom vill ha hit får man väl misstänka........

ACLU: 900,000 Names on U.S. Terror Watch Lists
Share February 27, 2008 12:40 PM

Justin Rood Reports:

The FBI now keeps a list of over 900,000 names belonging to known or suspected terrorists, the American Civil Liberties Union said today.

If that number is accurate, it would be an all-time high, exponentially more than the 100,000 names on the list several years ago. But the number needs to be taken with a grain of salt: after all, the ACLU doesn't keep the list, the FBI does, and the bureau doesn't generally like to talk about it. (Indeed, the FBI has not yet responded to a request for comment for this post.)

But if the ACLU's figure isn't accurate, it's also unlikely to be off by that much. Last September, the ACLU notes, the Department of Justice's Inspector General reported the FBI watch list was at 700,000 names, and growing at 20,000 names per month.

The ACLU says they "extrapolated" from those figures to determine the list's current size. ACLU's Barry Steinhardt added that the group had spoken privately with people familiar with the watch list, who told them the 900,000 figure was not outlandish.

In the past, The FBI has told ABC News that the size of its watch list is classified. Despite that, both the bureau and the DoJ Inspector General have published the total figure in unclassified reports.

There's no doubt the FBI's list is growing: just last June, ABC News reported it was at 509,000 names, based on information in an unclassified FBI budget document.

But strangely, the list may be growing not because of swelling legions of foreign terrorists. Instead, it appears the FBI may be adding tens of thousands of names belonging to U.S. persons it suspects of being domestic terrorists -- people who have no known ties to international terrorist organizations.

A separate entity, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), keeps a list of all names believed to belong to terrorists linked to international terror groups. That list, which was at 100,000 names in 2003, grew to 465,000 names by last June – but since then has grown only modestly, according to NCTC spokesman Carl Kropf. Today, Kropf said that list stands at roughly 500,000 names. (Unlike the FBI, the NCTC does not maintain that the size of its watch list is classified information.)

The FBI takes that list and adds to it a new collection of names which belong to U.S. persons believed to be domestic terrorists: people who have links to terrorism but not to any international group.

Last June, the NCTC was responsible for putting 465,000 names on the watch list, and the FBI appeared to add an additional 44,000. By September, extrapolating from the DoJ Inspector General's report, the FBI's contribution appears to have grown to somewhere north of 200,000 names.

Today – if the ACLU is to be believed – the FBI's contribution may be as high as 417,000 names. Which would raise a new question: Where are so many domestic terrorists coming from? Or do they simply use more aliases than foreign terrorists?

Update: The FBI responded late Wednesday afternoon. Spokesman Chad Kolton did not dispute the ACLU's figure, but noted that the watch list contains names, aliases and name variations for individuals. The number of people on the watch list, he said, was around 300,000, and only 5 percent are U.S. persons. Kolton noted that the list is "regularly reviewed for accuracy." Last year the bureau removed 100,000 records "related to people cleared of any nexus with terrorism," Kolton said.

Posted on: 2008/3/1 11:07
Ju flera kockar ju mindre till gästerna..
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Re: Vaga Nyheter

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Absurd Cop Video Warns Of 7 Signs Of Terrorism

THIS cop is a perfect example of a traitor, remember him, remember his face, because he must be held accountable for what he has said.

Once again, I am obliged to mention George Orwell and his novel, 1984. In the novel, Orwell describes the Youth League and the Spies, children in cahoots with the state who turn in their neighbors for all manner of imagined crimes. Winston Smith, Orwell's protagonist, is called a "Eurasian" traitor and thought criminal by these heavily indoctrinated children, who would on the drop of a dime turn in their own parents to the thought police for the crime of unorthodoxy or nonconformity. In 1984, fear is rule of the day, as Big Brother is continually watching, not only through the eyes of children and omnipresent telescreens but through the acquiescence and sheepish compliance of the populace at large.

It would seem the Michigan State Police have taken a chapter from Orwell's book. As the video above reveals, the cops in Michigan are encouraging citizens to snoop on all who "don't belong" and who might engage in "suspicious behavior." In the video, we are presented with a white homegrown terrorist in sunglasses and parka hood who wants to blow up a bridge with a backpack. Thanks to the diligence of ever watchful citizens, this fictional character, essentially a cartoon, is prevented from carrying out his attack and is arrested by the police.

Of course, as should be obvious by now, there are no homegrown terrorists inspired by al-Qaeda. In fact, the only putative terrorists about are created by the FBI, as the absurd case against a gang of impoverished black kids in Miami revealed well enough. And then there was the FBI contrived plot to blow up pipelines at Kennedy Airport in New York, and the one at Fort Dix, where "CWs," short for "cooperating witnesses," or rather federal informants, a euphemism for agents provocateurs, framed Muslims who worked for a pizzeria.

The Michigan State Police "educational" video is but another spin on the effort to convert neighborhood watch groups into antiterrorist informant cells. "I envision 100 million Americans looking for indicators of terrorism and promptly reporting it to a central database where it would get analyzed," Mike Licata, a high school teacher and retired Air Force office who created CAT Eyes, told Takei of the Boston Globe in 2003. "If Licata comes even close to his stated goal of 100 million informers, CAT Eyes would dwarf the citizen informer programs of the most repressive totalitarian states, making them appear amateurish by comparison."

One third of the population snooping and informing on the other two thirds? Not even East Germany's notorious Stasi had such ambitions, as only about one of every 50 East Germans collaborated with the Stasi, at the time in the 1980s one of the most extensive police infiltrations of a society in history. In America, naturally, we do things bigger and better.

Well before September 11, 2001 ­ on December 4, 1981, to be exact Presidential Executive Order 12333 was signed by Ronald Reagan. It allowed the FBI, the military, and the CIA to infiltrate and "influence" domestic political groups and organizations, in other words it provided a legal green light for what was previously illegal under COINTELPRO, the program to subvert the constitutional rights of Americans.

"The CIA's expanded role is especially ominous," writes Brian Glick. "In the 60s, while legally banned from 'internal security functions,' the CIA managed to infiltrate the Black, student and antiwar movements. It also made secret use of university professors, journalists, labor leaders, publishing houses, cultural organizations and philanthropic fronts to mold US public opinion. But it apparently felt compelled to hold back ­ within the country ­ from the kinds of systematic political destabilization, torture, and murder which have become the hallmark of its operations abroad. Now, the full force of the CIA has been unleashed at home."

As the Associated Press noted in October, 2002, the CIA "is increasing its presence at FBI field offices by assigning intelligence officers to domestic anti-terrorism teams," a clear violation of its "legislative" charter, not that charters are of significance, as everything changed on September 11, 2001, at least according to our rulers and their minions. Of course, everything changed well before that date, as even a cursory glance at the CIA's "family jewels" reveals.

As the above mentioned cases indicate, the FBI ­ with the assistance of the CIA, now ensconced in FBI field offices ­ is in the business of creating terrorism or the false impression of terrorism, never mind how fallacious or even absurd the examples are. All of this ridiculous hoopla, dutifully covered by the corporate media, itself long ago penetrated and co-opted by the CIA under Operation Mockingbird, results in the impression we are under siege, lately by al-Qaeda inspired blond haired and blue eyed terrorists with European surnames.

Thus it should not come as a surprise the Michigan State Police is in the "public relations" business of indoctrinating us against the fictional threat. As there are no al-Qaeda sleeper cells about, short of a handful of demented individuals posting on internet forums, it stands to reason there is no shortage of people ready to snoop, tattle and go after their neighbors for "suspicious behavior," for instance insisting that the attacks of September 11 were an inside job.

In America, circa 2008, supporters of non-sanctioned political candidates fall victim to having their car tires slashed and are molested at political rallies for the crime of not enthusiastically supporting candidates selected by our rulers. In order to underscore the danger present, corporate media hacks such as Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, reading from their Mockingbird scripts, warn of danger and violence to come, equating such people with homegrown terrorists and potentially violent lunatics.

Finally, it should be noted that the Michigan State Police's "Seven Signs of Terrorism" video was "originally sent out to police and then to students. But, the response by community groups that have seen the tape has been so good, authorities are trying to free up some homeland security money to distribute it to even more people," 13 reported in January, 2005. In short, the Ministry of Homeland Security pays to inculcate the masses in the bogus notion that white guys in parka hoods with bomb-stuffed backpacks are on the loose, ready at the drop of a hat to blow up bridges and presumably kindergarten classrooms.

It is all nonsense, but nonsense bought by millions of people who have spent the last few years supping up an unending stream of ludicrous propaganda, never mind the complete and glaring absence of any terrorist threat, from the CIA's own bastard creation al-Qaeda or any other terrorist organization. ... -warns-of-7-signs-of.html

Posted on: 2008/3/1 11:23
Ju flera kockar ju mindre till gästerna..
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