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EU & pedofilism
Först en introduktion för dem som inte vet vem Christopher Story är:

Så här uttrycker sig Mr Story om saken:
Sep 2008:
The DVD, Dachau, are extensively involved in paedophile ring operations. Selected children are kidnapped, degraded for perverse purposes, and afterwards usually murdered in satanic snuff movies. (Anyone who contradicts us on this matter risks the likelihood that we may publish a very extensive expose of this absolute abomination traceable back to the heathen practice of post-natal contraception which the aberrant children of Israel adopted from time to time by the sacrificing of unwanted children to Molech or Moloch, in the valley of the son of Hinnom, near Jerusalem).

This practice is replicated in child human sacrifices that take place at Bohemian Grove, Sonoma County, California, attended by depraved holders of high office and prominent power positions, every July. Separately, a total of 43 children, who had been kidnapped for paedophile activities and snuff films, perished in May 2007 alone, according to informed experts in touch with this service.

It was reported on 7th August that the Metropolitan Police (London) have confirmed in an email that Madeleine McCann, aged 5, who was snatched on 3rd May 2007 in Praia de Luz, Portugal, as widely rehearsed in the media, was abducted to the order of a paedophile organisation based in Belgium. We have been informed that the way this depraved activity operates is that the ‘client’ is sent three photographs of children, and chooses one of them, who is then provided, to meet his depraved requirements. The individual who selected little Madeleine McCann is a very senior official of the European Commission in Brussels. His name has been reported to this service [see below].

• LATE INSERTION: The Editor had intended to WITHHOLD the identity of the senior EC official concerned. However, in the light of the 'triple gunshot threat voicemail' referenced above, and given that in these cricumstances, the lapse of time between the threat and the exposure must be minimised, we have been forced to reveal the top European Commission official concerned.

His hereby shamed name is Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission.

The paedophile and abduction ring is. moreover, actually run out of the European Commission itself. The current position is that the DVD are refusing to release the child, although our British sources have reason to believe that she remains alive. It has been conveyed to DVD that if this child is harmed (beyond the abominable degree to which the child has already been harmed), the consequences will be extreme. This posting will serve as an immediate wake-up call and warning that this child must be released into the care of her parents forthwith and that the use of this child as hostage in any negotiations with British authorities is considered an abomination well beyond the normal range of abominations for which the Nazi pervert DVD are notorious.

All those concerned must be aware of the consequences of further exposure of this matter. Such exposure would compromise perverted politicians in the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Italy, as well as the corrupt European Union structures.

To the right of the railway line that slices through Unterweilbach, Prittlbach and Hebertshausen into Dachau, and adjacent to the Hebertshausen Bahnhof, is an empty area ending in a very steep bank, against which 8,000 Soviet prisoners of war were shot dead in cold blood during the Second World War. Set into the bank is a peculiar building with a sinister gate, approached via a pathway. Beyond the gated entrance is a doorway. Inside this doorway, investigators have photographed evidence of high occultic witchcraft paraphernalia. This horrible place, which is believed to be associated with the DVD, is reported to have been in recent use for high occultic Black ritual purposes.

2 okt 2009:
On 20th September 2008 the following segment appeared on this website.

It was reported on 7th August that the Metropolitan Police (London) have confirmed in an email that Madeleine McCann, aged 5, who was snatched on 3rd May 2007 in Praia de Luz, Portugal, as widely rehearsed in the media, was abducted to the order of a paedophile organisation based in Belgium. We have been informed that the way that this depraved activity operates is that the 'client' is sent three photographs of children, and chooses one of them, who is then provided, to meet his depraved requirements. The individual who selected little Madeleine McCann is a very senior official of the European Commission in Brussels. His name has been reported to this service. [Our report added later that the name of this senior European Official AS REPORTED TO US was JOSE MANUEL BARROSO, the President of the European Commission].

In Ireland, there is understandably a wave of disgust at the depraved behaviour of paedophile priests. It is hardly likely, therefore, that the Irish will be at all keen on validating, by their vote, the disgusting behaviour referenced above, which has been in the public domain for over a year now

Läs speciellt de nedersta rederna (om Marc Dutroux):

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Re: EU & pedofilism

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00:27 natten till lördagen
Har den här personen blivit bannad de sista två timmarna?

Posted on: 2009/10/22 0:48

Just because you´re paranoid does not mean they´re not after you...
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Re: EU & pedofilism
Vad passande men föga överasskning.

Ja man kan tro dom är ärliga o fina människor i sina kostymer.

Men sanningen är att dom är inget annat än . lögnare,tjuvar.mördare.pedofiler.bisexuella förvridna maktkorrumperade satansdyrkare hur man än vrider och vänder på saken.

Något som den svenska befolkningen borde börja läsa lite.

Har själv suttigt oskyldigt fängslad och glömmer det aldrig aldrig aldrig.

Blev extra påmind i mina drömmar idag.
Även en ängel jag träffade en gång som lyste så starkt att man inte kunde titta på han ens visade mig deras sanna ansikten.

Därav är mitt hat till dessa svin extra stort.

Kommer aldrig böja mitt huvud för dessa kuksugare.

Inte en chans , över min döda kropp rakt av och livet efter och livet efter.

Lite Civilkurage har man ju.

Hela deras organisation bör rivas till grunden.

Ni får gärna posta lite adresser om ni vill , till deras gömslen och mötes lokaler.

Så ska jag fixa fixa så dom får gratis kuk lite extra.

Hehehe ; )

Lev i frid .

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Re: EU & pedofilism
Nog ingen slump att det står i Bibeln att dom rättfärdiga sitter i fängelse.
Lyssna på vad denhär lirraren skriver i Kåkbladet.

Vad håller på att hända med vårt kära
gamla fädernesland? Var är den berömda
demokratin vi en gång hade och
var i helvete kommer den satans
smygdiktaturen från? Vi har idag en av
de värsta polisdiktaturer jag känner
till. Då menar jag inte så mycket att de
brukar mest våld i världen (även om de
brukar onödigt mycket våld många
gånger) som att de kan bete sig lite hur som
helst. Utan att bli straffade för det dessutom.

Är du känd av polisen sedan innan så kan
du vara säker på att bli medtagen för urinprovstagning,
efter det att du blivit offentligt
kroppsvisiterad. Vistas du ute efter
klockan sju på kvällen blir du garanterat
stoppad och medtagen för dessa ständiga
provtagningar. Polisen i Sverige är väl de
enda poliser som inte behöver göra sitt jobb
själva. Det ser de nämligen till att den misstänkte
själv får göra genom att ställa den
eviga frågan ”har du något vasst på dig?”
Du vet vad som händer om jag hittar något
vasst på dig? Med något vasst menas då om
du har något på dig som du inte får ha. Med
förtäckt hot om våld, så uppmanar de den
gripne att ange sig själv för att inte riskera
att få stryk på station senare!

Det är skrämmande att vissa delar av
svenska befolkningen inte ska våga visa sig
ute efter det att det börjar skymma ute. Det
är skamligt att i en "demokrati", som Sverige
ska föreställa att vara, att folk knapptvågar sig ut av rädsla för att polisen ska
gripa dem. Det är ta mig fan diktatur när
polis och andra myndigheter kan bryta sig
in i en misstänkts lägenhet och slå sönder
den misstänktes egendom i jakt på narkotika
eller vapen.

Det räcker tydligen med att en polis
"tror" att det finns något i den misstänktes
bostad för att polisen får bete sig värre än
en dålig inbrottstjuv. Många gånger gör en
kass inbrottstjuv mindre skada på inventarierna
än vad polisen gör. Jag har nyss
muckat från ett sjutton månader långt
fängelsestraff, och har redan blivit stoppad
tre gånger av polisen och blivit medtagen
för u.p. två av dem. Alltså två positiva
prov och därmed uppenbar risk för ytterligare
fängelsestraff. Det har numera blivit
straffbart att ha narkotika i blodet. En
pedofil får inneha barnporr, men en narkoman
riskerar att hamna i fängelse för att
han har narkotika i blodet.

Till sist vill jag ge polisen i Linköping ett
erkännande: fan vad duktiga ni är på att
fånga pundare, men hur är det med mördare
och våldtäktsmän. Där verkar det vara
lite mer som i texten till "Jack, the ripper.
Det går en mördare lös”. Ett dubbelmord
en tidig vardagsmorgon, med fullt av folk
i rörelse, och ni plockar in nästan varenda
småpundare i stan och hotar med repressalier
om dom inte hjälper er att ta fast en
Jimpa Ekström
(en av dom som polisen får säkra gratispoäng
på, nämligen alltid påtänd)

JA där ser man , Sverige har blivigt en EUROPAS Skamfläck.

Ger ordet Dubbelstandard och dubbelmoral ny innebörd.

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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Förvisso tycker jag att knivlagen och åtalspunkten "ringa narkotikabrott" är övertramp mot individens rättigheter men faktum är att poliser i hela världen frågar efter vassa föremål, inte bara den svenska...

Posted on: 2009/10/22 11:57

Just because you´re paranoid does not mean they´re not after you...
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Re: EU & pedofilism
Jepps man kopierar varandra.

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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Fang Shen, jag håller med dig om det mesta. Men sluta beblanda in bisexualitet med pedofili etc.
Inse att hetero-normen bara är ännu en illusion att klamra sig fast vid i matrisens svart vita värld. Vi är alla "bisexuella" ändå, dvs själen har inget kön.
Och om du menar att dom skulle få "extra kuk" i fängelset, så skulle dom väl bara uppskatta det eftersom dom är bisexuella enligt din uppfattning?

Posted on: 2009/10/22 18:00

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Re: EU & pedofilism
Varför valde du en manlig kropp om du ska vara homo.?

Klart som fan bisexualitet har en störning eller har du inte insett anpassningen och din natur?

Att påstå att homosexualitet är normalt och man inte inser att det är en missanpassning av synen på sexualitet nedärv från upplevelser. uppväxt och uppfostran visar bara desstå mer att självinsikt saknas.

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Re: EU & pedofilism
Bägge av dem är en störning och ingen av dem är normala.

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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Personen som skrev första inlägget raderade sig själv.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 18:31
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Re: EU & pedofilism

Pedofilringar är standard inom luciferismen.

Pedofiler är hårt tabu.
Se Mk Ultra programet till hur pedofili används som medel till att skapa traumatiserade budbärare.

Vad gäller homosexualiteten.

Vi är alla en anpassning av våran omgivning.
Vi är alla manligt och kvinnligt.
Vår syn på sexualitet är medärvd av vår anpassning gentemot det kvinnliga och manliga inom oss och utom oss i förhållanden och föräldrar.

Därav är homosexualitet en missanpassning , detta kan faktiskt varifieras tro det eller ej av bögar som söker sin egen självinsikt men du ser sällan att dom lever efter att lösa denna knut utan väljer att fortsätta i självförnekelse pga det ligger så himmla djupt i dem.

Dels dessutom för dom valt sin väg redan innan livet.

Jag hatar inte bögar och andra, tvärtom jag förstår dem mer än någon annan.

Men jag tycker för den delen inte att man ska få adoptera barn som homosexuel pga saker och ting går i arv.

Och en missanpassning ska inte vara en norm eller något och se upp mot.

Fårstelse människor förståelse för vad ni är.

Ni har inte ställt er frågan och känt efter tillräckligt varför ni är vad ni är.

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Re: EU & pedofilism

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FangShen tar upp en "synpunkt" som faller väl in i min känsla kring anomalin att inte bejaka de båda sidorna av ett mynt.

Jag accepterar inte homosexualitet som norm. Det har inget med politik eller med människosyn att göra.

Ser man samhällsbilden av hur en individ helst skall vara så är det inte svårt att se tecken av förändring. En förändring till vad skall man då fråga sig. För att se dessa tecken måste man vara ärlig mot sig själv med hur man... ja, i brist på annat ord, hur man anpassat sig.

Gör man inte upp med djupa inre missanpassningar så vandrar man inte sin sanna väg.

Tusan - jag försökte använda annat ord än anpassning, åter igen måste jag säga det. Tyvärr, FangShen har satt pricken över i:et.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 23:48
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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Håller med och inte, som vanligt med dig Fang Shen. Vissa saker som inte förstås intuitivt får bero tills myntet ramlat ned.
Att man valt en kropp till exempel. Valt? Hur kan du vara så säker på att du valt. Hur fan vet man det.

Den som påstår sig VETA vet INGENTING. Enkelt.
Jag påstår mig inte sitta inne med några esoteriska sanningar, annant än det jag intuitivt känner.
Att försöka applicera detta på andra individer som har helt andra vägar att vandra vore dårskap. Det som är sanning för dig är inte sanning för mig. Punkt.

Om sexualitet vill jag slutligen tillägga att vad jag ifrågasätter är mångas ordval som kan stöta andra användare. Alla är inte hårdkokta konspiratoriker med machokomplex här.

Posted on: 2009/10/23 0:23

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Re: EU & pedofilism
Finnns olika vägar.

Men finns bara en sanning ochs,å finns inte flera lagar bakom orsak och verkan än dom som redan finns.

Folk anser att sanningen är vad som gynnar dem.

Helt fel med andra ord.

Ju mer du vet desstå mindre finns det och förklara.

svaren kommer i känslorna.

Därför vet jag.

Vill du ochså veta? Meditera mera.

Den som inte vet något vet allt.

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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Mitt favvoämne bland alla "konspirationer" :) ... id=117609#forumpost117609

(LÄS ALLT: ... of_the_Dutroux_affair.htm)

Intervju med Regina Louf och Dutroux affären:

Någon som minns detta fallet riktigt bra? vad sas i media i sverige?
Finns det någon som rivit i detta fallet efter?

Hur var reaktionerna efter dokumentären med Regina? ... liagentleman.philipwillan

Posted on: 2009/10/29 4:01
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds...”

Bob Marley
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Re: EU & pedofilism

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mera info...

'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

While British Prime Minister Tony Blair is under criminal suspicion in the "honours-for-cash" scandal that has rocked his Labour government, we have been told that there is an even more explosive scandal that Blair, up to now, has managed to hide behind the draconian British policy of issuing "D-Notices," government orders that prohibit the British media from reporting on certain "national security" cases.

In 1999, an international investigation of child pornographers and paedophiles run by Britain's National Criminal Intelligence Service, code named Operation Ore, resulted in 7,250 suspects being identified in the United Kingdom alone. Some 1850 people were criminally charged in the case and there were 1451 convictions. Almost 500 people were interviewed "under caution" by police, meaning they were suspects. Some 900 individuals remain under investigation. In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair's government.

However, Blair issued a D-Notice, resulting in a gag order on the press from publishing any details of the investigation. Blair cited the impending war in Iraq as a reason for the D-Notice. Police also discovered links between British Labour government paedophile suspects and the trafficking of children for purposes of prostitution from Belgium and Portugal (including young boys from the Casa Pia orphanage in Portugal).

Tony Blair: stifling investigations of paedophiles in his Labour government.

In the United States, Operation Ore's counterpart was Operation Avalanche. However, U.S. authorities only charged 100 people out of 35,000 investigated. The international paedophile investigation began when Dallas police and the US Postal Inspection Service raided the offices of Landslide Productions of Fort Worth, Texas and confiscated records on thousands of people around the world who were child pornography customers of the firm. Landslide's halcyon days as a Fort Worth-based international online marketplace of kiddie porn was during the term of Texas Governor George W. Bush.

WMR has learned that the Bush administration, like that of Blair, is rife with paedophiles in top positions. The paedophile network also extends to the U.S. defense industry, particularly some of the companies that have been involved in the sexual abuse of minors at overt and covert U.S. prisons in Abu Ghraib, Iraq; Guantanamo, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Thailand, and now, at three prisons in Ethiopia.

Source: Wayne Madsen

'commons clerk on trial after IT find thousands of images of children performing sexual acts'

Tony Blair's closest confidante's is a practising paedophile, are even suggesting that this particular scandal, and not Blair's repeated lies and fabricated reports in regard to Iraq, may well prove the downfall of a government mired in sleaze and corruption.

The Sunday Times is reported to have obtained an FBI list of Labour MPs who have used credit cards to pay for internet child pornography, and Blair has responded by imposing a massive news blackout, failing however to stop the arrest of one of his most important aides, Phillip Lyon.

Lyon used his computer "to pursue his interest and perhaps curiosity in this type of material. He searched for it on the internet and, when found, downloaded it for his delectation later", said Ms Karmy-Jones.

Lyon, 38, from Stanford le Hope in Essex, denies 12 specimen charges of making an indecent image of a child between October 2001 and April 2002. "It is like a drug, you try one and you want to try something harder, and it has a snowball effect," he is alleged to have told officers when arrested.

Lyon worked in the Upper Table Office, where he met MPs, the Speaker, and Deputy Speaker while checking parliamentary questions and administering early day motions. "He needed skills in computing and the internet," said Ms Karmy-Jones. "He is an intelligent individual, and knew full well what he was doing." When first interviewed, he allegedly told police he did not distribute material - "I just look at pictures."

Ms Karmy-Jones told jurors: "This case is about child pornography - what others might call photos of child abuse. When I say child abuse, it may sound harsh, but it is the nature of these images which is central to the case. They are unpleasant and disturbing."

She said the issue might be whether it was Lyon who downloaded the images. "We say it is clear he was that man."

Under Blair's government paedophiles get off with a slap on the wrist 'Proof' [1]

There is a lot more here that is being exposed. We already know about Lord

George Robertson's (ex UK Defence Secretary 1997/98 and Sec Gen of Nato) links with Thomas Hamilton (Dunblane), procurer of young boys and a massive British establishment [Masonic] cover up.

Blair government insider Lord Robertson has threatened to sue Scotland's leading independent newspaper over internet allegations that he not only used his influence as a Freemason to procure a gun licence for child killer Thomas Hamilton, but was also a member of a clandestine paedophile ring reportedly set up by Hamilton for the British elite. On 13 March 1996, Hamilton, armed with four hand-guns, opened fire on a junior school class, killing 16 children and one teacher before turning the gun on himself, shattering forever the idyllic 13th century Scottish town of Dunblane. Lord Robertson was the referee on Thomas Hamilton's shotgun licence. [FACT]

Blair government, which has already issued a D-Notice to gag the press from revealing the names of known paedophiles within the British executive, including at least two senior ministers; and the case highlights the government's NATO boss and Blair government insider Lord Robertson has threatened to sue Scotland's leading independent newspaper over internet allegations that he not only used his influence as a Freemason to procure a gun licence for child killer Thomas Hamilton, but was also a member of a clandestine paedophile ring reportedly set up by Hamilton for the British elite.

Tony Blair's closest confidante's is a practising paedophile, are even suggesting that this particular scandal, and not Blair's repeated lies and fabricated reports in regard to Iraq, may well prove the downfall of a government mired in sleaze and corruption. The Sunday Times is reported to have obtained an FBI list of Labour MPs who have used credit cards to pay for internet child pornography, and Blair has responded by imposing a massive news blackout, failing however to stop the arrest of one of his most important aides, Phillip Lyon [2].

The latest allegations came to light following a campaign to lift the secrecy on the Dunblane massacre. Large sections of the police report were banned from the public domain under a 100-year secrecy order. Lord Cullen, an establishment insider, also omitted and censored references to the documents in his final report. Parents and teachers were advised to concentrate their efforts on a campaign to outlaw handguns instead of focusing on how the mentally unstable Freemason, already known by the police to be a paedophile, had obtained a firearms licence for six handguns. Hamilton allegedly enjoyed good relations with both local Labour luminary George Robertson and Michael Forsyth, the then Scottish Secretary of State and MP for Stirling. Forsyth congratulated and encouraged Hamilton for running a boy's club. Hamilton was also found to have exchanged letters with the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth.

Now where in this is there a national security risk so great, that documents part of the public enquiry are now state secrets to be held for 100 years? Funny kind of public enquiry. Why, when Thomas Hamilton's application for a gun licence was turned down, due to him being regarded as a man of unsound character [and] him being the object of several paedophilia investigations, did his MP, our friend George Robertson (now Lord Robertson, Secretary-General of NATO), write him a glowing character reference, and personally see to it that his application was successful, when he knew the grounds for the original refusal were because he was suspected of procuring boys for sexual services?"

Dunblane may have been just over 11 years ago, but the questions still loom, that have to be answered.

1.No proper Autopsy and no inquest on Hamilton?

2. Reasons unknown - Shoots Kids? - was he a scape goat to get rid of evidence of a paedophile ring of MP's and Mason's in Scotland? - there seems to be mounting evidence to prove this theory.

3. Receives Shotgun Licence even though he was turned down by normal channels - Why was Lord Robertson not prosecuted for refereeing his application?

4. Why did he shoot himself with a different gun from the one he shot the kid's with, even though the first gun still hand rounds in it? - strange to say the least.

These and many more questions, still remain unanswered.

'Assorted Party Political Perverts for your attention'

. Tory Party General election candidate, Michael Powell - Convicted and jailed for 3 years for downloading hardcore child porn.

. Tory Party Councillor (Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys - Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on childre

. Tory Party MP (Billericay) Harvey Proctor - Stood trial for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.

. Tory Party Councillor ( Stratford-upon-Avon ) Christopher Pilkington - Convicted of downloading hardcore child porn on his PC. Placed on sex offenders register and forced to resign.

. Tory Party councillor ( Coventry ), Peter Stidworthy - Charged with indecent assault of a 15-year old boy.

. Tory Party Mayor ( North Tyneside ), Chris Morgan - Forced to resign after being arrested twice in 2 weeks, for indecent assault on a 15-year old girl, and for suspicion of downloading child porn.

. Tory Party Liaison Manager on the London Assembly, Douglas Campbell, who's job includes running the Tory GLA website - Arrested for allegedly downloading child porn. He is currently suspended while the Police investigation continues.

. Tory Party Councillor (Folkestone - in Leader, Michael Howard's constituency), Robert Richdale - 41 year history of crime, involving 30 convictions and 5 prison sentences. Richdales enormous criminal record, which covers 10 pages of A4 paper, includes convictions for assault, theft, causing death by dangerous driving, forgery, drugs offences, possession of an offensive weapon, and sex attacks against underage schoolgirls. The Tory Party election campaign literature described Richdale as "a family man" who had a "compassionate personality"

. Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn - Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.

. Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner - Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.

. Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green - Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.

. Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.

. Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.

. Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding - Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.

. According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore ` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr Blair?

. William Straw - Son of Labour Foreign Secretary, and former Home Secretary - Jack Straw, was cautioned by Police for drug dealing, amid a frantic Government attempt to cover up the matter and gag the media as to his identity. Jack Straw also has a brother who was convicted of a sex attack on a schoolgirl. Lovely family!

. Homosexual mass murderer; Dennis Nielsen, who strangled and dismembered 16 young men in the 1980`s, was also a highly active member of Labour fringe groups such as the Anti-Nazi League, and the SWP. That's when he wasn't busy boiling peoples heads in a pot, or masturbating over the corpses of his victims.

. Lib-Dem Council candidate (Tower Hamlets), Justin Sillman - Convicted and jailed for 2 years for sexual abuse of young boys.

. Lib-Dem Councillor and Mayoral Candidate ( Sheffield ), Francis Butler- Prosecuted for indecent assault of a young boy.

. Lib-Dem Councillor ( Stockport ) Neil Derbyshire - Sexually assaulted a 16-year old boy in a public toilet. He was caught with a plastic bag containing lubricant, plastic surgical gloves, a condom, and underpants.

. Lib-Dem Councillor ( Preston ), Bill Chadwick - Charged with: Making an indecent photograph of a child, Incitement to rape, Incitement to murder, Incitement to kidnap, and Incitement to torture. Chadwick's gay lover - Alan Valentine, is also a Lib-Dem councillor.

This we are afraid is only the tip of the iceberg. this will be continued...

Posted on: 2009/10/31 17:25
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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Frimurarna försöker stifta lagar så man inte ska få veta om de är frimurare eller inte. Man kan ju undra varför det finns så många frimurare bland eliten, för att folket demokratiskt röstat fram dem?

UK Masonic Criminal Elite Called "Untouchables"

The UK is currently being run by a Masonic group who consider themselves untouchable. These people are often high end criminals who use their Freemasonry links to hide their illegal activities.

These untouchables include drug dealers, pimps, murderers, and gangsters. They have Masonic links to UK police and security services. For example, if a dirty job is required,the criminal gangs will happily carry it out allowing it to be completely deniable to security service and the police. In the event that the criminal gangs require a blind eye or even assistance, security services and the police are very happy to become involved.

In fact, I have specific evidence of the activities of these people and the line between untouchable criminals, MI5 and the police is often blurred: Police and MI5 acting as criminals for the criminals, criminals doing "Favours" for the police.
This level of corruption runs through the justice system, lawyers, politicians and much of local government.

The links these untouchables have enabled them to commit murder, drug trafficking, and any other heinous crime you can think of with the collusion of masonic police officers, judges, politicians and lawyers.

Ever so often in the UK a "special" police unit is set up to tackle police corruption. These units are allowed to continue as long as they do not uncover the truth. If they ever do, then they are shut down very quickly.
Once such unit based in London was set up to expose pedophile rings trafficking children. Senior people within this covert operation were very close to exposing a network that served important people and was operated by untouchables. The specialist police unit was immediately disbanded.

Some of these "Untouchables" operate with complete impunity. They have access to some of the most advanced technology and resources including equipment which is normally only available to secret service and special forces.

The willingness or obligation from officials at all levels to assist these people comes from two directions. The Freemasonry oath to help "Brothers" before anything else; and the fact that once you cross the line and help these people, you then become their property. These "Untouchables" with the right connections can call on assistance from the very top. When orders come through, those carrying out the dirty work will often believe they are just doing their job. This means these untouchable criminals can do anything and will tell you if you happen to become their target.
This network of senior freemasons is unknown to the lower ranks who willingly comply to orders.

The level of corruption has now reached a stage that they are willing to expose themselves to the public in the belief that they are completely untouchable. The Freemasonry untouchable criminals, corrupt police officers (not all of them) and security services are in for a suprise. The truth is coming out.

Maureen Spalek who's video is at the bottom of the page was once married to an individual who told her openly that he was an untouchable high level Freemason. After a major disagreement and subsequent divorce her children were illegally taken after a visit to hospital for one of her children who was knocked over by a motor cycle in suspicious circumstances. The nurse involved wrote a report saying that Maureen was unstable and an unfit mother. The children were immediately taken in to care and very soon after adopted. Maureen has had independant reports stating that she is perfectly fit.

She decided to contact the nurse who made the report. However, the nurse was murdered before she could speak to her. An individual was convicted of the murder and sentenced. Maureen attempted to get a visiting pass to the prison in an attempt to find out if this person did murder the nurse and why. Before she could make the visit the prisoner was killed in prison. Maureen is recieving daily harrasment from Cheshire and Mersyside police organised through the untouchable masonic connections, she has also been the victim of corrupt judges and medical staff.

UK Security services, UK police and untouchable criminals attempted an illegal operation on Saturday 31st October 2009 in central London. The security services were used for surveillance and tracking of the victim, the untouchables planned to carry out a heinous crime and the police colluded by standing by once these people had done their work to take the victim of this high level organised masonic crime.

UK security services protect untouchables who organise and run a high level child trafficking ring for elite masonic groups who call themselves illuminati. Theses people will be called upon by security services to set a target up as a pedophile inorder to drive the target to suicide. This is probably the most hainus tactic of MI5 and clearly a target not wanting to allow these thugs to bring discrace on family and friends would have no option.

Police tracking techniques and the masonic stooges will be used to follow the target until he reaches a location then the team will swing in to action orchestrating a crime scene inorder to set up the target. Bribes will be paid to as many people as required inorder for them to carry out their crimes at any given location and they will often tell members of the public anything to get their agreement including labeling the target as a dangerous attacker when in fact the rouge elemenets of the security services and police combined with Freemason untouchables are the most dangerous people in society. There have been unsubstanciated claims that these groups participate in satanic ritual sacrifices, from what I have witnessed I can certanly not dismiss these claims. ... being-run-by-masonic.html

Posted on: 2009/11/7 17:59

Edited by EscapedLunatic on 2009/11/7 18:28:22
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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Beyond the Dutroux Affair

Posted on: 2009/11/20 15:25
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Re: EU & pedofilism

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Posted on: 2010/8/15 21:01
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