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Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Ja ja ja!--- Självklart HAN ska bannas! ; )

Och ICKE oxå!

(But what do we EXPECT?)

>>>What OWS doesnt want us to KNOW<<<

Posted on: 2011/11/21 23:14
Administration, VAKEN.SE
Courage is contagious.
Censorship is Freedumb. "Oh look, ANOTHER elephant in the living room, lets talk about it shall we?..."
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Man använder ofta ordet fascist utan att inse dess betydelse. För en ordnings skull har jag här en definition på "fascist":

Det är en person som gärna ansluter sig till organiserat våld och angriper särskilt vänsterdemonstrationer med knölpåkar och spadar. När gatorna rensats från motståndare samlas man och tågar mot Maktens Högborg med facklor i händerna skanderande ramsor som denna:

"Vi vill ha makten i vår hand!"
"Annars så blir det mord och brand!"

Får man den inte godvilligt stormar man regeringskanslierna och slänger ut dom därinne genom fönstren...

Skulle Alex Jones, David Icke med flera syssla med en sådan agenda?

Knappast! Klappa hästen, stig ner och stoppa ett finger i jorden och känn efter, ni som tycker så...

Ge fan i att kalla folk nåt dom inte är! Det gäller båda parter i alla konflikter.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 4:28
"Använd skallen, Nollan! Om inte vi kan se dom, hur fan skall dom kunna se oss???" (Knasen, 1967)
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Har hört samma diskussioner i Sverige. Främst vänsterfolk vill utesluta folk som sympatiserar med Vaken och folk som delar ut Alex Jones filmer.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 8:37
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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söndra och härska...

Posted on: 2011/11/22 9:59
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Från egypten.

Tackar charles för denna.


AN EGYPTIAN INVENTION TO GUARD AGAINST TEAR GAS ~ PROVEN EFFICIENT! - guys and gals! you gotta see this ! Egyptians have come up with a way to deter tear gas from affecting them ~ amazing simple way to do it ~ here's A VIDEO ~ ARABIC ~ This Egyptian man explains the process: You buy yeast that you use to make dough, you mix 25% yeast with water in a spray bottle, you then shake it well, you spray i...t on your facial mask, your facial cloth or directly to your face ~ the tear gas WILL NOT AFFECT YOU AT ALL ~ Please post and share ~ WE ALL NEED TO KNOW THIS ~ Wow! I am impressed! a simple EGYPTIAN INVENTION that could save MANY A REVOLUTION!!!

Posted on: 2011/11/22 10:32
Resized Image
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Varför får man ofta uppfattningen att vänsterfolk ofta vill censurera och hålla information borta från pöbeln?

Är det smygkommunism dom ägnar sig åt iaf!?

Visar ju bara vart OWS-grundarna står nånstans..

Posted on: 2011/11/22 10:33

Edited by TeBe on 2011/11/22 11:38:17
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

/Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Alla kommunisters våta dröm är att elda massorna med ett hav av röda flaggor i bakgrunden och att hälsa med extatiska knytnävar. När jag var på Rådhusplatsen i Köpenhamn satte också gammelkommunisterna upp en rad med röda flaggor som bakgrund. Men dom plockades diskret bort av andra aktivister en efter en och själv hängde jag en gammal orange "alliansentröja" över kanten på en av krukorna. Det danska gemytet gjorde att det inte uppstod några större dispyter, alla lyssnade på alla talare och applåderade sina favoriter.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 12:10
"Använd skallen, Nollan! Om inte vi kan se dom, hur fan skall dom kunna se oss???" (Knasen, 1967)
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Vad förväntar man sig egentligen av denna millimeterrättvisans sekt ?
De som anser att städernas hemlösa är ett problem för att dessa äter av deras gourmetmat och dessa pratar om rättvissa ... en_i5biNyYYhpa8MSYIL9xSDL ... osa/EVHkjA!2tkNAdx0kY4bk/

Posted on: 2011/11/22 16:47
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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jin83 skrev:
Har hört samma diskussioner i Sverige. Främst vänsterfolk vill utesluta folk som sympatiserar med Vaken och folk som delar ut Alex Jones filmer.

Kommer dom någonsin att fatta att dom är " Nyttiga Idioter " åt Banksterväldet ??

Man börjar bli bra trött på att försöka få dessa människor att ifrågasätta lite mer, men fortsätter man inte så lär dom bli nästa "fångvaktare" och Stasi-angivare..... Påminner om Hitler - Jugends.....

Posted on: 2011/11/22 17:23
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Det blir lite såhär när folk vill prata om samma sak som "konspirationsteoretiker" utan att associeras med dem.

Alla ser samma problem.

De som redan stämplats som "galna" måste därför även stötas bort av likasinnade för att få mer gehör. I slutändan är budskapet detsamma, men med bättre associationer hos mottagaren.

Frågan är vem som occupy wall street försöker få gehör från.

Posted on: 2011/11/22 21:31
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Kanske allt för många tolkar in för mycket i företeelsen. En samling människor som står och hänger och väntar på en uppenbarelse är det intryck jag har fått.

Typ: "Kommer inte Godot nån gång så att det händer nåt?"

Att många försöker "kapa" rörelsen är helt klart och att det är många som inte själva står på torgen men lurar i vassen är inget att förvåna sig över.

Så egentligen kan man säga att vad som helst kan hända om "Den Rätte Ledaren" dyker upp. Då förvandlas de spridda applåderna till ett djupt känt vrål.

För frustration råder det inte direkt någon brist på i dessa dagar.

Eller som Lenin sade (OBS! Jag är INTE leninist men i detta fallet slog han huvudet på spiken):


Posted on: 2011/11/22 21:42
"Använd skallen, Nollan! Om inte vi kan se dom, hur fan skall dom kunna se oss???" (Knasen, 1967)
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Om ni vill se en dokumentär om samma psykologi kollar ni bara på dagens KOBRA. De skildrar människors behov av att särskilja sig från "dåligt".

Posted on: 2011/11/22 21:55
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Re: Occupy Wall Street Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories”

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Asgeir är inne på helt rätt spår, att OWS är "Kapat" är bara förnamnet, deras hemsida ger inget annat än KAOS där man ska mötas och protestera.

Occupy Wall Street is a Scam?

Alex Jones announced yesterday, that although he believed that the Occupy Wall Street, OWS protesters were good, well-meaning people, the movement was initiated by globalists to take the attention away from the true culprits, the Federal Reserve Bank.

The evidence backing this claim can be found at ... y-efforts-to-end-the-fed/

Vi som följt Alex Jones större delen av tiden och sett hans videos, kan bara bekräfta att Alex Jones är en Patriot, en mycket ärlig amerikan som kämpar mot Anglo- Amerikanska Bankirer som tror på en ny världsordning! Vi ser nu deras Plan i full skala, där massiv skuldsättning hotar hela världens välfärdssystem!


#1 Credit Suisse’s Fixed Income Research unit: “We seem to have entered the last days of the euro as we currently know it. That doesn’t make a break-up very likely, but it does mean some extraordinary things will almost certainly need to happen – probably by mid-January – to prevent the progressive closure of all the euro zone sovereign bond markets, potentially accompanied by escalating runs on even the strongest banks.”

#2 Willem Buiter, chief economist at Citigroup: “Time is running out fast. I think we have maybe a few months — it could be weeks, it could be days — before there is a material risk of a fundamentally unnecessary default by a country like Spain or Italy which would be a financial catastrophe dragging the European banking system and North America with it.”

#3 Jim Reid of Deutsche Bank: “If you don’t think Merkel’s tone will change then our investment advice is to dig a hole in the ground and hide.”

#4 David Rosenberg, a senior economist at Gluskin Sheff in Toronto: “Lenders are finding it difficult to finance their day-to-day operations with short-term funding. This is a lot like 2008 but with more twists.”

#5 Christian Stracke, the head of credit research for Pimco: “This is just a repeat of what we saw in 2008, when everyone wanted to see toxic assets off the banks’ balance sheets”

#6 Paul Krugman of the New York Times: “At this point I’d guess soaring rates on Italian debt leading to a gigantic bank run, both because of solvency fears about Italian banks given a default and because of fear that Italy will end up leaving the euro. This then leads to emergency bank closing, and once that happens, a decision to drop the euro and install the new lira. Next stop, France.”

#7 Paul Hickey of Bespoke Investment Group: “More and more, we are hearing anecdotal comments from individual and professionals that this is the most difficult environment they have ever experienced as the market is like a fish flopping around after being taken out of the water.”

#8 Bob Janjuah of Nomura International: “Germany appears to be adamant that full political and fiscal integration over the next decade (nothing substantive will happen over the short term, in my view) is the only option, and ECB monetisation is no longer possible. I really think it is that clear and simple. And if I am wrong, and the ECB does a U-turn and agrees to unlimited monetisation, I will simply wait for the inevitable knee-jerk rally to fade before reloading my short risk positions. Even if Germany and the ECB somehow agree to unlimited monetisation I believe it will do nothing to fix the insolvency and lack of growth in the eurozone. It will just result in a major destruction of the ECB‟s balance sheet which will force an ECB recap. At that point, I think Germany and its northern partners would walk away. Markets always want short, sharp, simple solutions.”

#9 Dan Akerson, CEO of General Motors: “The ’08 recession, which was a credit bubble that manifested itself through primarily the real estate market, that was a serious stress….This is much more serious.”

#10 Francesco Garzarelli of Goldman Sachs: “Pressures on Euro area sovereign bond markets have progressively intensified and spread like a wildfire.”

#11 Jim Rogers: “In 2002 it was bad, in 2008 it was worse and 2012 or 2013 is going to be worse still – be careful”

#12 Dr. Pippa Malmgren, the President and founder of Principalis Asset Management who once worked in the White House as an adviser to President Bush: “Market forces are increasingly determining what the options are and foreclosing on options policymakers thought they had. One option which is now under discussion involves permitting a country to temporarily leave the Euro, return to its native currency, devalue, commit to returning to the Euro at a better debt to GDP ratio, a better exchange rate and a better growth trajectory and yet not sacrifice its EU membership. I would like to say for the record that this is precisely the thought process that I expected to evolve,but when I proposed this possibility back in 2009, and again in September 2010, I had a 100% response from clients and others that this was “impossible” and many felt it was “ridiculous”. They may be right but this is the current state of the discussion. The Handelsblatt in Germany has reported this conversation, but wrongly assumes that the country that will exit is Germany. I think that Germany will have to exit if the Southern European states do not. Germany’s preference is to stay in the Euro and have the others drop out. The problem has been the Germans could not convince the others to walk away. But, now, market pressures are forcing someone to leave. Germany is pushing for that someone to be Italy. They hope that this would be a one off exception, not to be repeated by any other country. Obviously, though, if Italy leaves the Euro and reverts to Lira then the markets will immediately and forcefully attack Spain, Portugal and even whatever is left of the already savaged Greeks. These countries will not be able to compete against a devalued Greece or Italy when it come to tourism or even infrastructure. But, the principal target will be France. The three largest French banks have roughly 450 billion Euros of exposure to Italian debt. So, further sovereign defaults are certainly inevitable, but that is true under any scenario. Growth and austerity will not do the trick, as ZeroHedge rightly points out. Ultimately, I will not be at all surprised to see Europe’s banking system shut for days while the losses and payments issues are worked out. People forget that the term “bank holiday” was invented in the 1930’s when the banks were shut for exactly the same reason.”

#13 Daniel Clifton, a policy strategist with Strategas Research Partners on the potential for more downgrades of U.S. debt: “We would expect further downgrades, a first downgrade from Moody’s and Fitch and possibly a second downgrade from S&P.”

#14 Warren Buffett on the problems in the eurozone: “The system as presently designed has revealed a major flaw. And that flaw won’t be corrected just by words. Europe will either have to come closer together or there will have to be some other rearrangement because this system is not working”

#15 David Kostin, equity strategist for Goldman Sachs: “The wide range of possible outcomes on both the super committee process and the unstable political economy in Europe drives our view that investors should assume the worst while hoping for the best.”

#16 Mark Mobius, the head of the emerging markets desk at Templeton Asset Management: “There is definitely going to be another financial crisis around the corner”

#17 En av världens bästa analytiker Gerald Celente, founder of The Trends Research Institute: “The whole system is going down. Pull your money out your Fidelity account, your Scwhab accout, and your ETFs.”

Are you starting to get the picture?

When so many top financial professionals are freaking out like this, perhaps the rest of us should start paying attention.

They are telling us that “time is running out”.

They are telling us that “there is definitely going to be another financial crisis”.

They are telling us that this “is going to be worse” than 2008.

They are telling us that “the whole system is going down”.

Yes, a devastating financial collapse really is coming. Just like in 2008, it will seem like the “end of the world” while it is happening, but it won’t be. It will severely damage our financial system and our economy, but it will not finish us off.

Think of it this way. When you build a sand castle at the beach, it doesn’t get totally wiped out by the first wave or the second wave that hits it. Each wave does significant damage, but the destruction of your sand castle is a process.

It is the same thing with the U.S. economy. We once had the most incredible economic machine that the world has ever seen. It is constantly being guttedand the financial crisis of 2008 hit us really hard, but we are still doing okay.

After this next financial crisis we will be in even worse shape. But we will still be breathing.

More “waves” will come after this next financial crisis. If we continue on the road that we are on, our economy will progressively get worse and worse.

Not everyone will agree with this analysis, and that is okay. In the end, time will reveal the truth to all of us.

Right now, we all need to get ready for the next wave that is about to hit us. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs over the next few years. Hopefully you are prepared for that.

Länk: ... w/occupy-wall-street-scam

Posted on: 2011/11/22 21:58
Citat: Prof. Antony C Sutton "Det var ingen frihet i Hitlers Tyskland, och det var ingen frihet under Marxismen, och inte heller kommer det att vara någon frihet under New World Order, om det låter som George Orwells 1984 så är det det!"

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