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AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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En djupgående analys av james camerons nya skapelse.AVATAR

Posted on: 2009/12/30 12:01
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Tycker väll det var lite vagt angående avatar, däremot fann jag mycket annat intressant på sidan. Angående illuminati kontrollerad musik fick bilderna på Lady Gaga , mig att må riktigt illa (for real). Musiken tycker jag är viktig det är ett så otroligt effektivt verktyg och jag ser vardag hur det påverkar människor. Sådana varelser som Lady Gaga bör vi hålla alla barn och ungdomar borta ifrån.

Posted on: 2009/12/30 15:45
"When the unreal is taken for the real, then the real becomes unreal; Where non-existence is taken for existence, then existence becomes non-existence." - Tsao Hsueh Chin
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Såg den igår, filmen Avatar 3D, måste säga att den, om man gillar Sagan om Ringen , så gå och se den.

Jag satt 3 timmar och fattade inte att tiden försvann så fort.

Analys av Movieindustri, måste jag nog titta på lite närmre, men om man vill ha en upplevelse utanför det vanliga TV-tittandet så gör den här filmen en hel del vad det gäller hur man gör film i framtiden kanske. Glasögonen tog ett tag att fokusera med , men sen .............

Say no more,

Jag är helt betagen av datorisering och möjligheterna bakom den'
Så snyggt och sen får man en hel del att tänka på efteråt.

Gott Nytt År allihop

Posted on: 2009/12/30 17:44
Have guitar, will travell
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Ja , jag håller med jag är lite svag för pochahontas / dansa med vargar filmer i en magisk semi animerad miljö , så tyvärr kan jag inte vara opartiskt i frågan om Avatar. Den var riktigt bra.

Posted on: 2009/12/30 23:43
"When the unreal is taken for the real, then the real becomes unreal; Where non-existence is taken for existence, then existence becomes non-existence." - Tsao Hsueh Chin
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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BiReal skrev:
Ja , jag håller med jag är lite svag för pochahontas / dansa med vargar filmer i en magisk semi animerad miljö , så tyvärr kan jag inte vara opartiskt i frågan om Avatar. Den var riktigt bra.
Jo jag har sett den själv och kan inte annat än hålla med.MEN,frågan man ställer sig är:(BLIR) man programmerad utan att man märker det?Helt klart har filmen en underliggande agenda.Våra ungdomar konditioneras inför framtiden.Allt detta är SÅ diffust att om man tar upp ämnet med (oinvigda) så blir man praktiskt taget utskrattad!Jag saxade följande text ifrån artikeln (Being one of the most successful movies in the world is an astounding statement from people who have seen James Cameron's "TITANIC". It is a reflection of how many people have been affected by the imagery and emotion within the film. Although there have been those who have found fault in parts of Titanic's technical side, the emotional side turned out to be perfect; or was it deliberately engineered that way? Some have called the emotion within Titanic manipulative to the point of deliberately having scenes that elate, sadden, shock and anger the audience.

This manipulation is an interesting aspect of Mr. Cameron's work. No matter what he works on or writes the emotional atmosphere is always perfect in the finished product and according to Cameron is "biographical" of his life. Born in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada in 1954, James Cameron grew up in Niagara Falls.

He has always strived to be the best, whether his endeavors were class projects or playing soldier with his friends. According to Cameron's "official" biography, his childhood created the drive to overcome obstacles which stood in his way and would help later in life.

At this point in history, another person, who shares the surname Cameron, was at work making progress manipulating behavior and emotion for a deliberately engineered goal. The person is Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron.)

Posted on: 2009/12/31 0:06
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Var det inte bara en lång trailer för dataspelet AVATAR?

Hehe, håller med om att den anspelar på pochahontas-konceptet. (Med skillnaden att indianerna vann denna strid till slut, med offantliga förluster)

Posted on: 2009/12/31 0:22
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry
Det kan väl inte bara varit jag, som såg det hela ur ett tvärtom-perspektiv?, där pandora egentligen representerade jorden. och Nabi-folket var våra forna förfäder (afrika/egypten/mellanöstern).
Människorna som kom, var egentligen aliens som besökte OSS för (gissning) 8000 år sedan?....
I så fall var filmen helt enkelt en hyllning till deras förflutna, (och således vårt förflutna) ...avataren lever ju dessutom i slutet, utan behov av maskineri.
Jag tänkte hela tiden hur Jake Sully påminde om den fallna ängeln. Lucifer. Fast på detta sätt givetvis vinklat ur ett hjälteperspektiv.
Slutsats = Avatar är en modern hyllning till Lucifer och vårt urprung.

hmmm...låter inte helt ovettigt... någon som håller med?

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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Jag älskar mental mångfald!! Det är en fröjd att ta del av olika synvinklar!!!

Jag älskar hur man kan se allt på så många sätt.

Posted on: 2010/1/2 16:15
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Intressant teori. Har inte kollat på filmen än så jag kan inte uttala mig om det...

"Avatar (sanskrit: Avatāra) är i indisk mytologi "att stiga ned", det vill säga en guds nedstigande på jorden och antagande (inkarnation) av kroppslig (oftast mänsklig) gestalt. Ordet används främst om Vishnus tio inkarnationer."

Jag tror inte vem som helst får göra världsfilmer av såna här mått utan ett dolt budskap, helst ett bakvänt sådant så att styrande eliten känner sig sådär hemligt "upplysta" och bättre än alla andra . Ska man nå den nivån lär man beblandas med industrins mäktigaste personer med kopplingar till den dolda agendan, bli frimurare eller komma från rätt familj. Dom älskar att berätta sanningen framför den stora massan som inte förstår the big picture. Se på manus författare och även det största inom serievärlden som berättat fantastiska historier om Altantis osv.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 18:25
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry
En annan analys av "Avatar"

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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry
Sett filmen, tyckte om den jättemycket. Underhållande film med grymma effekter men förstod redan efter 5min budskapet. Genmanipulering närmar sig i i lika snabb takt som ufo agendan gör och det är inget annat än programmering så folket förbereder sig och redan har skapat en åsikt när hotet eller räddningen kommer.

Någon som nämnde Lady Gaga ? Där har vi en satanist/frimurare på riktigt höga nivåer. Kolla upp vem hon idoliserar och kolla vme hennes idol dyrkade så hänger allt ihop, och inte nog med alla symboler, tecken och ritualer i hennes musikvideon. Skulle jag ha barn, speciellt döttrar skulle de inte ens få se en glimt av det där fnasket tillsammans med Madonna och alla andra hjärntvättare.

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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

Prodigal skrev:
Sett filmen, tyckte om den jättemycket. Underhållande film med grymma effekter men förstod redan efter 5min budskapet. Genmanipulering närmar sig i i lika snabb takt som ufo agendan gör och det är inget annat än programmering så folket förbereder sig och redan har skapat en åsikt när hotet eller räddningen kommer.

kan du utveckla hur du menar?
Att Avatar på något vis förbereder oss för genmanipulering? Nu är du ute & cyklar...
Kanske är det ett sidosyfte, med det egentliga syftet / budskapet är något helt annat. något större.
Jag har min egen teori, som fortfarande känns mest hållbar och verklig jämfört med alternativen.

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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Jag såg just filmen Avatar på bio och jag fick direkt kopplingen till indianer. De levde likt varelserna på Pandora nära naturen, i symbios och behandlade den med respekt. De hade t.o.m. en schaman.

Sen när de beskrev världen som "ett" och att allt hörde samman genom energi osv så tycker jag det kändes helt rätt.

Skäms nästan för att vara människa, verkar som många av vår ras enkelt kan döda och utplåna (djur, människor, naturen) bara för att. Pengar, makt, lyx osv. Sjukt.

Bra film som fan! se den.

Posted on: 2010/1/11 1:54
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry
Det ligger en rejäl dos ironi bakom namnet "Vaken". På denna sida och i detta forum finner man utan tvekan Sveriges mest lättpåverkbara individer utan förmåga till kritiskt tänkande.

Kronan på verket är att de flesta tycks tro att de i själva verket är kritiskt tänkande, upplysta personer. Men jag kan idag avslöja att det är en stor och viktigt skillnad på kritiskt tänkande och att bara öppna skallen för allt utom "vissa saker" som alla utanför kretsen "lurats att tro". Något som närmast liknar en religiös sekt.

Världen har kanske blivit för stor för många, som därför känner sig manade att skapa sin egen världsbild där man själv har en plats. Självklart stämmer inte allt vi läser i tidningar, ser på tv och hör på radion. Det finns lika många tolkningar som det finns människor. Men jag törs lova att sanningshalten i samtliga svenska medier är betydligt högre än i detta forum.

I detta forum råder en total icke-skepticism mot allt som andra konspirerande forumvänner påstår, hur tokigt det än må vara. Logik och rationellt tänkande är också två egenskaper som ligger långt ner på listan. Exempelvis är den "nya världsordningen" ni talar om till viss del i en helt naturlig utveckling. Att länder allt eftersom tekniken krymper avstånd, ökar förståelsen och förenklar kommunikation mellan länder och individer kommer vi se en övergång till en allt högre grad av gemensamma system. Något som är självklart för att förenkla och underlätta, inget nytt. Det är på det sättet Sverige och de flesta andra länder en gång kom till.

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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

"Sen när de beskrev världen som "ett" och att allt hörde samman genom energi osv så tycker jag det kändes helt rätt."

Så lätt vanligt new agekrokande personer inte ser längre än näsan räcker

De gör ingen film för att ge ut vad som är "rätt".
Vänd på det, jsut för att de har med shamanstuff och annat så är det sådant som just gör att de lurar in folket till att bli gajadyrkare och annat. Att tro att detta är vårt hem, får de till att släppa andligt tänk, att vi hör inte hemma här.

Mycket hallejuja där, skakade på fingrar/händer, som de gör i vissa besättande religiösa sammankomster, gungade på kropparna, det är farligt... besättande saker kommer in då, och det har också att göra med reptilenergi, kundalini osv.

Det finns inget sådant som "världen är ett", om man inte redan är en new agare, eller annan slags kommunistaktivist.

En enskild person hänger ju inte ens samman med sig själv längre, utan vänder sin sanna sida ryggen - så inte undra på att det då läggs utanför en själv - vara ett med annat... allt hör samman... oneness... det är inte fallet.

Aktivister och New Agare går ofta på allt som "de" för ut, som Venus project, The Secret osv - de borde lära sig att vända på saker och ting.

Inget som förs ut brett har något gott syfte.

Märkligt att ha sett att man kan tro sig vara en vaken en, så tycker man att filmen var bra...

Jag såg filmen idag, tänkte gå i pausen, men det kom ingen paus...

Något nedan är nog redan postat i denna tråd:

There are many parallels with the story told by the movie and the mythohistorical narrative as related by conspiracy researchers such as David Icke or Michael Tsarion: alien beings from a powerful but dying world coming to a planet and utilizing genetic hybridization so that they might infiltrate and subvert the native population with the aim of extracting the planet's resources. Of course in the movie, it is the humans who are the evil, imperialistic aliens ... and-late-imperialist.html

"Avatar" the Movie -- Pandora is Earth!


The Movie 'Avatar' - Predictive Programming?


Avatar is complete Propaganda from the Illuminati Bloodlines.

There is plenty of symbolism in it and the message is very clear.

AVATAR: the seed is planted

Ok the movie is starting to sink in a bit now.

It was like a left verses right battle. The capitalists verses the left wing enviromentalists. And no surprise, the left wing enviromentalists were the good guys (to fit in with the NWO agenda, and Al Gore's #OOPS#). The PTB seem to want us to accept that America/world needs abandon it's current system, and the message seems to be aimed at kids IMO.

Also, there was a sort of religion that the blue people were part of, and it was a "religion" where they worshipped mother earth, a spiritual oneness with the planet. This would fit in with the destruction of the current religions that we see happening today, and using "spiritualism" WITHOUT A GOD, and with the planet being the thing that is to be "worshipped".

Having said that, the overall message in the movie was good. I like the movie (except the extreme violence). But as we are all starting to realise, the PTB are currently hijacking spirituality and oneness, and are using it to deceive the unwary people, in order to help forward their global agenda.


Hidden Symbolism And Themes In Avatar

A lot of movies and music videos are full of Masonic imagery and Avatar is no different. The name of the base, the logo that the army in the movie are dead give aways.

The main theme of this movie is about corporate imperialism but there is another theme that is connected to this movie as well and that is Illuminati bloodlines. The invaders genetically engineer the DNA of the inhabitants so they can take over their bodies and infiltrate the tribe. That should sound familiar to anyone on this site.
delvis evolutionstänk/new age, så många går lost.


Analysis of JAMES CAMERON’S “AVATAR” Pt2. ... camerons-avatar-pt-2.html

Resized Image


Review of Avatar - Alex Jones 12-20-09

De där som ligger på britsen är omvänt liksom, så gör aliens med människor. Så det där med att koppla upp sig sinsemellan... transhumanism och aliens agenda. ... and-late-imperialist.html

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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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sven skrev:
Det ligger en rejäl dos ironi bakom namnet "Vaken". På denna sida och i detta forum finner man utan tvekan Sveriges mest lättpåverkbara individer utan förmåga till kritiskt tänkande.

Kronan på verket är att de flesta tycks tro att de i själva verket är kritiskt tänkande, upplysta personer. Men jag kan idag avslöja att det är en stor och viktigt skillnad på kritiskt tänkande och att bara öppna skallen för allt utom "vissa saker" som alla utanför kretsen "lurats att tro". Något som närmast liknar en religiös sekt.

Världen har kanske blivit för stor för många, som därför känner sig manade att skapa sin egen världsbild där man själv har en plats. Självklart stämmer inte allt vi läser i tidningar, ser på tv och hör på radion. Det finns lika många tolkningar som det finns människor. Men jag törs lova att sanningshalten i samtliga svenska medier är betydligt högre än i detta forum.

I detta forum råder en total icke-skepticism mot allt som andra konspirerande forumvänner påstår, hur tokigt det än må vara. Logik och rationellt tänkande är också två egenskaper som ligger långt ner på listan. Exempelvis är den "nya världsordningen" ni talar om till viss del i en helt naturlig utveckling. Att länder allt eftersom tekniken krymper avstånd, ökar förståelsen och förenklar kommunikation mellan länder och individer kommer vi se en övergång till en allt högre grad av gemensamma system. Något som är självklart för att förenkla och underlätta, inget nytt. Det är på det sättet Sverige och de flesta andra länder en gång kom till.

Mycket träffsäker bild på ett sätt

Det är fler/mer synsätt på världen här

Jag håller inte med om att det skulle vara "total icke-skepticism mot allt andra konspirerande forumvänner påstår", det är sällan jag har sett en tråd som slutat med enighet, tror aldrig det hänt

Jag tror andelen "troende" är lika stor här som någon annanstans

Det största felet du gör är att generalisera och förenkla bilden av ett komplext fenomen, men visst, ser man det målat som karikatyr så framhävs de drag du presenterade här på forumet

Posted on: 2010/2/7 12:39
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry
Självklart är den bild jag gav förenklad. Men den är ändå central eftersom den ligger denna rörelse i fatet. De budskap och frågor som av många reses och behandlar viktiga saker som vore intressanta att ta upp drunknar i alla utsvävningar och fullständigt rubbade slutsatser som somliga drar.

När någon påstår att Mijailo Mijailović var styrd genom 3-g nätet när han mördade Anna Lind är det dags att höja ett varningens finger.

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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Man skall tänka på också att mycket sker i det subliminala. Tror jag har skrivit om det här förut, men det var ett tag sen. I ett Big Brother program så hände följande. Huset vaf fullt av deltagare och en av kvinnorna av egentligen född man, men det visste ingen mer än hon/han om!

Dom delades upp i 2 lag, och skulle skapa någon form av skulptur/konst. Bägge lagen skulpterade/skapade samma sak, ett ansikte med ett manligt höger, och ett kvinnligt vänster...

Det som är mest intressant är, dom fick reda på det som var lite hemligt... Kanske samma sak med film o böcker!

100 monkey syndrome eller nåt, subconscious choice etc. Jag är ganska övertygad om att dom som skapar film och skriver böcker etc, dom får hjälp utifrån också, vare sig dom vill eller inte.

Tror inte att det går att kontrollera skapelsen fullt ut, någon stans läcker det ut, alltid... Det går inte att släcka ljuset, typ!

Må gott

Edit: Har sett Avatar nu, en av dom bättre filmerna jag sett! VÄldigt subliminal med ett trevligt meddelande!

Posted on: 2010/2/7 16:35

Edited by iwarrior on 2010/2/7 19:39:48
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. / W Shakespeare
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Jag tycker att AVATAR var en underbar och lärorik film. Känns dumt att säga att det e nån djävul grej !!
Vi kan alla lära oss om vad menskligheten måste göra och lära. Jag vill själv ta några steg bak hoppas många andra känner det samma!!!Vi alla är på samma spår NÄR ska vi släppa taget kanske e dags nu!


Posted on: 2010/2/8 1:15
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Visst är den bra... Vilken respekt till allt som lever, oj va naturligt och enkelt!

" De e manligt/mänskligt att skydda naturen, och att veta om hur den fungerar etc. "

Posted on: 2010/2/8 1:23
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. / W Shakespeare
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Verkligen och det e dags att vi tar dom besluten och slutar leva i betongvärlden....lära oss att samarbeta och älska naturen det e lösningen på allt vi oroar oss för på denhära sidan
vi alla är bröder och alla vill ha samma kännsla...Dags att få sin dröm i uppfylelse

" De e manligt/mänskligt att skydda naturen, och att veta om hur den fungerar etc. " : de är så man blir en riktig man

Posted on: 2010/2/8 1:43
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

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Håller med 700%

Posted on: 2010/2/8 1:49
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. / W Shakespeare
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry

Oh dear, so many sheep here, waiting and demanding to be slaughtered!!!

It looks like a cartoon. A freakin' cartoon. Maybe the kids will enjoy it.

Eugenics, transgenics, Death of Man, Majick & Demon-summoning (wtf r they exactly CHANTING all the time??? WTF), Gaia-worship's all packd in there like a nice little #OOPS# taco. FUCK HOLLYWOOD.

The film is actually a propaganda piece for cybernetics.

Look closer you baffoons.

Yes, to a 2 year old, its "Dances with Wolves."


De som redan som den medeltransvakna, blanka och sover och/eller blivit alien ser sorgligt nog inte något, utan kan säga:

"I have just returned from seeing Avatar and without a doubt - it's one of the best films I have ever seen!
How many of you nay sayers have actually watched it from beginning to end?"

I brought tears to my eyes. It is a very deep spiritual movie. I can't even begin to express my true feelings of the movie. Words cannot explain what I feel for it. One thing I can say, the writer was candid and honest.

När det istället är:
Highly strange. My intuition tells me that this movie is unusually "helpful" to the "Alien Familiarization Initiative."

Programming of the mind. In 3D.


Avatar is nothing but the agenda remit of high freemason Cameron to promote the new earth/science green religion.


Så bli då de själlösa alienkropparna, det är det som det syftar till, och det räcker att de viftar med lite naturpsykedelia...:

Detta får ni:

However, the imaginary 'noble savages' in this movie don't really exist, and ultimately what you're left with is a bunch of 'people' who literally plug into a mechanical landcape, a 'hive.' The hero gets into the world via cybernetics and genetics, and ultimately 'plugs' himself in to this parallel CGI world. Any guise of 'nature loving' tree hugging 'injuns' is a joke. A real Shaman will tell you that connecting with nature is 'spiritual' not mechanical, and would also tell you that this film is the furthest thing from any kind of propaganda about 'connecting with nature.' Look close. What the 'space indians' do. There are obvious contradictions.

The film implies many things, but essentially exploits the sensitivities of the audience to make them long for a cybernetic hive world. Seriously guys, the 'Avatar' planet and its people do not really exist...its something else. Also, 'Dances with Wolves' noble savage tales are now irrelevant, white people HAVE already pretty much bought everything up and displaced all the natives...there's no reason to even bring up this tale again...EXCEPT...for the fact that it is an ingrained 'white guilt fantasy' to which James Cameron has his 'solution' ...not to become gaian pagan earth worshippers...but to plug into a cybernetic world, which will most, in fact, likely be controlled by the very same type of corporations depicted in the movie.

Man you people are stupid.
... de kallar sig vakna (är redan alien?) ... &q=In+it%27s+image&hl=en#

Komaister bryr sig inte om att det kommer från 33:ans frimureriverksamhet, utan det är ok att få skimmer i ögonen via glasögon och tecknad film.

Så lätt de nu har att dra agendan, när allt redan är såååå förberett sedan tidigare med de aningslösa måbralängtande vakna komaisterna och andra new agare.


Edited by jocken on 2010/2/8 13:14:44
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Re: AVATAR Analysis of the illuminati Movie Industry
Being one of the most successful movies in the world is an astounding statement from people who have seen James Cameron's "TITANIC". It is a reflection of how many people have been affected by the imagery and emotion within the film. Although there have been those who have found fault in parts of Titanic's technical side, the emotional side turned out to be perfect; or was it deliberately engineered that way? Some have called the emotion within Titanic manipulative to the point of deliberately having scenes that elate, sadden, shock and anger the audience.

This manipulation is an interesting aspect of Mr. Cameron's work. No matter what he works on or writes the emotional atmosphere is always perfect in the finished product and according to Cameron is "biographical" of his life. Born in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada in 1954, James Cameron grew up in Niagara Falls. He has always strived to be the best, whether his endeavors were class projects or playing soldier with his friends. According to Cameron's "official" biography, his childhood created the drive to overcome obstacles which stood in his way and would help later in life.

At this point in history, another person, who shares the surname Cameron, was at work making progress manipulating behavior and emotion for a deliberately engineered goal. The person is Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron.

Dr. Cameron began his career in psychology assisting the Office of Special Services (O.S.S.), interrogating prisoners during World War II. Among his most famous patients was Rudolf Hess, who had flown a plane to Britain in order to make a peace deal between Germany and the Allies. Hess was captured, imprisoned and was later interviewed by several psychiatrists, including Dr. Cameron. Much of Dr. Cameron's work, involved psychiatric techniques designed to modify and control a persons behavior patterns. His work was also derived from experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners in Nazi Germany and brought to the U.S. after World War II by the O.S.S. under "Operation Paper Clip".

In the 1950's, Dr. Cameron's successful work led to his appointment as head of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and the World Psychological Association (WPA). By this time, the O.S.S. had changed its name under President Harry Truman's Administration to become the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) in 1947. Dr. Cameron was contracted by the C.I.A. to continue his work in behavior manipulation under Projects Bluebird and Artichoke which would later become MK-ULTRA in 1953.

MK-ULTRA had several sub-programs, approximately 149, ranging among the subjects of biology, drugs, sexual activities, technology, physics, psychology and even motion pictures. It's no accident that movies created in the McCarthy era of the 1950's were designed to scare the public about the threat of Communists, brainwashing or space aliens. Hollywood's motion pictures became a tool of MK-ULTRA.

In the world of psychiatry, Dr. Cameron was a relentless, merciless man driven by a need to know how to control and modify human behavior, in other words direct it. His most common experiments were drug inducement, sensory deprivation, sensory overload, as well as "psychic driving", the process of replaying his voice recorded in previous sessions with his patients. Dr. Cameron also performed prefrontal lobotomies and electro-convulsive shock treatments.

According to the CIA's charter Dr. Cameron's work, especially in creating potential "Manchurian Candidates", would have violated the ban on domestic CIA operations within the United States. With the help of the Canadian government and C.I.A. Director Allen Dulles, who was one of Cameron's colleagues in the O.S.S., Dr. Cameron relocated his work to the Allen Memorial Psychiatric Institute in Montreal, Canada in 1957 and stayed there until 1963.

On a side note, Allen Dulles would run the C.I.A. until after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, when he and General Charles Cabell (brother of Earl Cabell, the mayor of Dallas) were fired by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. After the tragedy of John F. Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Dulles was appointed to Warren Commission by Chief Justice Earl Warren to help investigate the assassination and the background of supposed assassin or patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald.

The Allen Institute would soon become an infamous brain butchery under Dr. Camerons control. Many patients were subjected to extreme and harsh conditions that included drug induced comas that lasted months, lobotomies, bright lights, sounds, moving images and electro-shocking that were in such excesses that it killed the patients. Other creations of Dr. Camerons butcher shop included the development of psychedelic drugs, most notably, LSD.

After Dr. Cameron left Montreal he retired to private life in the United States and vanished from the picture but his work continued on in MK-ULTRA until it was supposedly shut down by CIA Director Richard Helms in 1973.

Many of the documents from MK-ULTRA were destroyed on orders from Helms. Helms was also responsible for providing E. Howard Hunt with the information necessary for the break-in at the Watergate hotel in 1972 for the purpose of helping President Richard Nixon smear and psychologically destroy Daniel Ellsberg. Ellsberg was the Pentagon aide who hadduhed the Pentagon Papers revealing Nixon's involvement in escalating the Vietnam War. The resulting Watergate scandal would eventually lead to the resignation of Nixon in 1974.

The murky world of intelligence operations became murkier as names changed to protect secrecy. MK-ULTRA simply assumed the new name MK-SEARCH and continued on into 1984.

In the late 1970's, while MK-SEARCH(MK-ULTRA) continued on the intelligence front, an unknown truck driver in California named James Cameron decided to quit his job and get into the film making business.

According to "official history", James Cameron moved to Brea, California in 1971, completed high school and attended five semesters at Fullerton College in Orange County. After dropping out of college, Cameron had convinced a consortium of dentists from Tustin, California seeking a tax writeoff to finance a short film in 35mm which he called "XenoGenesis".

The word "consortium" is interesting in itself; its dictionary term is given as "international business alliance". Since these dentists are from a local area, why are they described in this manner? If "business" is dropped from the definition, we're left with "international alliance" meaning they belong a large organization which envelops the world. The use of the word "Xenogenesis" as the name of Cameron's first film was also interesting because it meant "the birth of an alien species".

In actuality, these "dentists" were "psychiatrists" and operatives connected to the CIA's MK-ULTRA program and Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron. James Cameron and the "psychiatrists" knew each other from a fraternal organization they belonged to. This secret brotherhood helped finance Cameron's first film and would continue to help his career. He had entered this organization when he turned 21 years of age. The majority of persons in the intelligence community, including Dr. Cameron, belonged to the same organization which is commonly known as the FREEMASONS.

The Freemasons are a global fraternal organization that exist for the express purpose of enlightening those who choose to join its ranks. According to public sources, Freemasonry was created in the 1700's in Europe, but if one delves deeper into the mysteries that make up Freemasonry, it is learned that the origins of the brotherhood trace back to a highly advanced civilization named Atlantis which existed before the one we're in now. Much of the high technology, advanced thinking and philosophical ideals were handed down through the generations in secret after a "Great Flood" destroyed Atlantis.

This technology would be revealed to the people of the world once again at a prescribed moment in time. It's no accident the 20th Century is one of the most technological achieving centuries in our civilization. This century saw the creation of techniques that would be used to control the mind as we saw earlier in this document with the CIA's implementation of Dr. Cameron's mind experiments and MK-ULTRA technology. The reason the "consortium" approached James Cameron was for the opportunity to use subliminal imagery and emotional manipulation on mass numbers of people and prepare them for an engineered future´.

James Cameron continued onward in his career to enter the world of Roger Corman. The studio owned by Corman was named "New World Pictures". The "New World" was short for "New World Order", a phrase that embodies the idealism of Freemasonry, a global government. The phrase would eventually be spoken in public by President George Bush(Former Director of the CIA and 33rd Degree Mason) in 1991.

Cameron worked as miniature builder, model unit Director of Photography and matte painter on a film called "Battle Beyond the Stars" . The film's title was symbolic of a belief held by many in the UFO community as well as Freemasons that an ancient battle took place in this solar system thousands of years ago. The idea was to use MK-ULTRA technology to prepare the masses to believe in extra-terrestials for the purpose of bringing humanity into the "New World Order". More of this would be used later in Cameron's film career.

Determined to get into directing, Cameron worked on another science fiction film with a symbolic name, "Galaxy of Terror". Cameron became second unit director.

In 1982, during the early years of the administration of President Ronald Reagan(33rd Degree Mason), Cameron wrote "The Terminator" along with his 2nd wife Gale Anne Hurd, who's a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, a Masonic women's organization.

The basic idea of "The Terminator" involved sending a man back through time to prevent a cyborg from killing a woman who would give birth to humanity's savior, a man who would save humanity from a world ruled by machines. The symbology of this story was taken from the Bible with the woman's situation somewhat compared to the "virgin mary" and humanity's savior paralleled to her son.

The Freemasonic symbolism in the Terminator was obvious throughout the movie. One of the first symbols was the use of "blue light" used in dark situations. This would later become one of Cameron's directing styles.

The blue light was symbolic of Cameron's ascension from the first three degrees of Freemasonry, which are known as the blue degrees, to the next level of degrees which are known as the York Rite.

One of the characters in "The Terminator" described the machines as "a new order of intelligence". You can hear the words "New World Order" in the sub-text.

The most concrete symbol was the name of the distributor for the film. Although Cameron worked with Hemdale and HBO to get the film made, the film was distributed by Orion Pictures. Orion is symbolic of Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of enlightenment and fertility.

Osiris's counterpart was Isis, the Egyptian goddess of the Earth. Both of these ancient deities are represented by the "male" and "female" components of the "square and compass" symbol of Freemasonry. The square represents "Isis" and the compass is "Osiris". Also symbolized by Isis is the star known as Sirius. Some Freemasons believe their ancestors came from Sirius.

The purpose of Orion's release of "The Terminator" was to be the first mass use of Dr. Cameron's work in a James Cameron film. The film was designed to imprint a subliminal message to unconsciously prepare the public for a higher form of technology which would arrive on Earth in the future. Those who resist this message would be "terminated".

While Cameron was unknowingly getting financing from the "consortium" for "The Terminator" he wrote two more scripts; "Rambo: First Blood Part II" and "Aliens". The subtitle "First Blood Part II" from the Rambo sequel was symbolic of Cameron's ascension through the York Rite degrees while "Aliens" was being prepared as another step in manipulating the minds of the public with MK-ULTRA technology.

After "The Terminator's" success, Cameron directed "Aliens" and began production in 1985 in England. The film was shot in a studio in England so Cameron could receive the rest of his York Rite degrees in the town of York while on breaks from shooting the film.

Aliens was the sequel to Alien, a 1979 movie about Earth explorers searching another planet for use as a mining colony. When they got there, they were slowly hunted down by the inhabitants of that world which were acid-blooded creatures; insect like as adults and as snake-like parasites when young that used the humans as hosts and eventually killed them by bursting out of their chests. Aliens debuted in 1986.

The film became one of the highest grossing 'R' rated films and also won Oscars for Best Visual Effects and Best Sound. It was fairly obvious to anyone with the knowledge in this document that the fear and excitement generated by the sounds and effects of the movie were the result of mind manipulation. Why? To further solidify the fact in peoples minds that humans will one day face a threat from outside this world and force them to unify as one.

Once Cameron had finished this film, he had also completed his York Rite degrees in Freemasonry and ascended to the Scottish Rite. It's aworthy to note that during this time in 1985 and 1987, 33rd Degree Mason President Ronald Reagan had made several public statements alluding to a threat from the "outside" that would unify the world.

Before Ronald Reagan had become governor of California, he and his wife Nancy had first seen a UFO over a highway near Hollywood while on their way to a casual dinner with some of their celebrity friends. The Reagans had arrived an hour late for the dinner, extremely distressed and described their experience. This would change the Reagan's view of the world forever and would influence their future actions and public statements.

These "threat from the outside statements" included a speech on December 4th, 1985 at Fallston High School in Maryland. Reagan was describing a 5 hour private discussion with Soviet Premier Gorbachev and Reagan told him(Gorbachev) to think "how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries..."

On September 21st, 1987, in a speech before Congress, Reagan had said the following; "In our obsession with the antagonism of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world". Something was definitely going on, not only in Cameron's films but the world's governments as well.

The next project on Cameron's list was "THE ABYSS", a film about a group of oil rig workers who help recover a sunken nuclear submarine. During this recovery they are unknowingly watched by an extra-terrestial intelligence. In the special edition of the film, it was made clear the extra-terrestials were warning the human race to come together as one or face destruction.

During the shooting of the film, Cameron had been "trained" by the "consortium" in techniques similar to Dr. Cameron's "Psychic Driving" by pushing the workers and actors on the set to the limit. According to published reports, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio was pushed to such a limit that she now avoids Cameron at all costs. To this day, Ed Harris refuses to even talk about his experience with Cameron on the set. "The Abyss" was also the first movie using the "morphing" technique that made a photo-realistic computer animation that was used to spellbound the audience. The film had also gained Oscars for Best Visual effects which was more proof of MK-ULTRA being used and now combined with computer technology.

The film was released to the public in 1989. This was the same year as the swearing in of President George Bush and fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany. Both events were staged by the Freemasons to prepare the world for the global coming together as one. The name "Abyss" was symbolic of Cameron getting even deeper into information which is privy to the Freemasons.

In 1990 Cameron had co-written "Point Break" with his third wife and Order of the Eastern Star member, Kathryn Bigelow who directed. He became an executive producer on the film. "Point Break" was released in 1991 and went on to make $100 million and topped the video rental charts. Although the film was about a group of persons who robbed banks, a lot of subliminal imagery was added to the film which explains why the film was popular.

Lightstorm Entertainment became a new production company created by Cameron and financed by the "consortium". The name Lightstorm was allegedly symbolic of the appearance of the Terminator in the "Terminator" films but was really symbolic of Cameron receiving more intellectual light from the Freemasons. The first film that would be produced by Cameron's new company was "Terminator 2. Judgment Day", the sequel to the Terminator.

The title of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" was symbolic of a future war to come because of technology and to prepare the public to accept a form a destruction beyond of their control.

The film also featured the use of computer technology to make a morphing character that would leave the audience with chills. The character was created at Industrial Light and Magic. "Light and Magic" are symbolic of the mysteries inside of Freemasonry.

More incidents of "psychic driving" had also taken place. One of them being an incident involving Edward Furlong, who had played John Connor in the film, and lip balm. He was coerced by an under-cover "consortium" member to use the lip balm. After shooting a scene and congratulating Furlong for his performance, Cameron noticed the lip balm on Furlong's lips and yelled at him for screwing up the scene. Later, Furlong admitted in a magazine interview that the incident left him paranoid about the rest of the shoot.

To some people outside of the "consortium" this mind control technology was becoming apparent and needed to be covered up. Cameron's script for the film was rewritten with some of the parts removed to conceal facts related to the MK-ULTRA technology. One such example of proof follows when describing Sarah Connor's treatment in the mental institution with electro-convulsive-therapy;

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