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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Kunskap är frihet

Den yttersta friheten är friheten från klängande och friheten från aversioner. Att bara vara med det som är och känna på de känslor och behov som finns samt manifestera längtan spontant.

Den yttersta kunskapen är vetskapen, upplevelsen av nuet. Att vara här helt och fullt och verkligen få veta vad det är att vara. Att känna hur vi uppnår den yttersta friheten.

Den djupaste kunskapen är den djupaste friheten.

Kunskapen om nuet och friheten som den bär på.

Posted on: 2009/8/20 21:44
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Kunskap är inte frihet...

Skulle (en) budda sagt att kunskap är frihet - nej, det är 180 grader fel.

Kunskap är lögn och bojor, kunskapens frukt som var förbjuden... för det är bara saker från fängelsenivån, och är för att hålla oss kvar.

Kunskap är kanske den yttersta onda religionen, och en iscensättning.

Man har vänt sig mot sitt ursprung, gud och villäta kunskapens frukt i fängelset... \"...Lucifer, and his band of deceivers, had hijacked this planet... he controlled world governments and their people.\"

Hela (alldeles nya) utskicket från Jonathan Gray:


There is a man in India who has been staring at the sun
every day for 20 years!

He went blind after six months of his sun staring, but he
still gazes upwards with his ghostly, SIGHTLESS eyes!

Poor man! But, guess what! It’s good news for some people.

Oh, come on! Good news? What are you talking about?
…someone says.

Very well, have you heard the name Lucifer?
Just in case you were not aware, “Lucifer” means
“shining, burning light”, that is the Sun.
In all my archaeology researches, one sure thing comes up
– ancient civilizations were not dumb. In many respects,
their technology surpassed ours.

These ancient cultures had access to information that many
of us don’t know about.

And they were convinced that an entity known as Lucifer,
and his band of deceivers, had hijacked this planet.

They firmly believed that, behind the scenes, he controlled
world governments and their people.

And they were aware that the attitude of the Legion of
Lucifer toward the human race was one of jealousy, hatred
and sadism.

Lucifer was also known as Satan, or the devil.

And what a mean character! …obsessed with a passion that
men and women would honor him, instead of their Maker.

His sign was the writhing, creeping serpent, or snake.

And this was ultimately to inspire the birth of a number
of religious movements to worship the snake, even to our

Oh, come on, I hear someone say. Why would intelligent
people honor something so repulsive – a reptile that
everyone feared and despised?

Actually, the solution wasn’t so difficult, when you think
about it.

Would you like to know how the instigators pulled it off?


You’ll find the key in the world’s oldest prophecy – a
prophecy celebrated by the Greeks, the Mexicans, Babylonians,
Egyptians, Indians and others.

You see, all civilizations believed that the first man and
woman had fallen under the power of this evil character and
his crew.

These civilizations also believed that the Creator had
promised mankind rescue.

The original prophecy was encoded in these terms:

When the Deliverer (“the woman’s Seed”) comes, the serpent
will wound him in the heel. However, the Deliverer will
finally win, by crushing the serpent’s head.

The expectation was BIG worldwide, concerning this Coming

In the very earliest times, this expected Messiah was
associated with the bringing of spiritual light to the
hearts of men and women.


Now fast forward to the time of Nimrod, on the plain of
Shinar, Mesopotamia, about 2200 BC.

In those miserable climatic conditions following the Great
Flood, the sun soon came to be looked upon with special

Combine that with a popular desire for physical images of
the deity, and it was a simple matter for some to begin
adoring the sun.

Thus, under the influence of Nimrod, sun worship was
instituted with comparable ease.

Nimrod’s crafty theologians now began their twisting and
turning. Their aim: to get Lucifer honoured.

It’s so clever, you’ll hardly believe it!

Whereas the expected Messiah, in the earliest times, was
associated with the bringing of spiritual LIGHT, this
symbolic meaning was now insidiously displaced by
‘actuality’, physical LIGHT, represented by the sun.

This process of corruption began at Babel, in Mesopotamia.
Then, as the people were ultimately dispersed over the
earth, they took it with them.

And so, all over this planet, sun-plates and sun-pillars
began to arise. And the smoke of strange altars ascended
to honor the sun god, who became the highest god.


Was sun worship just an innocent thing, into which people
might have naturally, and innocently drifted?

Come on gang. It’s time to get real. It was a carefully
engineered plan.

Now watch the deliberate subterfuge. Are you ready for
this? Here it comes…

In the original world language, the sun was called
“Shemesh” – “Servant”.

One may suspect that this name was originally given, to
keep in mind the fact that, however glorious was the orb
of day, it was, after all, no more than a servant of

So earth’s inhabitants looked into the sky and in the
First Tongue of mankind called it “Shemesh”, the Servant.

Then was engineered the Nimrod conspiracy – which was a
conscious move to purposely put the servant in the place
of the unseen Master, the Creator.

To get popular support, it would never do to keep calling
the sun “servant”.

So the crafty priests came up with the decision to call
the sun “Lord”.

In their language, the word “Baal” meant Lord… the
Supreme Master… a totally opposite meaning! So “Baal”
was the new name given to the sun.

A DELIBERATE change, you see!

Centuries rolled on. And at dawn services, from Asia to
Europe to South America, royal families, nobles and common
people stood silent and still, their eyes turned toward
the east, awaiting the great moment when the first
brilliant red rays should shine forth above the horizon.

In some countries, a human image representing the sun was
worshipped by casting live children into the fire in its

And who was behind this devilish development? Who was
giving orders for this to take place?

It was coming from séance sessions, if you please!
Someone was setting the people up! Some entity who
loved to feed on human misery.


In exploring the remotest archaeological sites on earth,
the most consistent symbol I have found, apart from the
symbol of the sun, was that of the snake.

Sun worship and serpent worship went together.

In the mythology of the ancient world, the serpent is
universally the symbol of the sun.

In Egypt, one of the commonest symbols of the sun, or
sun god, is a disc with a serpent around it.

You ask, how did this link come about?

Well, all nations had in their traditions the memory of
the reptile serpent turning their first parents against
the Creator. For this reason, the snake became a special
emblem for Lucifer, or Satan, the tempter.

Should it surprise us, then, to discover that a
deliberate plan was hatched for snake worship to feature
at the top of this new religious system being set up for
the world to follow?


Wait a minute! Isn’t that a tall order? How on earth
could you ever get the serpent revered? After all,
human beings generally fear snakes… even hate them.

That’s true. So how to go about it?


Here comes the strategy. Stage One.

Nimrod’s priests were already saying that the Great Flood
had proceeded from the evil principle. So the great
serpent (the evil principle) became a symbol of the Flood.

So there is Step one – the snake became a recognised
public symbol… even if it was for something bad.

Now watch everything fall into place…

Just follow these subtle changes…


Firstly, the belief that Lucifer had taken maliciously
over this planet was accepted worldwide.

His team of fallen rebels were known by the Greeks as

In the Chaldean system, Teitan was just a synonym for
Typhon, the malignant Serpent or Dragon, who was
universally regarded as the Devil, or author of all


Secondly, in life the king of Babel, Nimrod, had been a
hero. With his hunting bands, he had delivered the
straggling populations from the fear of wild beasts.

After Nimrod’s violent death, his widow Semiramus spread
the word that Nimrod had been the promised Deliverer.
And that her newborn child Tammuz was Nimrod returning as
the promised Deliverer, to become the bruiser of the
serpent’s head.

This meant that he was going to destroy Lucifer’s rule
over the planet.

So it was that the Greeks would ultimately represent
their great god Apollo as slaying the serpent Pytho; and
Hercules as strangling serpents while yet in his cradle.

In Egypt, in India, in Scandinavia, in Mexico, we find
clear allusions to the same great truth.

Later, in Egypt, the child-god Horus, known also as “the
seed”, would be portrayed as standing on the head of a
crocodile and as bruising serpents in his hands.

Likewise in India, the malignant serpent Calyia is slain
by Vishnu, in his avatar of Krishna.

Again, the Scandinavian deity Thor was said to have
bruised the head of the great serpent with his mace.

All these can be traced back to the original prophecy –
which is recorded in the book of Genesis.

Concerning a similar belief among the Mexicans, Humboldt

The serpent crushed by the great spirit Teotl, when he
takes the form of one of the subaltern deities, is the
genius of evil – a real Kakodaemon. (Humboldt, Mexican
Researches, vol. I, p. 228)

In the legend of the Indian god Krishna, he is
represented in pictures and images with his foot on the
serpent’s head. (Coleman, Indian Mythology, Plate xii,
p. 34) And then, after destroying it, he is fabled to
have died as the result of being shot by an arrow in the
foot. (Pococke, India in Greece, p. 300)

Significantly, in almost all cases, when the subject is
examined to the bottom, it turns out that the
serpent-destroying god is represented as enduring
hardships and sufferings that end in his death.

Not so good for Lucifer and his mob. How on earth could
this be twisted around so that Lucifer could receive

Easy. Get the pagan theologians onto the job. And they
came up with this clever twist…


Step three: Give Lucifer himself a certain measure of
respect, to “console him for the loss of his power,”
and to prevent him from hurting them. And so that’s
exactly what the pagans actually came to say.
(Plutarch, De Iside, vol. ii, p. 362)

Step four: A logical follow through was now to link
the sun and serpent together.

And here, apparently, was the reason given: that as
the sun was the great enlightener of the physical world,
so the serpent was the great enlightener of the

And why was that claimed? Well, wasn’t it the serpent
that gave mankind the “knowledge of good and evil”?

This, of course, referred back to Eve, the first woman,
who was told in her first encounter, in the satanic
séance, that if she turned her back on the Creator and
instead followed the fallen Lucifer, she would “become
enlightened to all the good things that God wants to
conceal” from her.

The introduction of the serpent into the Eastern
Mysteries as the great enlightener was no innocent

On the part of the ringleaders, this was nothing less
than a deliberate and daring perversion of a known

An ignorant move? Don’t kid yourself. It was well
planned, deliberate and controlled.


Step five: And finally, this serpent-dragon, or Teitan
or Satan, became the supreme object of worship.

Hence the Titania, or rites of Teitan, eventually
occupied a prominent place in the Egyptian Mysteries
and also in those of Greece.

Honestly, lately, so many emails have come
in asking about these multiple messiah gods of Mexico,
Egypt, Greece, India and everywhere else, that I just
HAD TO pull together all the crucial data.

If I can get some people thinking, it will be worth it.

The questions are numerous:

* Were there at least 16 avatars/saviors/messiahs
before Jesus Christ – for example, Krishna, Mithra,
Osiris, Thoth, Prometheus, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl?
* Was Jesus just a fairy tale copied from pagan
* Why are the stories and teachings of Jesus Christ,
Krishna and Buddha so remarkably similar?
* Why do their mythologies have uncanny parallels –
for example, virgin birth, a December 25 birthday,
saviors of royal descent, a violent death, a
resurrection, ascensions, and so on?
* Is Christianity recycled paganism?
* Is the Bible so unreliable, you cannot trust what it
tells you?
* Has it been tampered with?
* Are churches covering up the truth?

I had better alert you now, that someone is playing us
for suckers. I think you and I deserve an explanation.

We shall also find ourselves confronting issues such as

* Are there endless cycles of destruction and
* Is Satan (Lucifer) the real god?
* Is 2012 the year of doom for this planet?

Here’s where to go for stickier questions and more
explosive information.

Meanwhile, I wish you and yours a great week ahead.

Until next time,
Jonathan Gray

Posted on: 2009/8/23 11:53

Edited by arkman on 2009/8/23 12:11:26
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Kunskap är inte frihet...

-Tama fåglar längtar,vilda fåglar flyger.Vem vill tamgöra oss?
Vem vill ge oss så kallad kunskap?Kunskap tar bort det vilda och på så sätt tamgör."SITT VACKERT"!Kunskap ger oss en hyfsad tillvaro i fängelset,i stället för att vara fria.
Kunskap fängslar!

Posted on: 2009/8/23 18:10
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!
Beror på vad för kunskap.

Om du talar om aphjärnans brus så ja.

Beror på vad man definerar som Kunskap ochså.

För mig finner jag den hösta kunskapen i tystnaden inom, den kommer inte i ord.

Ord är bara slöseri på energi och jaga tankar.

Sanningen kommer före ordet.

Lev i frid.

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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!
Om kunskapen är tung kan det bero på flera saker.

Fel kunskap.
Rätt kunskap men inte hela kunskapen.
Rätt kunskapen men man inser inte att allt är förgängligt och i slutändan vinner bara sanningen, kärleken och visdomen.

Osv osv.

Det finns smarthetens människor, klokhetens människor, och vishetens människor.

Av olika kategorier har dom olika sorters lidande ochså.

Lev i frid.

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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Den djupaste kunskap och det är kunskapen om våra sinnen. Vad vi ser, hör, känner, smakar och luktar.

Utifrån den kunskapen kan vi extrapolera annan kunskap, men den kunskapen är inte lika nära källan.

Det vi upplever är kunskap i första bemärkelse.

Kunskap är inte samma sak som information.

Kunskap = Vetskap = Vetande.
Knowledge = Know.

Kunskap är att veta. Att veta vad vi är. Att frigöra oss från ignorans. Att vara fria. Frihet.

Posted on: 2009/8/23 21:23
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!
Våra sinnen kommer från våra organ.

Våra organs kvaliteter kommer från yin och yangs samspel med elementen.

Utan bukspottskörtel ingen smak och lukt.

Utan njurar förlorar vi minne.

Utan hjärta har vi ingen känsel.

Utan sinne ingen syn.

När man känner sina organ känner man sina sinnen. och vice versa

Det vi upplever i första första hand är känsla och fokus.

Med rätt känsla och rätt fokus uppfattar vi med hjärtat och sinnet tömt sann kunskap.

Sann kunskap är liv.


För skapa liv (Existens)behövs FangShen och Tomhetens visdom kan man säga i balans.

Sanningens process som produkt.

En punkt ger uppehov till miljoner grenar som den genomsyrar.

Se punkten se dess processes förstå sinnet, tysta sinnet , nå sig själv.
Var ett med mörker och ljus, , genom att väcka hjärtat som är läraren.

Dirigera draken (roten) eleven.

Till att hitta din guru, ditt sanna jag.

Övervakaren i huvudet.

Därifrån kan du kontakta anden i hjärtat.

Lev i Frid.

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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Loading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done.
Setting parameters . . . . . . . Done.
Create %KUNSKAP. . . . . . . Done.
Create %FRIHET . . . . . . . . Done.

%FRIHET = %FRIHET.............. [CHECK]
%KUNSKAP = %FRIHET.......... [FAIL] (critical error 303)

Searching. . . . . . . . . Done.
error 303: parameters doesnt match.

Computing. . . . Done.
Conclusion: different thing is not same thing.



Calculating Response. .Done.
Resonse: I have better things to do.

Posted on: 2009/8/24 14:16
- din förnekelse är så jävla ointressant.
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!
Hahaha nice.

Lol på den gamla tiden efter commandor 64 och amstrad kom .

När amigan var inne Amiga 500 amiga 2000 och atari 520 st haha då fanns ett fel meddelande på amigan som hete.

Guru Meditation följt av ett felkodsnummer

; )

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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Micro skrev:


Den djupaste kunskap och det är kunskapen om våra sinnen. Vad vi ser, hör, känner, smakar och luktar.

Utifrån den kunskapen kan vi extrapolera annan kunskap, men den kunskapen är inte lika nära källan.

Det vi upplever är kunskap i första bemärkelse.

Kunskap är inte samma sak som information.

Kunskap = Vetskap = Vetande.
Knowledge = Know.

Kunskap är att veta. Att veta vad vi är. Att frigöra oss från ignorans. Att vara fria. Frihet.

Så nu är den djupaste kunskap det som begränsas av vår sinnen, denna nivås nästan nedsläckta hjärna ( i devolution)... hehe, du är för go...

Att skaffa sig \"kunskap\" har inget med att få frihet att göra.

Bara att åter närma sig/kosmos sanna natur/egenskap/kriterie, the law... ger frihet i samma takt som man höjt sig uppåt, kultiverat. Det är också meningen med våra liv här.

Att fylla sina sinnen med saker och ting är inte att få frihet, tvärtom. Att göra sig av med är däremot vägen.

Vad hjälper det att \"veta\" om man inget förstår?

Posted on: 2009/9/3 21:46
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Jag kastar mig in i den här tråden jag med.

Om vi vänder på allt då? Är OKUNSKAP då frihet?

Posted on: 2009/9/3 21:58
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Arkman: Man kan vara kunskap. Du behöver inte samla den.

Trodde du att du inte kunde utvecklas? Vad utvecklas? Ens förmåga att uppleva mer. Ens vetskap.

Posted on: 2009/9/3 22:05
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Micro, det låter lite som new age eller pseudoandlighet.

Vi har/hade allt från början, att ge upp, göra sig av med... kultivera... ger en tillbaka (upplyses) vad man redan har. På så sätt är det inget som kan utvecklas, det är irrelevant.

Posted on: 2009/9/3 22:11
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Kunskap är inte liktydigt direkt med information, men information ingår i begreppet kunskap av ren nödvändighet i och med att information är grunden för kunskapen.

"Information är i teknisk bemärkelse detsamma som specificering [sic!], avgränsning, utpekning eller reducering av alternativ."

Ovanstående är ett utdrag från wikis artikel om kunskap som återfinns här:

Information - som alltså är grunden för att bygga kunskap i dess platoniska bemärkelse - är således en begränsning.

Begränsning kan inte involvera frihet, tvärtom.

Kunskap är en fördom om hur världen fungerar men är delvis (semantiskt) sann då den förklarar fenomen och samband vi kan se. Den är falsk och begränsande när teorier som grundar sig på observationer av allmänna fenomen inte kan förklara anomalier.
Den är också falsk i reell mening, d.v.s. bortom semantiken.

Kunskapen och sanningen (som gör dig fri) är alltså INTE synonymer.

Sanningen som något absolut (om det finns) kan bara vara den verkliga världen utan filter, men ingen människa med ett språk, kultur och fostran saknar filter.

Filtret bildar en representation av världen. De flesta tror att denna representation är världen i sig själv fast det enbart är en imperfekt avbild av den.
När man talar om "kunskap" refererar man till den data som bygger upp eller ombildar representationen av världen. Kunskapen beskriver alltså inte verkligheten utan fotografiet av verkligheten som vårt sinne skapar via "semantisk förförståelse" som hermeneutiker kallar det.

Posted on: 2009/9/4 0:24

Edited by Xtas on 2009/9/4 1:18:25
Edited by Xtas on 2009/9/4 1:19:37
Säll är den,
som för sig äger
lovord och förstånd uti livet,
ty onda anslag
man ofta rönt
alstras ur andras bröst.
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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metaphor skrev:

Jag kastar mig in i den här tråden jag med.

Om vi vänder på allt då? Är OKUNSKAP då frihet?

Frihet är det som är frihet.

Komaism/new age/aktivisttänk mm vill sy in kunskap och studera information in i något som de inte alls tar i beaktande: hur kosmos och the law är, alltså har inget andligt tänk. Då försöker man utefter denna nivås tänk (i fängelset) rationalisera kring vad som ger frihet... men att inte höja sig utanför fängelset, samsara, den trefaldiga världen är ju inte att vara fri,bara kultivering ger en frihet, thats it. Bara att förändrasig själv återger en frihet, det är också det enda man kan förändra, och annat kan då följa efter, ta intryck. Komaistaktivisttänk agerar utifrån att kämpa mot andra, att förändra andra istället för sig själva - utifrån var de själva har anammat som ljugprogrammering, de är får.

Posted on: 2009/9/4 0:38
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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...förutsatt att man delar din livssyn så har du säkert rätt. Jag säger inte att du har fel, utan att jag inte riktigt uppfattar världen på samma sätt
Jag tror att det som är universell sanning behöver man inte argumentera för. Det finner sin plats naturligt. Allt har ett flöde, det gäller bara att känna sig för så man inte går motströms (även om jag ibland blir förbannad på kosmos och vill be det dra åt fanders med sina karmalagar och andliga principer).
Har fortfarande inte koll på vad komaism är? En egen tes du driver?
Eller finns det referenser du kan bistå med (skulle vara behjälpligt, för jag vill inte avfärda det någon annan fullt och fast tror)?

Det blir svårt att hänga med ibland när vissa skriver på vaken. Känns som att komma in i ett gammalt kompisgäng, med sina egna referenser och koder.
Finns det någon manual?

Posted on: 2009/9/4 1:47
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Micro skrev:
Den yttersta friheten är friheten från klängande och friheten från aversioner. Att bara vara med det som är och känna på de känslor och behov som finns samt manifestera längtan spontant.

Den yttersta friheten är att vara fri från "klängande" [sic!] och samtidigt känna känslor som behov och längtan?


Är du någorlunda buddhistisk i tanken vet du att behov/begär är ett av de tre gifterna samt att det är en illusion likt världen du upplever via de fem sinnena.

Frihet är förmågan att själv välja filtret man betraktar världen genom, d.v.s. att skapa sin egen kunskap i sitt egna syfte.


Micro skrev:
Den yttersta kunskapen är vetskapen, upplevelsen av nuet. Att vara här helt och fullt och verkligen få veta vad det är att vara. Att känna hur vi uppnår den yttersta friheten.

Vad menar du egentligen?
Är du empiriker och/eller positivist nu?
Är kunskap att känna hur man uppnår något du definierar så löst som att vara fri från klängande men samtidigt som att "känna på de känslor och behov som finns"?

Troligen är det här meningslöst men;

Det "yttersta" antyder att det är det sista du kan veta.
Planering och profeterande om framtiden antyder att det inte är så även om prognoser blott säkerställs av stark vilja.

"Att vara här helt och fullt och verkligen få veta vad det är att vara."

Du talar om att vara - vilket alla är - som yttersta kunskap och ändå är vissa människor ansedda även av sig själva som extremt okunniga.
Vart är "här"?
Att "få veta" antyder också att någon (som är varande) inte redan vet det.

Slutligen; Du definierar kunskap som vetskap och vetskap som upplevelsen av nuet och upplevelsen av nuet som varande och du driver en hemsida som handlar om att människor är VARANDE i en värld styrd av Storebror.

Hur är kunskap då frihet?

"Okunskap är styrka, krig är fred, frihet är slaveri."

Dina definitioner hör hemma bland orwellianskt nonsens.

Posted on: 2009/9/4 1:50
Säll är den,
som för sig äger
lovord och förstånd uti livet,
ty onda anslag
man ofta rönt
alstras ur andras bröst.
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Om det finns någon kvar som har "trosuppfattningen" att "kunskapär frihet", så är här en mysig syselsättning. Spela, tänk så mycket frihet det kan vinnas:

Posted on: 2009/12/4 13:07
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!
Hittat på nätet:

True freedom exists only in order, not disorder. A choice or act is freely made only when it is made knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily, with an understanding of the nature and consequences of that choice or act. If one cannot, because of external factors or because of a defective internal conscience, recognize what is true and what is false, what is good and what is evil, then one cannot make an informed and intelligent choice. Error and falsehood does not lead to truth, it leads to further error and ignorance of truth. Consequently, making erroneous choices, choosing to do that which is wrong, which is contrary to truth and order (in other words, to sin), distorts and impairs one’s ability to further recognize truth and good over that which is false and evil. To do that which is inconsistent with truth is not freedom, but is instead being confined and controlled by error.

If you insist on doing as you please, rather than following the road map and the road signs, pretty soon you are going to be on the wrong road going in the wrong direction. Now you are no longer free to get where you had planned to go, you are instead a slave to your own foolishness.

Freedom necessarily is dependent and contingent upon truth. Thus, it is necessarily limited by truth, including moral truth, such that the ability to engage in something contrary to truth, as one might want to do, is not freedom at all. Eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge does not free us, it does not make things clearer, it does not make us like gods, empowered to choose and determine what is right and what is wrong; it only enslaves us to error and sin.

It is, and only can be, by doing what we ought to do, doing what is right and good, that is, acting in conformance with truth (or, put another way, acting in conformance with Truth, i.e. the Logos, i.e. God), acting in a manner consistent with the truth for which we were made, that one can be free.

On the other hand, when one insists on doing as he pleases, without any consideration for truth, and thereby acts contrary to what is right and good, then he strays from the path of truth onto the path of error. And error necessarily leads to more error, until ultimately he is, not merely a slave to error and untruth (sin), but is so removed from Truth and Love, i.e. Life, that he is “doomed to die,” and not merely bodily death, but eternal death

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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

Hehe... wow... bra micro, eller?

But once it is written down then they will read it, study it; then it will become part of their schools, colleges, universities and komaforum like, and stupid scholars will ponder over it and they will write great scholarly treatises on it. People who know nothing will be talking about it for centuries and the truth will be lost in all that noise that scholars make – they will argue for and against.

It is said that once a disciple of the devil came running to him and he said, ”What are you doing sitting here under this tree? Have you not heard? – one man has found truth! We have to do
something, and urgently, because if this man has found truth our very existence is in danger, our very profession is in danger. He can cut our very roots!”

The old devil laughed. He said, ”Calm down, please. You are new, that’s why you are so disturbed by it. Don’t be worried. I have got my people, they have already started working.”

The disciple asked, ”But I have not seen any of our people there.”
The devil said, ”I work in many ways. Scholars are there, pundits are there, philosophers are there, theologians are there, and informationsmissbrukare are there. Don’t be worried. They will make so much noise for and against, they will create so much argumentation that the still small voice of truth will be silenced by them. We need not worry. These scholars and pundits, these professors and the foolish komadmins are my people: I work through them – they are in my service, they are my secret agents. Don’t be worried. You may not have seen my well-known disciples there because I cannot go directly, I have to go in disguise. And I have arrived there and my people have started working – they have surrounded the person. He cannot do any harm. And soon he will be dead – he is old – and then my people will be his apostles, his priests, and they will manage the whole affair.”

Priests and infospridare from are in the service of the devil, not in the service of God. The so-called great scholars who go on and on with logic-chopping, hair-splitting arguments are in the service of the devil, not in the service of God.

Once you write down something you are giving a chance to these people; they will jump upon the opportunity, they won’t miss the opportunity. They will mess the whole thing up, they will create great confusion around it. That is their expertise. ... _Golden_Gate_Volume_1.pdf

/flader/arkman/Shermjyl/Novax/jocken m fl...

Edited by jocken on 2010/2/9 0:54:40
Edited by jocken on 2010/2/9 1:10:03
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Kunskap kan aldrig bli något annat än frihet, samtidigt så kan man vara fri utan, men inte så länge omgivningen vill förslava, hur skulle det någonsin vara möjlighet att vara/bli fri, om man inte vet hur man skall komma undan att bli förslavad, eller ta sig ur en sådan situation?

Sätt dig i flygplanet och flyg, nej jag kan inte, jag har inte tagit reda på hur man flyger! Tillverka en piratkista i trä, nej jag kan inte, jag kan inte snickra, ok, baka eget bröd, nej jag vet inte hur man gör, snälla, sätt dig i bilen och kör, nej, jag har ingen utbildning, har heller aldrig provat, vågar inte heller... Hmm

Nej jag kan inte = Nej, jag är inte fri

Kunskap ger oss möjligheten till att själv göra, så vi slipper be andra hela tiden, kunskap gör en fri, att leva själv!

Sen finns det något som kallas "kunskapen", och det är en helt annan femma.

Men över lag, kunskap gör en fri, förvisso beroende på om man plockar upp allt skit, eller om man plockar upp allt bra. En så kallad konspirationsteoretiker är bra på att veta om allt skit, brukar också få psykiska problem med det också, men det släpper efter ett tag.

Man skall inte blanda ihop konspirationsmedveten med "kunskapen", det är olika saker! Konspirationsmedveten, vaken eller vad det nu kallas, är bara en tårtbit, av väldigt många!

Fritt informationsflöde är som bekant också ett hot mot allt som försöker förslava människan, och dom som försöker tjäna pengar, på andras, hmm, ovetskap... Ovetskap kan bara botas med info el lärdom = kunskap ...

När man lär sig nåt så kan man nåt... Lärdom, lära, kunskap...

Posted on: 2010/2/9 0:53
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. / W Shakespeare
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!
Nej iwarrior, du ska vända på tänket.

Kunskap, kun = bara - skapt - det är något skapat/fabricerat, ersätter Sanning.

Nu skriver du insiktlöst, som en aktivist, varför?

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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

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Vänd själv

Posted on: 2010/2/9 0:58
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. / W Shakespeare
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Re: Kunskap är INTE frihet!

iwarrior skrev:
Vänd själv

Nej för det jag skriver är sant.

Har de som nämns i tråden då, som tex Lao Tze inga i kanoten utan är ute och cyklar, och du med att kunskap ger frihet är den somärden vise...

menar du verkligen det?

Lao Tze var inte med i denna tråden, tror jag (konstigt) - vilket ger mig ännu en möjlighet att reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeposta detta:


Book of Changes

In the Tao School, the teacher gives true teachings to only one chosen student [out of many potential students]. The one with good enlightenment quality and inborn quality will receive the true Fa (Law). ....

So what is the Tao of Confucius? In the “Wei Ling Gong Chapter,” there is another dialog concerning “Yi Yi Guan Zhi.”

Confucius said, “Siye, do you think that my knowledge comes from experience and learning?”

Siye answered, “Does it not?”

Confucius said, “No! It’s from One Law (that penetrates all levels).”

Here we learn that Confucius’ Tao is not [obtained] from learning. Therefore, Confucius is not talking about learning or knowledge; the real Tao has no relationship with study. In actuality, it would be difficult to know the Tao of Confucius without reading his explanations in the Book of Changes. In the first chapter of “Xi Ci Shang Zhuan,” it states explicitly: ...

Lao Tze

Lao Zi's "Dao De Jing"

4. Tao Is Not the Ultimate Truth of the Universe
“Man follows the ways of the Earth.
The Earth follows the ways of Heaven,
Heaven follows the ways of Tao,
Tao follows its own ways.”
(From Chapter 25 of The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.)

“Hidden in the depths,
Yet it seems to exist forever.
I do not know whose child it is;
It seems to be the common ancestor of all, the father of things.”
(From Chapter Four of The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.)

Confucianism and Taoism Have the Same Root: (V) Hiding His Name

Confucianism originated from Taoism. Together with Sakyamuni's Buddhism, which was spread into China, these three schools comprised the rich Chinese culture. The inner meaning of these three schools can be expressed in the two words, cultivation and practice.

If we understand cultivation practice, we will naturally appreciate many interesting things in Chinese culture! ---

What has permeated throughout traditional Chinese culture is "Tao." Every strata of Chinese culture developed around the "Tao." Whether it was running the country or holding a wedding, funeral, marriage, or any aspect of daily life, they all signified peoples' respect for the "Tao." For instance, a common Chinese expression to describe women is "the people who follow the female Tao." Although it is just an expression, it obviously discloses the thought of the "Tao" that women also have their own "Tao." At the core of Chinese culture, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism manifest the idea of "Tao." Lao Zi's "Dao De Jing," a magnificent piece of writing, discussed over and over again what "Tao" is about. Confucius also expounded on his own inspirations and conduct: "My will is on Tao. It is based on De, relying on benevolence and maneuvering with craftsmanship". It is obvious that Tao is the core of the cultivation of Confucianism. The Fa of the Buddha school is similar to the Tao. In addition, the distinguished monks called it "obtaining the Tao" or "distinguished monks with Tao." The ancients believed that the Tao controls the operation of the human body. Therefore, people who want to achieve their goals must comply with the Tao of the Heavens.


How can one cultivate the Tao?

As for those who long for the Tao, how can they return their true selves? The answer Lao Zi gave was "human beings follow the Earth. The Earth follows the Heavens. The Heavens follow the Tao. The Tao follows nature." (Chapter 25 of Tao De Jing)

Cultivators should assimilate to kindness. Lao Zi thought "the best kindness is like water. Water benefits everything but doesn't fight for itself. It resides where people dislike... It doesn't fight for itself, therefore it doesn't worry." (Chapter 8 of Tao De Jing)

Cultivators should extinguish all kinds of desires and attachments. Cultivators should be calm and without pursuits.

Cultivators should believe in the Tao firmly.

Even for people who don't cultivate, they will understand the principles of being a good person after reading Tao De Jing. The difference between cultivators and non-cultivators is that cultivators do not pursue interests in human society. They pursue returning to their true selves. Non-cultivators are attached to all interests and desires in human society. This tells us precisely the preciousness of the true Tao.

Lao Zi's Tao is deep and inspiring. It is a way of cultivating the Tao, just like the Buddha Fa and western divine teachings. When people are attached to fame and self-interest, they can only see ordinary principles in his book.

Lao Zi is the founder of Taoism. The scope of his fundamental thoughts is "Tao." Therefore people later on refer to the school of Lao Zi as Taoism.

Lao Zi wrote the seminal of Taoist work named Tao De Jing ("Jing" means scripture). Tao De Jing has a total of more than 5,000 characters. However, later people who studied Tao De Jing wrote millions of words to discuss the work. Lao Zi didn't give his own work a title. Later people gave it the name of Tao De Jing because it talked about the issue of Tao and virtue (De). Today's Chinese people treat "Tao" and "De" as a single word for morality. In fact, in ancient Chinese, each of the two characters had different meanings. Tao means "the way." De means "virtue." The two characters mean different things. Lao Zi expounded on both in his book. People called it Tao De Jing.

Many people treat Tao De Jing as a grand philosophical work. However, people who are truly predestined see it as a way of cultivation, a way to obtain the Tao, and cultivate according to it to return to their true selves. Lao Zi said at the beginning of his work, "You can call the Tao [I teach] a Tao, but it is not an ordinary Tao." An extraordinary "Tao" cannot be obtained casually. Therefore it is very precious. When the "Tao" is spread in the world, people treat it differently. Lao Zi said, "When a wise man hears the Tao, he will follow it diligently. When an average person hears the Tao, he will do it on and off. When a low person hears the Tao, he will laugh at it. If he doesn't laugh loudly, it is not the Tao." (Chapter 41 of Tao De Jing)

In order to help those who are predestined to obtain the Tao to return to their true selves, Lao Zi wrote in his 5,000 character work the meaning of the "Tao" and the relationship between the formation of the universe and the origin of all objects. The work covered the main issues of how to be a human beings and how to return to one's true self. Any other issues illustrated in his book were for explaining the main issues. In order to help cultivators understand the way of cultivation, Lao Zi mentioned many times how a sage who has obtained the "Tao" would react to different issues as examples for cultivators to follow.

Why did Lao Zi spread the Tao?

Lao Zi said, "Virtue comes after the Tao is lost. Kindness comes after virtue is lost. Loyalty comes after kindness is lost. Etiquette comes after loyalty is lost."

No doubt, Lao Zi thought that Tao and virtue were above kindness and loyalty. So he said, "When the Great Tao is lost, kindness and loyalty emerge." It means that people pursue kindness and loyalty after the Great Tao doesn't exist any more. Lao Zi thought that developments in society caused people's pursuit of fame and interest, therefore, it disturbed people's xinxing (mind nature), and caused people to lose their true selves. The emergence of kindness, loyalty and piety are signs of the decay of societal morality. People move toward kindness and loyalty precisely because there are unkind and disloyal phenomena in the society. If people all loved each other, and politics were uncorrupted, nobody would deliberately advocate such things because they were as natural as other elements of our daily life. In order to help people return to their true selves, Lao Zi spread the Tao.

What is the Tao?

Tao De Jing starts with this, "You can call the Tao [I teach] a Tao, but it is not an ordinary Tao. You can call the names [I teach] a name, but they are not ordinary names. Nothingness is the beginning of naming the Heaven and Earth. Existence is the mother of naming everything."

What is the extraordinary Tao that Lao Zi referred to? Lao Zi described it as "something holistic, born prior to the Heaven and the Earth… It can be considered as the mother of the Heaven and the Earth. I don't know its name. I force it into the name of Tao." This Tao cannot be seen, cannot be heard, and cannot be obtained through fighting. But it truly exists. This Tao, the mother of the Heaven and Earth, is then the origin of everything in the universe.

How does this Tao create everything? Lao Zi told us, "Everything comes from something. Something comes from nothingness." "One gives birth to two. Two gives birth to three. Three gives birth to everything." The evolvement of the entire universe follows the Tao. Tao is the origin of the creation and development of everything in the universe.

Since Tao has created all living beings in the universe, isn't Tao the highest rule of nature and human society? Isn't it the highest law of restricting people's morality and behavior? If people follow the requirements of the Tao, aren't they cultivating the Tao? Aren't they returning to their true selves?

Then how to achieve it? Lao Zi gave us the answer.

How can one cultivate the Tao?

As for those who long for the Tao, how can they return their true selves? The answer Lao Zi gave was "human beings follow the Earth. The Earth follows the Heavens. The Heavens follow the Tao. The Tao follows nature." (Chapter 25 of Tao De Jing)

Cultivators should assimilate to kindness. Lao Zi thought "the best kindness is like water. Water benefits everything but doesn't fight for itself. It resides where people dislike... It doesn't fight for itself, therefore it doesn't worry." (Chapter 8 of Tao De Jing)

Cultivators should extinguish all kinds of desires and attachments. Cultivators should be calm and without pursuits.

Cultivators should believe in the Tao firmly.

Even for people who don't cultivate, they will understand the principles of being a good person after reading Tao De Jing. The difference between cultivators and non-cultivators is that cultivators do not pursue interests in human society. They pursue returning to their true selves. Non-cultivators are attached to all interests and desires in human society. This tells us precisely the preciousness of the true Tao.

Lao Zi's Tao is deep and inspiring. It is a way of cultivating the Tao, just like the Buddha Fa and western divine teachings. When people are attached to fame and self-interest, they can only see ordinary principles in his book.

Det står:

" then the origin of everything in the universe."
"Tao is the origin of the creation..."
"One gives birth to two. Two gives birth to three. Three gives birth to everything." The evolvement of the entire universe follows the Tao. Tao is the origin of the creation and development of everything in the universe.

En skapare >> två "poler" (man/kvinna) >> barn (tre) allting följer den principen - det är Sanning och livet - homo är motsatsen.


Confucius says, "Rulers should emphasize the way of kings, advocate kind politics to manage the kingdom well. Rulers also need to advocate kindness, loyalty, etiquette, wisdom and faith to educate all citizens."

Confucianism advocates kindness and morality. It has been the mainstream of Chinese culture for several thousand years. Those who have practiced Confucianism exceptionally well have been respected by the Chinese people. Confucius created the theory of kindness. He required rulers to understand ordinary people's situations and cherish ordinary people's hard work. He was against tyranny and arbitrary executions. Post-Confucian Chinese emperors respected him as a sage.


Energin följer tanken och människan följer energin - men himlen och dess lagar råder.

“Man follows the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows what is natural.”


Det sista ovan... "människan följer", det är redan så (bestämt från ovan, dess tillstånd är så) - följer alltså det stora däruppe - det blir "systemen"... händelser och annat här - enligt principen som alla vakna ju vet... "som ovan så nedan, eller som i det lilla så i det stora. Därför är det bakvänt och blir oftast fel (ger karma för det är våld) med aktivism, att peka utanför sig själv och allt det där komaistiska.

"Det himmelska tillståndet kan vara annorlunda om mänsklighet (kosmos) inte avviker, eller ändrar sig på andra nivåer, liksom... det här nere styr inte ju det däruppe, himlen... - det är evil att tänka så - det är den yttersta revolten - så det är sådant som tex Mao och kommunism handlar om - bekämpa himmel och jord...

Edited by jocken on 2010/2/9 1:41:57
Edited by jocken on 2010/2/9 1:44:26
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